我有一个bytes(unsigned char *
//bytes array is allocated and filled //allocating space for intBuffer (uint32_t) unsigned long i = 0; uint32_t number; for(; i这段代码很好地完成了它的工作,但是由于内存中的三次访问(特别是对于大的值
1> Richard Hodg..:正确的答案几乎总是:
void count_values(std::array& results, const unsigned char* from, const unsigned char* to) { for(; from != to; from = std::next(from, 3)) { ++results[(*from << 16) | (*std::next(from, 1) << 8) | *(std::next(from,2))]; } } 用.编译
__Z12count_valuesRNSt3__15arrayIjLm259EEEPKhS4_: ## @_Z12count_valuesRNSt3__15arrayIjLm259EEEPKhS4_ .cfi_startproc ## BB#0: pushq %rbp Ltmp0: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 Ltmp1: .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp Ltmp2: .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp jmp LBB0_2 .align 4, 0x90 LBB0_1: ## %.lr.ph ## in Loop: Header=BB0_2 Depth=1 # dereference from and extend the 8-bit value to 32 bits movzbl (%rsi), %eax shlq $16, %rax # shift left 16 movzbl 1(%rsi), %ecx # dereference *(from+1) and extend to 32bits by padding with zeros shlq $8, %rcx # shift left 8 orq %rax, %rcx # or into above result movzbl 2(%rsi), %eax # dreference *(from+2) and extend to 32bits orq %rcx, %rax # or into above result incl (%rdi,%rax,4) # increment the correct counter addq $3, %rsi # from += 3 LBB0_2: ## %.lr.ph ## =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 cmpq %rdx, %rsi # while from != to jne LBB0_1 ## BB#3: ## %._crit_edge popq %rbp retq .cfi_endproc请注意,不需要偏离标准构造或标准调用.编译器生成完美的代码.
void count_values(std::array& results, byte_triple_iterator from, byte_triple_iterator to) { assert(iterators_correct(from, to)); while(from != to) { ++results[*from++]; } } 这是一个这样的迭代器的(基本)实现:
struct byte_triple_iterator { constexpr byte_triple_iterator(const std::uint8_t* p) : _ptr(p) {} std::uint32_t operator*() const noexcept { return (*_ptr << 16) | (*std::next(_ptr, 1) << 8) | *(std::next(_ptr,2)); } byte_triple_iterator& operator++() noexcept { _ptr = std::next(_ptr, 3); return *this; } byte_triple_iterator operator++(int) noexcept { auto copy = *this; _ptr = std::next(_ptr, 3); return copy; } constexpr const std::uint8_t* byte_ptr() const { return _ptr; } private: friend bool operator<(const byte_triple_iterator& from, const byte_triple_iterator& to) { return from._ptr < to._ptr; } friend bool operator==(const byte_triple_iterator& from, const byte_triple_iterator& to) { return from._ptr == to._ptr; } friend bool operator!=(const byte_triple_iterator& from, const byte_triple_iterator& to) { return not(from == to); } friend std::ptrdiff_t byte_difference(const byte_triple_iterator& from, const byte_triple_iterator& to) { return to._ptr - from._ptr; } const std::uint8_t* _ptr; }; bool iterators_correct(const byte_triple_iterator& from, const byte_triple_iterator& to) { if (not(from < to)) return false; auto dist = to.byte_ptr() - from.byte_ptr(); return dist % 3 == 0; }现在我们有什么?
).globl __Z12count_valuesRNSt3__15arrayIjLm259EEE20byte_triple_iteratorS3_ .align 4, 0x90 __Z12count_valuesRNSt3__15arrayIjLm259EEE20byte_triple_iteratorS3_: ## @_Z12count_valuesRNSt3__15arrayIjLm259EEE20byte_triple_iteratorS3_ .cfi_startproc ## BB#0: pushq %rbp Ltmp3: .cfi_def_cfa_offset 16 Ltmp4: .cfi_offset %rbp, -16 movq %rsp, %rbp Ltmp5: .cfi_def_cfa_register %rbp jmp LBB1_2 .align 4, 0x90 LBB1_1: ## %.lr.ph ## in Loop: Header=BB1_2 Depth=1 movzbl (%rsi), %eax shlq $16, %rax movzbl 1(%rsi), %ecx shlq $8, %rcx orq %rax, %rcx movzbl 2(%rsi), %eax orq %rcx, %rax incl (%rdi,%rax,4) addq $3, %rsi LBB1_2: ## %.lr.ph ## =>This Inner Loop Header: Depth=1 cmpq %rdx, %rsi jne LBB1_1 ## BB#3: ## %._crit_edge popq %rbp retq .cfi_endproc答案:没有 - 它同样有效.