MongoUrl url = new MongoUrl("mongodb://xxx.xx.x.xx/mydb"); MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(url); MongoDatabase database = server.GetDatabase("mydb");
< - 这很好用
BsonDocument[] batch = { new BsonDocument { { "name", "Bran" }, { "loc", "10, 10" } }, new BsonDocument { { "name", "Ayla" }, { "loc", "0, 0" } } }; places.InsertBatch(batch);
< - 那部分是错误的
places.EnsureIndex(IndexKeys.GeoSpatial("loca")); var queryplaces = Query.WithinCircle("loca", 0, 0, 11); var cursor = places.Find(queryplaces); foreach (var hit in cursor) { foreach (var VARIABLE in hit) { Console.WriteLine(VARIABLE.Value); } }
< - 我认为该部分应该显示两个文件,现在没有.一个简单的发现显示了它们.很高兴能得到一些帮助.
下面的示例是在C#中(重要的是要注意数组中的顺序,即经度,纬度 - 遵循x,y的更逻辑顺序,而不是纬度在经度之前的更常用形式):
public double[] Location { get; set; } public double Latitude { get { return _latitude; } set { Location[1] = value; _latitude = value; } } public double Longitude { get { return _longitude; } set { Location[0] = value; _longitude = value; } } public MyClass() { Location = new double[2]; }
////// Inserts object and creates GeoIndex on collection (assumes TDocument is a class /// containing an array double[] Location where [0] is the x value (as longitude) /// and [1] is the y value (as latitude) - this order is important for spherical queries. /// /// Collection name is assigned as typeof(TDocument).ToString() /// /// Your target database /// The object you're storing /// The name of the location based array on which to create the geoIndex /// optional: a dictionary containing any additional fields on which you would like to create an index /// where the key is the name of the field on which you would like to create your index and the value should be either SortDirection.Ascending /// or SortDirection.Descending. NOTE: this should not include geo indexes! ///void public static void MongoGeoInsert(string dbName, TDocument data, string geoIndexName, Dictionary indexNames = null) { Connection connection = new Connection(dbName); MongoCollection collection = connection.GetMongoCollection (typeof(TDocument).Name, connection.Db); collection.Insert (data); /* NOTE: Latitude and Longitude MUST be wrapped in separate class or array */ IndexKeysBuilder keys = IndexKeys.GeoSpatial(geoIndexName); IndexOptionsBuilder options = new IndexOptionsBuilder(); options.SetName("idx_" + typeof(TDocument).Name); // since the default GeoSpatial range is -180 to 180, we don't need to set anything here, but if // we wanted to use something other than latitude/longitude, we could do so like this: // options.SetGeoSpatialRange(-180.0, 180.0); if (indexNames != null) { foreach (var indexName in indexNames) { if (indexName.Value == SortDirection.Decending) { keys = keys.Descending(indexName.Key); } else if (indexName.Value == SortDirection.Ascending) { keys = keys.Ascending(indexName.Key); } } } collection.EnsureIndex(keys, options); connection.Db.Server.Disconnect(); } using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using MongoDB.Bson; using MongoDB.Driver; namespace MyMongo.Helpers { public class Connection { private const string DbName = ""; private const string Prefix = "mongodb://"; //private const string Server = "(...):27017/"; private const string Server = "localhost:27017/"; private const string PassWord = ""; private const string UserName = ""; private const string Delimeter = ""; //if using MongoHQ //private const string Delimeter = ":"; //private const string Prefix = "mongodb://"; //private const string DbName = "(...)"; //private const string UserName = "(...)"; //private const string Server = "@flame.mongohq.com:( )/"; //private const string PassWord = "(...)"; private readonly string _connectionString = string.Empty; public MongoDatabase Db { get; private set; } public MongoCollection Collection { get; private set; } public Connection() { _connectionString = Prefix + UserName + Delimeter + PassWord + Server + DbName; } public Connection(string dbName) { _connectionString = Prefix + UserName + Delimeter + PassWord + Server + DbName; Db = GetDatabase(dbName); } //mongodb://[username:password@]hostname[:port][/[database][?options]] public MongoDatabase GetDatabase(string dbName) { MongoServer server = MongoServer.Create(_connectionString); MongoDatabase database = server.GetDatabase(dbName); return database; } public MongoCollection GetMongoCollection (string collectionName, MongoDatabase db, SafeMode safeMode = null) { if (safeMode == null) { safeMode = new SafeMode(true); } MongoCollection result = db.GetCollection (collectionName, safeMode); return result; } } }