Resolver associated with data sources
# serverless.yml ... mappingTemplates: - dataSource: Wallet type: Query field: walletFromId request: "_dynamo-get-wallet.txt" response: "_generic-result-response.txt" - dataSource: Wallet type: Query field: walletsFromUser request: "_dynamo-get-wallets-from-user.txt" response: "_generic-result-response.txt" - dataSource: Wallet type: Mutation field: registerWallet request: "_dynamo-put-wallet.txt" response: "_generic-result-response.txt" dataSources: - type: AMAZON_DYNAMODB name: Wallet description: 'Wallet DataSource' config: tableName: "${self:custom.stage}-Wallet" serviceRoleArn: "arn:aws:iam::${self:custom.accountId}:role/${self:custom.appSync.serviceRole}" ...
type Query { # query the wallet with given id and get the output with detail info walletFromId(walletId: String!): Wallet! # query wallets with given user id and get list of cards walletsFromUser(userId: String!): [Wallet!]! } type Mutation { # Add a wallet to an existing user registerWallet(userId: String!, number: String!, cvx: String!, expirationDate: String!): Wallet! } type Wallet { walletId: String! userId: String! number: String! cvx: String! expirationDate: String! } type Subscription { addWallet: Wallet @aws_subscribe(mutations: ["registerWallet"]) } schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation subscription: Subscription }