在MySQL 中学到了一些关于s和存储过程的知识,但我惊讶地发现,虽然BEFORE INSERT
这种功能在MySQL中是否可行?在任何其他RDBMS(我的经验仅限于MySQL)?也许是一种THROW EXCEPTION
在MySQL 5.0和5.1中,您需要采取一些技巧来使触发器失败并提供有意义的错误消息.MySQL存储过程常见问题解答说明了错误处理:
SP 11. SP是否有"提高"声明以"引发应用程序错误"?对不起,现在不行.SQL标准SIGNAL和RESIGNAL语句位于TODO上.
也许MySQL 5.2将包含SIGNAL语句,这将使得这个hack直接从MySQL存储过程编程中被淘汰.什么是黑客?您将强制MySQL尝试使用不存在的列.丑陋?是.它有用吗?当然.
CREATE TRIGGER mytabletriggerexample BEFORE INSERT FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF(NEW.important_value) < (fancy * dancy * calculation) THEN DECLARE dummy INT; SELECT Your meaningful error message goes here INTO dummy FROM mytable WHERE mytable.id=new.id END IF; END;
这是我做的方式.请注意SET NEW='some error';
DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_tblinventoryexceptionreasons_delete $$ CREATE TRIGGER before_tblinventoryexceptionreasons_delete BEFORE DELETE ON tblinventoryexceptionreasons FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblinventoryexceptions WHERE tblinventoryexceptions.idtblinventoryexceptionreasons = old.idtblinventoryexceptionreasons) > 0 THEN SET NEW='Error: Cannot delete this item. There are records in the inventory exception reasons table with this item.'; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_storesalesconfig_delete $$ CREATE TRIGGER before_storesalesconfig_delete BEFORE DELETE ON tblstoresalesconfig FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblstoresales WHERE tblstoresales.idtblstoresalesconfig=old.idtblstoresalesconfig) > 0 THEN SET NEW='Error: Cannot delete this item. There are records in the sales table with this item.'; END IF; IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblinventory WHERE tblinventory.idtblstoresalesconfig=old.idtblstoresalesconfig) > 0 THEN SET NEW='Error: Cannot delete this item. There are records in the inventory table with this item.'; END IF; IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblinventoryexceptions WHERE tblinventoryexceptions.idtblstoresalesconfig=old.idtblstoresalesconfig) > 0 THEN SET NEW='Error: Cannot delete this item. There are records in the inventory exceptions table with this item.'; END IF; IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblinvoicedetails WHERE tblinvoicedetails.idtblstoresalesconfig=old.idtblstoresalesconfig) > 0 THEN SET NEW='Error: Cannot delete this item. There are records in the inventory details table with this item.'; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ; DELIMITER $$ DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS before_tblinvoice_delete $$ CREATE TRIGGER before_tblinvoice_delete BEFORE DELETE ON tblinvoice FOR EACH ROW BEGIN IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblinvoicedetails WHERE tblinvoicedetails.idtblinvoice = old.idtblinvoice) > 0 THEN SET NEW='Error: Cannot delete this item. There are records in the inventory details table with this item.'; END IF; END$$ DELIMITER ;