问题是:UbuntuKylin 13.04发行版由谁来发布?谁对其负责任?也就是说,其用户服务由谁来负责?我们把话说白了,Ubuntu麒麟在应用中有了问题去找什么人?
对于这一关键问题,CSIP支支吾吾,不好意思说明白,相反,Canonical在其官方网站上实话实说:“Theinitial work of the CCN Joint Lab is focused on the development of an enhanced version of the Ubuntu desktop with features specific to the Chinese market. The new version is called Ubuntu Kylin and the first version will be released in April 2013 in conjunction with Ubuntu’s global release schedule. Future work will extend beyond the desktop to other platforms.”这里的意思说得很明白:CCN联合实验室对Ubuntu麒麟发行版负责,其发布时间与Ubuntu全球发布时间一致。当然,CCN实验室挂靠CSIP。
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