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using PortalId = std::string;
using CakeId   = std::string;

PortalId portal_id("2");
CakeId cake_id("is a lie");

portal_id = cake_id; // OK

我们不喜欢.我们希望在编译期间进行类型检查,以防止我们混合苹果和橙子,同时保留原始对象中的大多数yum yum方法.

所以问题是 - 这可以在C++中完成,使得使用将接近以下内容,分配将失败,我们仍然可以在地图和其他东西中使用它吗?

SAFE_TYPEDEF(std::string, PortalId);
SAFE_TYPEDEF(std::string, CakeId);

int main()
    PortalId portal_id("2");
    CakeId cake_id("is a lie");
    std::map p_to_cake; // OK

    p_to_cake[cake_id]   = portal_id; // OK
    p_to_cake[portal_id] = cake_id;   // COMPILER ERROR

    portal_id = cake_id;        // COMPILER ERROR
    portal_id = "1.0";          // COMPILER ERROR
    portal_id = PortalId("42"); // OK
    return 0;


我们已经尝试了一些与模板结合使用的宏,但是没有得到我们所需要的.并补充 - 我们可以使用c ++ 14.


#define SAFE_TYPEDEF(Base, name) \
class name : public Base { \
public: \
    template  \
    explicit name (Args... args) : Base(args...) {} \
    const Base& raw() const { return *this; } \

这是丑陋的,不起作用.并且它不起作用我的意思是编译器没问题portal_id = cake_id;.


1> Richard Hodg..:




// define some tags to create uniqueness 
struct portal_tag {};
struct cake_tag {};

// a string-like identifier that is typed on a tag type   
struct string_id
    // needs to be default-constuctable because of use in map[] below
    string_id(std::string s) : _value(std::move(s)) {}
    string_id() : _value() {}

    // provide access to the underlying string value        
    const std::string& value() const { return _value; }
    std::string _value;

    // will only compare against same type of id.
    friend bool operator < (const string_id& l, const string_id& r) {
        return l._value < r._value;

// create some type aliases for ease of use    
using PortalId = string_id;
using CakeId = string_id;

using namespace std;

// confirm that requirements are met
auto main() -> int
    PortalId portal_id("2");
    CakeId cake_id("is a lie");
    std::map p_to_cake; // OK

    p_to_cake[cake_id]   = portal_id; // OK
//    p_to_cake[portal_id] = cake_id;   // COMPILER ERROR

//    portal_id = cake_id;        // COMPILER ERROR
//    portal_id = "1.0";          // COMPILER ERROR
    portal_id = PortalId("42"); // OK
    return 0;




// define some tags to create uniqueness
struct portal_tag {};
struct cake_tag {};

// a string-like identifier that is typed on a tag type
struct string_id
    using tag_type = Tag;

    // needs to be default-constuctable because of use in map[] below
    string_id(std::string s) : _value(std::move(s)) {}
    string_id() : _value() {}

    // provide access to the underlying string value
    const std::string& value() const { return _value; }
    std::string _value;

    // will only compare against same type of id.
    friend bool operator < (const string_id& l, const string_id& r) {
        return l._value < r._value;

    friend bool operator == (const string_id& l, const string_id& r) {
        return l._value == r._value;

    // and let's go ahead and provide expected free functions
    auto to_string(const string_id& r)
    -> const std::string&
        return r._value;

    auto operator << (std::ostream& os, const string_id& sid)
    -> std::ostream&
        return os << sid.value();

    std::size_t hash_code(const string_id& sid)
        std::size_t seed = typeid(tag_type).hash_code();
        seed ^= std::hash()(sid._value);
        return seed;


// let's make it hashable

namespace std {
    struct hash>
        using argument_type = string_id;
        using result_type = std::size_t;

        result_type operator()(const argument_type& arg) const {
            return hash_code(arg);

// create some type aliases for ease of use
using PortalId = string_id;
using CakeId = string_id;

using namespace std;

// confirm that requirements are met
auto main() -> int
    PortalId portal_id("2");
    CakeId cake_id("is a lie");
    std::map p_to_cake; // OK

    p_to_cake[cake_id]   = portal_id; // OK
    //    p_to_cake[portal_id] = cake_id;   // COMPILER ERROR

    //    portal_id = cake_id;        // COMPILER ERROR
    //    portal_id = "1.0";          // COMPILER ERROR
    portal_id = PortalId("42"); // OK

    // extra checks

    std::unordered_map hashed_ptocake;
    hashed_ptocake.emplace(CakeId("foo"), PortalId("bar"));
    hashed_ptocake.emplace(CakeId("baz"), PortalId("bar2"));

    for(const auto& entry : hashed_ptocake) {
        cout << entry.first << " = " << entry.second << '\n';

        // exercise string conversion
        auto s = to_string(entry.first) + " maps to " + to_string(entry.second);
        cout << s << '\n';

    // if I really want to copy the values of dissimilar types I can express it:

    const CakeId cake1("a cake ident");
    auto convert = PortalId(to_string(cake1));

    cout << "this portal is called '" << convert << "', just like the cake called '" << cake1 << "'\n";

    return 0;

@Jendas ?? 它有10行完全类型安全,高效的代码,可以完全满足您的项目需求.它与我们在高度可扩展的生产服务器中使用的代码相同.但这当然取决于你:)

2> kamikaze..:



enum string_id {PORTAL, CAKE};

template  class safe_str : public std::string {
    using std::string::string;

using PortalId = safe_str;
using CakeId = safe_str;

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