删除 - 最小(Q).从密钥最小的优先级队列Q中删除该项
您可能喜欢C5 Generic Collection Library中的 IntervalHeap .引用用户指南
.FindMin和FindMax操作以及索引器的get-accessor需要时间O(1).DeleteMin,DeleteMax,Add和Update操作以及索引器的set-accessor需要时间O(log n).与普通优先级队列相比,间隔堆以相同的效率提供最小和最大操作.
> var heap = new C5.IntervalHeap(); > heap.Add(10); > heap.Add(5); > heap.FindMin(); 5
从Nuget https://www.nuget.org/packages/C5或GitHub 安装https://github.com/sestoft/C5/
public abstract class Heap: IEnumerable { private const int InitialCapacity = 0; private const int GrowFactor = 2; private const int MinGrow = 1; private int _capacity = InitialCapacity; private T[] _heap = new T[InitialCapacity]; private int _tail = 0; public int Count { get { return _tail; } } public int Capacity { get { return _capacity; } } protected Comparer Comparer { get; private set; } protected abstract bool Dominates(T x, T y); protected Heap() : this(Comparer .Default) { } protected Heap(Comparer comparer) : this(Enumerable.Empty (), comparer) { } protected Heap(IEnumerable collection) : this(collection, Comparer .Default) { } protected Heap(IEnumerable collection, Comparer comparer) { if (collection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("collection"); if (comparer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("comparer"); Comparer = comparer; foreach (var item in collection) { if (Count == Capacity) Grow(); _heap[_tail++] = item; } for (int i = Parent(_tail - 1); i >= 0; i--) BubbleDown(i); } public void Add(T item) { if (Count == Capacity) Grow(); _heap[_tail++] = item; BubbleUp(_tail - 1); } private void BubbleUp(int i) { if (i == 0 || Dominates(_heap[Parent(i)], _heap[i])) return; //correct domination (or root) Swap(i, Parent(i)); BubbleUp(Parent(i)); } public T GetMin() { if (Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty"); return _heap[0]; } public T ExtractDominating() { if (Count == 0) throw new InvalidOperationException("Heap is empty"); T ret = _heap[0]; _tail--; Swap(_tail, 0); BubbleDown(0); return ret; } private void BubbleDown(int i) { int dominatingNode = Dominating(i); if (dominatingNode == i) return; Swap(i, dominatingNode); BubbleDown(dominatingNode); } private int Dominating(int i) { int dominatingNode = i; dominatingNode = GetDominating(YoungChild(i), dominatingNode); dominatingNode = GetDominating(OldChild(i), dominatingNode); return dominatingNode; } private int GetDominating(int newNode, int dominatingNode) { if (newNode < _tail && !Dominates(_heap[dominatingNode], _heap[newNode])) return newNode; else return dominatingNode; } private void Swap(int i, int j) { T tmp = _heap[i]; _heap[i] = _heap[j]; _heap[j] = tmp; } private static int Parent(int i) { return (i + 1)/2 - 1; } private static int YoungChild(int i) { return (i + 1)*2 - 1; } private static int OldChild(int i) { return YoungChild(i) + 1; } private void Grow() { int newCapacity = _capacity*GrowFactor + MinGrow; var newHeap = new T[newCapacity]; Array.Copy(_heap, newHeap, _capacity); _heap = newHeap; _capacity = newCapacity; } public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { return _heap.Take(Count).GetEnumerator(); } IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return GetEnumerator(); } } public class MaxHeap : Heap { public MaxHeap() : this(Comparer .Default) { } public MaxHeap(Comparer comparer) : base(comparer) { } public MaxHeap(IEnumerable collection, Comparer comparer) : base(collection, comparer) { } public MaxHeap(IEnumerable collection) : base(collection) { } protected override bool Dominates(T x, T y) { return Comparer.Compare(x, y) >= 0; } } public class MinHeap : Heap { public MinHeap() : this(Comparer .Default) { } public MinHeap(Comparer comparer) : base(comparer) { } public MinHeap(IEnumerable collection) : base(collection) { } public MinHeap(IEnumerable collection, Comparer comparer) : base(collection, comparer) { } protected override bool Dominates(T x, T y) { return Comparer.Compare(x, y) <= 0; } }
