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using namespace std;   // for the sake of simplicity. (otherwise, std::)

// Function overloading and the use of templates

// overloading the function larger
int larger(int, int);
char larger(char, char);
double larger(double, double);
string larger(string, string);

elementType anyLarger(elementType parameter1, elementType parameter2);

int main() {

    cout << endl;
    cout << "Function Overloading" << endl;

    cout << "larger(15, 27)            =  " << larger(15, 27) << endl;
    cout << "larger('X', 'P')          =  " << larger('X', 'P') << endl;
    cout << "larger(4.9, 3.2)          =  " << larger(4.9, 3.2) << endl;
    cout << "larger(cat, dog)          =  " << larger("cat", "dog") << endl;

    cout << endl;
    cout << "Using the function template to find the larger of two items" << endl;
    cout << "anyLarger(15, 27)         =  " << anyLarger(15, 27) << endl;
    cout << "anyLarger('X', 'P')       =  " << anyLarger('X', 'P') << endl;
    cout << "anyLarger(4.9, 3.2)       =  " << anyLarger(4.9, 3.2) << endl;
    cout << "anyLarger(cat, dog)       =  " << anyLarger("cat", "dog") << endl;
    cout << endl;

    cout << "Compare two strings:   cat, dog" << endl;
    if ("cat" >= "dog") {
      cout << "cat is greater than dog" << endl;
    else {
      cout << "dog is greater than cat" << endl;

    cout << endl;
    string strCat = "cat";
    string strDog = "dog";
    cout << "string strCat = cat" << endl;
    cout << "string strDog = dog" << endl;
    if (strCat >= strDog) {
      cout << "strCat is greater than strDog" << endl;
    else {
      cout << "strDog is greater than strCat" << endl;
    cout << endl;
} // end main 

// Overloading larger
int larger(int x, int y) {
    if (x >= y)
      return x;
      return y;

char larger(char a, char b) {
    if (a >= b)
      return a;
      return b;

double larger(double p, double q) {
    if (p >= q)
      return p;
      return q;

string larger(string y, string z) {
    if (y >= z)
      return y;
      return z;

// Defining the template function
elementType anyLarger(elementType parameter1, elementType parameter2)
    if (parameter1 >= parameter2)
      return parameter1; 
      return parameter2;


Function Overloading
larger(15, 27)            =  27
larger('X', 'P')          =  X
larger(4.9, 3.2)          =  4.9
larger(cat, dog)          =  dog

Using the function template to find the larger of two items
anyLarger(15, 27)         =  27
anyLarger('X', 'P')       =  X
anyLarger(4.9, 3.2)       =  4.9
anyLarger(cat, dog)       =  cat

Compare two strings:   cat, dog
cat is greater than dog

string strCat = cat
string strDog = dog
strDog is greater than strCat


using namespace std;

// Function overloading and the use of templates

// overloading the function larger
int larger(int, int);
char larger(char, char);
double larger(double, double);
string larger(string, string);

elementType anyLarger(elementType parameter1, elementType parameter2);

int main(){

  cout << endl;
  cout << "// Function Overloading" << endl;

  cout << "larger(15, 27)              =  " << larger(15, 27) << endl;
  cout << "larger('X', 'P')            =  " << larger('X', 'P') << endl;
  cout << "larger(4.9, 3.2)            =  " << larger(4.9, 3.2) << endl;
  cout << "larger(\"cat\", \"dog\")        =  " << larger("cat", "dog") << endl;

  cout << endl;
  cout << "// Using the function template to find the larger of two items" << endl;
  cout << "anyLarger(15, 27)           =  " << anyLarger(15, 27) << endl;
  cout << "anyLarger('X', 'P')         =  " << anyLarger('X', 'P') << endl;
  cout << "anyLarger(4.9, 3.2)         =  " << anyLarger(4.9, 3.2) << endl;
  cout << "anyLarger(\"cat\", \"dog\")     =  " << anyLarger("cat", "dog") << endl;
  cout << endl;

  cout << "// Compare two strings using >= :   \"cat\", \"dog\"" << endl;
  if ("cat" >= "dog") {
    cout << "\"cat\" is greater than \"dog\"" << endl;
  else {
    cout << "\"dog\" is greater than \"cat\"" << endl;

  cout << endl;
  cout << "// The use of variables: strCat and strDog. Compare using >=" << endl;
  string strCat = "cat";
  string strDog = "dog";
  cout << "string strCat = \"cat\";" << endl;
  cout << "string strDog = \"dog\";" << endl;
  if (strCat >= strDog) {
    cout << "strCat is greater than strDog" << endl;
  else {
    cout << "strDog is greater than strCat" << endl;
  cout << endl;

  cout << "// Using strcmp.   strcmp(\"cat\", \"dog\")" << endl; 
  int result = strcmp("cat", "dog");
  if (result > 0) {
    cout << "\"cat\" is greater than \"dog\"" << endl;
  else {
    cout << "\"dog\" is greater than \"cat\"" << endl;

// Overloading larger
int larger(int x, int y) {
if (x >= y)
    return x;
    return y;

char larger(char a, char b) {
  if (a >= b)
    return a;
    return b;

double larger(double p, double q) {
  if (p >= q)
    return p;
    return q;

string larger(string y, string z) {
  if (y >= z)
    return y;
    return z;

// Defining the template function
elementType anyLarger(elementType parameter1, elementType parameter2)
  if (parameter1 >= parameter2)
    return parameter1; 
    return parameter2;


// Function Overloading
larger(15, 27)              =  27
larger('X', 'P')            =  X
larger(4.9, 3.2)            =  4.9
larger("cat", "dog")        =  dog

// Using the function template to find the larger of two items
anyLarger(15, 27)           =  27
anyLarger('X', 'P')         =  X
anyLarger(4.9, 3.2)         =  4.9
anyLarger("cat", "dog")     =  cat

// Compare two strings using >= :   "cat", "dog"
"cat" is greater than "dog"

// The use of variables: strCat and strDog. Compare using >=
string strCat = "cat";
string strDog = "dog";
strDog is greater than strCat

// Using strcmp.   strcmp("cat", "dog")
"dog" is greater than "cat"

Jon.. 10


"cat" >= "dog"

这是比较char指针,因为文字的类型"cat""dog"const char*.它可以给出任何结果,具体取决于编译器如何决定实现文字.


strCat >= strDog


1> Jon..:


"cat" >= "dog"

这是比较char指针,因为文字的类型"cat""dog"const char*.它可以给出任何结果,具体取决于编译器如何决定实现文字.


strCat >= strDog


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