我在谈论MVC 3 AntiForgeryWorker
private string GetAntiForgeryTokenAndSetCookie(HttpContextBase httpContext, string salt, string domain, string path) { string forgeryTokenName = AntiForgeryData.GetAntiForgeryTokenName(httpContext.Request.ApplicationPath); AntiForgeryData token = (AntiForgeryData) null; HttpCookie httpCookie = httpContext.Request.Cookies[forgeryTokenName]; if (httpCookie != null) { try { token = this.Serializer.Deserialize(httpCookie.Value); } catch (HttpAntiForgeryException ex) { } } if (token == null) { token = AntiForgeryData.NewToken(); string str = this.Serializer.Serialize(token); HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(forgeryTokenName, str) { HttpOnly = true, Domain = domain }; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) cookie.Path = path; httpContext.Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); //Ma, Why isn't this marked as "SECURE" } return this.Serializer.Serialize(new AntiForgeryData(token) { Salt = salt, Username = AntiForgeryData.GetUsername(httpContext.User) }); }
Levi.. 25
That's quite the inflammatory question title you have there.
The built-in MVC anti-forgery functionality is as secure as the application is configured to be. All cookies written to Response.Cookies will be automatically marked with the "secure" modifier if
is set in Web.config (see MSDN docs). MVC's anti-forgery cookie also gets this behavior if this switch is set.
Combine this with other functionality like setting the HSTS header in your responses, and you're essentially providing a guarantee that the browser will never send sensitive data over plaintext channels.
Additionally, the anti-forgery system does allow storing custom data in the tokens, and you can receive a callback to verify the custom data when the token is validated. See AntiForgeryConfig.AdditionalDataProvider for more information.
许多年前,SSL曾经很昂贵.这已不再是这种情况.完全SSL站点现在具有与混合安全站点相同的性能特征.不过,您可以设置anti-xsrf cookie的"安全"标志,而无需使用AntiForgeryConfig.RequireSSL属性选择所有内容:请参阅http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.web.helpers .antiforgeryconfig.requiressl(v = vs.111).aspx了解更多信息. (3认同)
NathanAldenS.. 9
通过防止CSRF攻击,最佳解决方案是始终使用SSL.没有SSL,是的,nonce - 它被称为 - 容易受到MITM攻击.使用cookie存储nonce时,cookie 必须标记为仅HTTP.这可以防止JavaScript读取cookie.除了cookie之外,您还应该将nonce渲染为所有
任何能够访问浏览器本身的人都能够读取该随机数,防止重放攻击的唯一方法是在服务器首次验证后,第一次使用随机数到期.但是,当用户使用后退按钮并使用相同的随机数重新提交请求时,此方法可能会导致糟糕的用户体验.因为您正在使用ASP.NET MVC的内置反CSRF保护机制,所以将其行为更改为仅允许使用一次nonce可能并不容易.(编辑:感谢下面的Levi告诉我,ASP.NET MVC实际上让这很简单)
如果你想更好地控制生成和验证nonce,那么我建议滚动你自己的实现,就像我使用JuniorRoute框架一样.事实上,请随时查看JuniorRoute的源代码,了解我是如何实现它的.Stack Overflow帖子的代码太多了.
That's quite the inflammatory question title you have there.
The built-in MVC anti-forgery functionality is as secure as the application is configured to be. All cookies written to Response.Cookies will be automatically marked with the "secure" modifier if
is set in Web.config (see MSDN docs). MVC's anti-forgery cookie also gets this behavior if this switch is set.
Combine this with other functionality like setting the HSTS header in your responses, and you're essentially providing a guarantee that the browser will never send sensitive data over plaintext channels.
Additionally, the anti-forgery system does allow storing custom data in the tokens, and you can receive a callback to verify the custom data when the token is validated. See AntiForgeryConfig.AdditionalDataProvider for more information.
通过防止CSRF攻击,最佳解决方案是始终使用SSL.没有SSL,是的,nonce - 它被称为 - 容易受到MITM攻击.使用cookie存储nonce时,cookie 必须标记为仅HTTP.这可以防止JavaScript读取cookie.除了cookie之外,您还应该将nonce渲染为所有
任何能够访问浏览器本身的人都能够读取该随机数,防止重放攻击的唯一方法是在服务器首次验证后,第一次使用随机数到期.但是,当用户使用后退按钮并使用相同的随机数重新提交请求时,此方法可能会导致糟糕的用户体验.因为您正在使用ASP.NET MVC的内置反CSRF保护机制,所以将其行为更改为仅允许使用一次nonce可能并不容易.(编辑:感谢下面的Levi告诉我,ASP.NET MVC实际上让这很简单)
如果你想更好地控制生成和验证nonce,那么我建议滚动你自己的实现,就像我使用JuniorRoute框架一样.事实上,请随时查看JuniorRoute的源代码,了解我是如何实现它的.Stack Overflow帖子的代码太多了.