[TestClass] public class HeapTests { [TestMethod] public void TestHeapBySorting() { var minHeap = new MinHeap(new[] {9, 8, 4, 1, 6, 2, 7, 4, 1, 2}); AssertHeapSort(minHeap, minHeap.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray()); minHeap = new MinHeap { 7, 5, 1, 6, 3, 2, 4, 1, 2, 1, 3, 4, 7 }; AssertHeapSort(minHeap, minHeap.OrderBy(i => i).ToArray()); var maxHeap = new MaxHeap (new[] {1, 5, 3, 2, 7, 56, 3, 1, 23, 5, 2, 1}); AssertHeapSort(maxHeap, maxHeap.OrderBy(d => -d).ToArray()); maxHeap = new MaxHeap {2, 6, 1, 3, 56, 1, 4, 7, 8, 23, 4, 5, 7, 34, 1, 4}; AssertHeapSort(maxHeap, maxHeap.OrderBy(d => -d).ToArray()); } private static void AssertHeapSort(Heap heap, IEnumerable expected) { var sorted = new List (); while (heap.Count > 0) sorted.Add(heap.ExtractDominating()); Assert.IsTrue(sorted.SequenceEqual(expected)); } }
using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace PrioQueue { public class PrioQueue { int total_size; SortedDictionarystorage; public PrioQueue () { this.storage = new SortedDictionary (); this.total_size = 0; } public bool IsEmpty () { return (total_size == 0); } public object Dequeue () { if (IsEmpty ()) { throw new Exception ("Please check that priorityQueue is not empty before dequeing"); } else foreach (Queue q in storage.Values) { // we use a sorted dictionary if (q.Count > 0) { total_size--; return q.Dequeue (); } } Debug.Assert(false,"not supposed to reach here. problem with changing total_size"); return null; // not supposed to reach here. } // same as above, except for peek. public object Peek () { if (IsEmpty ()) throw new Exception ("Please check that priorityQueue is not empty before peeking"); else foreach (Queue q in storage.Values) { if (q.Count > 0) return q.Peek (); } Debug.Assert(false,"not supposed to reach here. problem with changing total_size"); return null; // not supposed to reach here. } public object Dequeue (int prio) { total_size--; return storage[prio].Dequeue (); } public void Enqueue (object item, int prio) { if (!storage.ContainsKey (prio)) { storage.Add (prio, new Queue ()); } storage[prio].Enqueue (item); total_size++; } } }
我在他的博客上找到了Julian Bucknall的一篇 - http://www.boyet.com/Articles/PriorityQueueCSharp3.html
您可能会发现这个实现很有用:http: //www.codeproject.com/Articles/126751/Priority-queue-in-Csharp-with-help-of-heap-data-st.aspx
如Microsoft Collections for .NET中所述,Microsoft已在.NET Framework中编写(并在线共享)2个内部PriorityQueue类.他们的代码可以试用.
编辑:正如@ mathusum-mut评论的那样,微软内部的一个PriorityQueue类中存在一个错误(SO社区当然为它提供了修复):微软内部的PriorityQueue
class PriorityQueue{ IComparer comparer; T[] heap; public int Count { get; private set; } public PriorityQueue() : this(null) { } public PriorityQueue(int capacity) : this(capacity, null) { } public PriorityQueue(IComparer comparer) : this(16, comparer) { } public PriorityQueue(int capacity, IComparer comparer) { this.comparer = (comparer == null) ? Comparer .Default : comparer; this.heap = new T[capacity]; } public void push(T v) { if (Count >= heap.Length) Array.Resize(ref heap, Count * 2); heap[Count] = v; SiftUp(Count++); } public T pop() { var v = top(); heap[0] = heap[--Count]; if (Count > 0) SiftDown(0); return v; } public T top() { if (Count > 0) return heap[0]; throw new InvalidOperationException("??????"); } void SiftUp(int n) { var v = heap[n]; for (var n2 = n / 2; n > 0 && comparer.Compare(v, heap[n2]) > 0; n = n2, n2 /= 2) heap[n] = heap[n2]; heap[n] = v; } void SiftDown(int n) { var v = heap[n]; for (var n2 = n * 2; n2 < Count; n = n2, n2 *= 2) { if (n2 + 1 < Count && comparer.Compare(heap[n2 + 1], heap[n2]) > 0) n2++; if (comparer.Compare(v, heap[n2]) >= 0) break; heap[n] = heap[n2]; } heap[n] = v; } }