class CFileInfo { public: std::string m_PackLine; std::string m_FileDateTime; int m_NumDownloads; }; void main() { CFileInfo packInfo; vectorunsortedFiles; vector ::iterator Iter; packInfo.m_PackLine = "Sample Line 1"; packInfo.m_FileDateTime = "06/22/2008 04:34"; packInfo.m_NumDownloads = 0; unsortedFiles.push_back(packInfo); packInfo.m_PackLine = "Sample Line 2"; packInfo.m_FileDateTime = "12/05/2007 14:54"; packInfo.m_NumDownloads = 1; unsortedFiles.push_back(packInfo); for (Iter = unsortedFiles.begin(); Iter != unsortedFiles.end(); ++Iter ) { cout << " " << (*Iter).m_PackLine; } }
Edouard A... 9
struct sort_functor { bool operator()(const CFileInfo & a, const CFileInfo & b) const { // may be a little bit more subtle depending on what your strings look like return a.m_FileDateTime < b.m_FileDateTime; } } std::sort(unsortedFiles.begin(), unsortedFile.end(), sort_functor());
或者使用boost :: lambda
std::sort(unsortedFiles.begin(), unsortedFile.end(), bind(&CFileInfo::m_FileDateTime, _1) < bind(&CFileInfo::m_FileDateTime, _2));
struct sort_functor { bool operator()(const CFileInfo & a, const CFileInfo & b) const { // may be a little bit more subtle depending on what your strings look like return a.m_FileDateTime < b.m_FileDateTime; } } std::sort(unsortedFiles.begin(), unsortedFile.end(), sort_functor());
或者使用boost :: lambda
std::sort(unsortedFiles.begin(), unsortedFile.end(), bind(&CFileInfo::m_FileDateTime, _1) < bind(&CFileInfo::m_FileDateTime, _2));
对链表进行排序本质上可以是O(N ^ 2)或涉及外部随机存取存储.
在1000个元素处,您将开始看到O(N ^ 2)和O(NlogN)之间的差异.在1,000,000个元素你肯定会注意到差异!
只需添加#include <算法>
但有一个建议:为了上帝的缘故,如果你打算对约会进行排序,要么将其编码为代表秒 - 自 - 纪元(mktime?)的长整数,要么至少使用"年/月/日" -hour:分钟:second.fraction"格式.(并且确保一切都是带有前导零的2(或4)位数!)比较"6/22/2008-4:34"和"12/5/2007-14:54"将需要解析!将"2008/06/22-04:34"与"2007/12/05-14:54"进行比较要容易得多.(虽然比比较两个整数的效率要低得多!)
Rich写道: 其他答案似乎进入语法更多,这是我真正缺乏的.
#define PRINT(DATA,N) for(int i=0; i0?", ":"") << DATA[i]; } cout << endl; int main() { // Creating and Sorting a stack-based array. int d [10] = { 1, 4, 0, 2, 8, 6, 3, 5, 9, 7 }; PRINT(d,10); sort( d, d+10 ); PRINT(d,10); cout << endl; // Creating a vector. int eData [10] = { 1, 4, 0, 2, 8, 6, 3, 5, 9, 7 }; vector e; for(int i=0; i<10; i++ ) e.push_back( eData[i] ); // Sorting a vector. PRINT(e,10); sort(e.begin(), e.end()); PRINT(e,10); }
class Data { public: string m_PackLine; string m_FileDateTime; int m_NumberDownloads; /* Lets simplify creating Data elements down below. */ Data( const string & thePackLine = "", const string & theDateTime = "", int theDownloads = 0 ) : m_PackLine ( thePackLine ), m_FileDateTime ( theDateTime ), m_NumberDownloads ( theDownloads ) { } /* Can't use constructor with arrays */ void set( const string & thePackLine, const string & theDateTime, int theDownloads = 0 ) { m_PackLine = thePackLine; m_FileDateTime = theDateTime; m_NumberDownloads = theDownloads; } /* Lets simplify printing out down below. */ ostream & operator<<( ostream & theOstream ) const { theOstream << "PackLine=\"" << m_PackLine << "\" fileDateTime=\"" << m_FileDateTime << "\" downloads=" << m_NumberDownloads; return theOstream; } /* * This is IT! All you need to add to use sort()! * Note: Sort is just on m_FileDateTime. Everything else is superfluous. * Note: Assumes "YEAR/MONTH/DAY HOUR:MINUTE" format. */ bool operator< ( const Data & theOtherData ) const { return m_FileDateTime < theOtherData.m_FileDateTime; } }; /* Rest of simplifying printing out down below. */ ostream & operator<<( ostream & theOstream, const Data & theData ) { return theData.operator<<( theOstream ); } /* Printing out data set. */ #define PRINT(DATA,N) for(int i=0; ie; e.push_back( Data( "Line 1", "2008/01/01 04:34", 1 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 4", "2008/01/04 04:34", 4 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 0", "2008/01/00 04:34", 0 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 2", "2008/01/02 04:34", 2 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 8", "2008/01/08 04:34", 8 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 6", "2008/01/06 04:34", 6 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 3", "2008/01/03 04:34", 3 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 5", "2008/01/05 04:34", 5 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 9", "2008/01/09 04:34", 9 ) ); e.push_back( Data( "Line 7", "2008/01/07 04:34", 7 ) ); // Sorting a vector. PRINT(e,10); sort(e.begin(), e.end()); PRINT(e,10); }