在SQLSERVER 2005中,我使用表值函数作为从大表(传递日期范围或此类参数)对子集数据执行任意聚合的便捷方式.
create table dbo.customers ( [key] uniqueidentifier , constraint pk_dbo_customers primary key ([key]) ) go /* assume large amount of data */ create table dbo.point_of_sales ( [key] uniqueidentifier , customer_key uniqueidentifier , constraint pk_dbo_point_of_sales primary key ([key]) ) go create table dbo.product_ranges ( [key] uniqueidentifier , constraint pk_dbo_product_ranges primary key ([key]) ) go create table dbo.products ( [key] uniqueidentifier , product_range_key uniqueidentifier , release_date datetime , constraint pk_dbo_products primary key ([key]) , constraint fk_dbo_products_product_range_key foreign key (product_range_key) references dbo.product_ranges ([key]) ) go
/* assume large amount of data */ create table dbo.sales_history ( [key] uniqueidentifier , product_key uniqueidentifier , point_of_sale_key uniqueidentifier , accounting_date datetime , amount money , quantity int , constraint pk_dbo_sales_history primary key ([key]) , constraint fk_dbo_sales_history_product_key foreign key (product_key) references dbo.products ([key]) , constraint fk_dbo_sales_history_point_of_sale_key foreign key (point_of_sale_key) references dbo.point_of_sales ([key]) ) go create function dbo.f_sales_history_..snip.._date_range ( @accountingdatelowerbound datetime, @accountingdateupperbound datetime ) returns table as return ( select pos.customer_key , sh.product_key , sum(sh.amount) amount , sum(sh.quantity) quantity from dbo.point_of_sales pos inner join dbo.sales_history sh on sh.point_of_sale_key = pos.[key] where sh.accounting_date between @accountingdatelowerbound and @accountingdateupperbound group by pos.customer_key , sh.product_key ) go -- TODO: insert some data -- this is a table containing a selection of product ranges declare @selectedproductranges table([key] uniqueidentifier) -- this is a table containing a selection of customers declare @selectedcustomers table([key] uniqueidentifier) declare @low datetime , @up datetime -- TODO: set top query parameters
select saleshistory.customer_key , saleshistory.product_key , saleshistory.amount , saleshistory.quantity from dbo.products p inner join @selectedproductranges productrangeselection on p.product_range_key = productrangeselection.[key] inner join @selectedcustomers customerselection on 1 = 1 inner join dbo.f_sales_history_..snip.._date_range(@low, @up) saleshistory on saleshistory.product_key = p.[key] and saleshistory.customer_key = customerselection.[key]
Adam Mechanic的博客文章(他的书出现在我的抽屉里)