begin -- where subquery is quite complex and returns thousands of records of a single ID column delete from t1 where exists ( select 1 from subquery where t1.ID = subquery.ID ); delete from t2 where exists ( select 1 from subquery where t2.ID = subquery.ID ); delete from t3 where exists ( select 1 from subquery where t3.ID = subquery.ID ); end; /
declare type id_table_type is table of table.column%type index by PLS_INTEGER ids id_table_type; begin select ID bulk collect into ids from subquery; forall indx in 1 .. ids.COUNT delete from t1 where ID = ids(indx); forall indx in 1 .. ids.COUNT delete from t2 where ID = ids(indx); forall indx in 1 .. ids.COUNT delete from t3 where ID = ids(indx); end; /