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在ActionScript 3中,使用矢量图形是一种保证对项目性能造成巨大损害的方法.




1> Jason Sturge..:


优化Adobe Flash平台的性能

Gary Grossman的ActionScript 3.0和AVM2性能调优

Mike Chambers构建高性能iPhone应用程序





getSize() 返回指定对象的内存大小.


除String外的所有基本类型在内存中使用4-8个字节.如果未分配值,则ActionScript虚拟机(AVM)将为表示64位值的 Number分配8个字节.String类型的行为不同.基准代码并确定任务的最有效对象.











避免过滤器,包括通过Pixel Bender处理的过滤器




TextField对于输入文本,使用Text Engine作为只读文本

对于只读文本,最好使用Flash文本引擎,它提供低内存使用和更好的渲染.对于输入文本, TextField对象是更好的选择,因为创建典型行为(例如输入处理和自动换行)需要较少的ActionScript代码.






unloadAndStop() method allows you to unload a SWF file, automatically freeze every object in the loaded SWF file, and force the garbage collector to run.

Use Event.ACTIVATE and Event.DEACTIVATE events to detect background inactivity

Event.ACTIVATE and Event.DEACTIVATE events allow you to detect when the runtime gains or loses focus. As a result, code can be optimized to react to context changes.

The activate and deactivate events allow you to implement a similar mechanism to the "Pause and Resume" feature sometimes found on mobile devices and Netbooks.

Disable mouse interaction when possible

Detecting mouse interaction can be CPU-intensive when many interactive objects are shown onscreen, especially if they overlap. When possible, consider disabling mouse interaction, which helps your application to use less CPU processing, and as a result, reduce battery usage on mobile devices.

Use Timers for non-animated content

Timers are preferred over Event.ENTER_FRAME events for non-animated content that executes for a long time.

A timer can behave in a similar way to an Event.ENTER_FRAME event, but an event can be dispatched without being tied to the frame rate. This behavior can offer some significant optimization. Consider a video player application as an example. In this case, you do not need to use a high frame rate, because only the application controls are moving.

Limit tweening

Limit the use of tweening, which saves CPU processing, memory, and battery life helping content run faster on low-tier devices.

Use Vector vs. Array

The Vector class allows faster read and write access than the Array class.

Array element access and iteration are much faster when using a Vector instance than they are when using an Array.

In strict mode the compiler can identify data type errors.

Runtime range checking (or fixed-length checking) increases reliability significantly over Arrays.

Use drawing API for faster code execution

Reduce amount of code execution using drawPath(), drawGraphicsData(), drawTriangles() Fewer lines of code can provide better ActionScript execution performance.

Use event capture and bubbling to minimize event handlers

Taking advantage of the bubbling of an event can help you to optimize ActionScript code execution time. You can register an event handler on one object, instead of multiple objects, to improve performance.

Paint pixels using setVector() method

When painting pixels, some simple optimizations can be made just by using the appropriate methods of the BitmapData class. A fast way to paint pixels is to use the setVector() method.

lock() and unlock() BitmapData when using slow methods like setPixel() or setPixel32()

Calling lock() and unlock() prevents the screen from being updated unnecessarily. Methods that iterate over pixels, such as getPixel(), getPixel32(), setPixel(), and setPixel32(), are likely to be slow, especially on mobile devices. If possible, use methods that retrieve all the pixels in one call. For reading pixels, use the getVector() method, which is faster than the getPixels() method. Also, remember to use APIs that rely on Vector objects, when possible, as they are likely to run faster.

Use String class methods instead of regular expressions

When a String class method is available, it runs faster than the equivalent regular expression and does not require the creation of another object.

For TextFields, use apendText() instead of the += operator

Using the appendText() method provides performance improvements.

Square bracket operator [] can slow performance - store a reference in a local variable

Using the square bracket operator can slow down performance. You can avoid using it by storing your reference in a local variable.

Reduce number of function calls by moving code inline

Calling functions can be expensive. Try to reduce the number of function calls by moving code inline.

Moving the function call inline results in code that is more than four times faster.

Avoid placing content off-stage

Even if the off-stage elements are not shown onscreen and are not rendered, they still exist on the display list. The runtime continues to run internal tests on these elements to make sure that they are still off-stage and the user is not interacting with them.

Avoid using alpha property

When a display object uses alpha blending, the runtime must combine the color values of every stacked display object and the background color to determine the final color. Thus, alpha blending can be more processor-intensive than drawing an opaque color. This extra computation can hurt performance on slow devices.

Use lowest possible frame rate

A higher frame rate expends more CPU cycles and energy from the battery than a lower rate.

Runtime code execution fundamentals elastic-racetrack

Use bitmap caching for complex vector content

This feature caches a vector object, renders it as a bitmap internally, and uses that bitmap for rendering. Bitmap caching improves rendering if the cached content is not rotated, scaled, or changed on each frame. Any transformation other than translation on the x- and y-axes, rendering is not improved.

Set cacheAsBitmapMatrix property when using cached bitmaps in mobile AIR apps

cacheAsBitmapMatrix in the AIR mobile profile you can apply any two-dimensional transformation to the object without regenerating the cached bitmap. You can also change the alpha property without regenerating the cached bitmap.

Use BitmapData class to create custom bitmap caching behavior

Using only a single cached bitmap is used in memory and shared by all instances.

Isolate events such as Event.ENTER_FRAME in a single handler

This technique saves CPU resources.

Use the bitmap caching feature and the opaqueBackground property to improve text rendering performance

The bitmap caching feature allows you to cache vector content as bitmaps to improve rendering performance. This feature is helpful for complex vector content and also when used with text content that requires processing to be rendered.

Alpha transparency places an additional burden on the runtime when drawing transparent bitmap images. You can use the opaqueBackground property to bypass that, by specifying a color as a background.

Enable GPU hardware graphics acceleration

In order to leverage GPU acceleration of Flash content with AIR for mobile platforms, Adobe recommends that you use renderMode="direct" (that is, Stage3D) rather than renderMod

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