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打印中的varchar(max)变量的不同输出,并在SQL Server中选择



declare @check varchar(max)

set @check = 'Calc saves your document as a file in your file system. If you open such a file in a plain text editor, you will immediately see that it is an XML document. Look at this plain file and find out where the interesting data is located. Target those elements with XSLT templates. Please note: I can only point you in the right direction, your question as such is too vague and broad for Stackoverflow.'
print @check 
select @check 


Calc saves your document as a file in your file system. If you open such a file in a plain text editor, you will immediately see that it is an XML document. Look at this plain file and find out where the interesting data is located. Target those elements with XSLT templates. Please note: I can only point you in the right direction, your question as such is too vague and broad for Stackoverflow.

Calc saves your document as a file in your file system. If you open such a file in a plain text editor, you will immediately see that it is an XML document. Look at this plain file and find out where the interesting data is located. Target those elements w

(1 row(s) affected)

在输出select @check中给出截断结果.我想用来select @check插入表格.有任何解决方法吗?

1> MartW..:

它被截断,因为Management Studio不一定会将完整值输出到屏幕,并且默认显示宽度为256个字符,这是您发生截止的地方:



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