[BITS 16] ;Set code generation to 16 bit mode ORG 0x1234 ;set addressing to begin at 0x5678:0x1234 mov ax, cs mov ds, ax mov es, ax call cls ;call routine to clear screen call dspmsg ;call routine to display message startdt: call date call cvtmo call cvtday call cvtcent call cvtyear call dspdate call time call cvthrs call cvtmin call cvtsec call dsptime jmp startdt ;use infinite loop to halt? cls: mov ah,06h ;function 06h (Scroll Screen) mov al, 0 ;scroll all lines mov bh,0x0a ;Attribute (light green on black) mov ch,0 ;Upper left row is zero mov cl,0 ;Upper left column is zero mov dh,24 ;Lower left row is 24 mov dl,79 ;Lower left column is 79 int 10H ;BIOS Interrupt 10h (video services) ret dspmsg: mov ah,13h ;function 13h (Display String) mov al,0 ;Write mode is zero mov bh,0 ;Use video page of zero mov bl,0x0c ;Attribute (light red on black) mov cx,msglen ;Character string is 25 long mov dh,3 ;position on row 3 mov dl,[center] ;and column 28 lea bp,[msg] ;load the offset address of string into BP int 10H ret msg: db 'Pradox V 0.1 Jiansong He',10,13 msglen: equ $-msg int 10H ret date: ;Get date from the system mov ah,04h ;function 04h (get RTC date) int 1Ah ;BIOS Interrupt 1Ah (Read Real Time Clock) ret ;CH - Century ;CL - Year ;DH - Month ;DL - Day cvtmo: ;Converts the system date from BCD to ASCII mov bh,dh ;copy contents of month (dh) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [dtfld],bh mov bh,dh and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [dtfld + 1],bh ret cvtday: mov bh,dl ;copy contents of day (dl) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [dtfld + 3],bh mov bh,dl and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [dtfld + 4],bh ret cvtcent: mov bh,ch ;copy contents of century (ch) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [dtfld + 6],bh mov bh,ch and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [dtfld + 7],bh ret cvtyear: mov bh,cl ;copy contents of year (cl) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [dtfld + 8],bh mov bh,cl and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [dtfld + 9],bh ret dtfld: db '00/00/0000' dspdate: ;Display the system date mov ah,13h ;function 13h (Display String) mov al,0 ;Write mode is zero mov bh,0 ;Use video page of zero mov bl,0x0a;Attribute mov cx,10 ;Character string is 10 long mov dh,4 ;position on row 4 mov dl,[center] ;and column 28 push ds ;put ds register on stack pop es ;pop it into es register lea bp,[dtfld] ;load the offset address of string into BP int 10H ret time: ;Get time from the system mov ah,02h int 1Ah ret ;CH - Hours ;CL - Minutes ;DH - Seconds cvthrs: ;Converts the system time from BCD to ASCII mov bh,ch ;copy contents of hours (ch) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [tmfld],bh mov bh,ch and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [tmfld + 1],bh ret cvtmin: mov bh,cl ;copy contents of minutes (cl) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [tmfld + 3],bh mov bh,cl and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [tmfld + 4],bh ret cvtsec: mov bh,dh ;copy contents of seconds (dh) to bh shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 shr bh,1 add bh,30h ;add 30h to convert to ascii mov [tmfld + 6],bh mov bh,dh and bh,0fh add bh,30h mov [tmfld + 7],bh ret tmfld: db '00:00:00' dsptime: ;Display the system time mov ah,13h ;function 13h (Display String) mov al,1 ;Write mode is zero mov bh,0 ;Use video page of zero mov bl,0x0a;Attribute mov cx,8 ;Character string is 8 long mov dh,5 ;position on row 5 mov dl,[center];and column 0 push ds ;put ds register on stack pop es ;pop it into es register lea bp,[tmfld] ;load the offset address of string into BP int 10H ret ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; center: db 25 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;end variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
我的模拟器是dosbox,操作系统是运行在Oracle VM虚拟盒上的lubuntu,我自己的操作系统是win8 x64注意文件末尾的变量字段,如果我把这个文件放在顶部,我更新了我的DS和ES之后注册,我遇到了一个问题:cls和dspmsg子例程将无法工作,但如果我将值更改为center: db 30
;bit16 ; 16bit by default org 0x7c00 jmp short start nop bsOEM db "OS423 v.0.1" ; OEM String start: ;;load sector into memory & 5678h:1234h mov bx, 0x5678 ;segmented address mov es, bx ;move segemented address to es mov bx,0x1234 ;base address to bx mov ah, 02 ;function read sectors mov al, 01 ;# of sectors to load mov ch, 00 ;track to read mov cl, 02 ;sector to read mov dh, 00 ;head to read mov dl, 00 ;drive number int 0x13 ;call interrupt 13 jmp 0x5678:0x1234 ;jump to memory address ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;variables;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; msg: db 'Welcome to Pradox OS 0.1! Authored by Jiansong he', 10, 13, '$' mlen equ $-msg padding times 510-($-$$) db 0 ;to make MBR 512 bytes bootSig db 0x55, 0xaa ;signature (optional)
Michael Petc.. 5
如果您希望查看放置center: db 25
ndisasm -b16 dt.bin
在假设它是16位指令的情况下被反汇编.如果你要放在center: db 25
00000000 198CC88E sbb [si-0x7138],cx 00000004 D88EC0E8 fmul dword [bp-0x1740] 00000008 2600E8 es add al,ch 0000000B 3400 xor al,0x0 0000000D E86600 call word 0x76
如果换center: db 25
到center: db 30
00000000 1E push ds 00000001 8CC8 mov ax,cs 00000003 8ED8 mov ds,ax 00000005 8EC0 mov es,ax 00000007 E82600 call word 0x30
30十进制是0x1e.正如Jester所指出的,0x1e本身就是一个指令push ds
.那个单字节指令做了一些无用的事情,但之后的所有指令都是你所期望的.输出到像这样使用二进制文件时将上述代码数据-f bin
如果您希望查看放置center: db 25
ndisasm -b16 dt.bin
在假设它是16位指令的情况下被反汇编.如果你要放在center: db 25
00000000 198CC88E sbb [si-0x7138],cx 00000004 D88EC0E8 fmul dword [bp-0x1740] 00000008 2600E8 es add al,ch 0000000B 3400 xor al,0x0 0000000D E86600 call word 0x76
如果换center: db 25
到center: db 30
00000000 1E push ds 00000001 8CC8 mov ax,cs 00000003 8ED8 mov ds,ax 00000005 8EC0 mov es,ax 00000007 E82600 call word 0x30
30十进制是0x1e.正如Jester所指出的,0x1e本身就是一个指令push ds
.那个单字节指令做了一些无用的事情,但之后的所有指令都是你所期望的.输出到像这样使用二进制文件时将上述代码数据-f bin