我正在使用Gas并在Linux Mint上进行开发.
pushl popl
我认为主要是你在program's stack
和... 之间感到困惑any old stack
是一种抽象数据结构,由Last In First Out系统中的信息组成.你把任意物品放到堆叠上,然后再将它们取下来,就像进/出托盘一样,顶部的物品总是被取下的,你总是把它放在上面.
来自Nils Pipenbrinck:
addi $sp, $sp, -4 # Decrement stack pointer by 4 sw $t0, ($sp) # Save $t0 to stack
lw $t0, ($sp) # Copy from stack to $t0 addi $sp, $sp, 4 # Increment stack pointer by 4
在2003年的CS101课程中,我只在asm中做过最基本的事情.而且我从来没有真正"理解"asm和堆栈工作,直到我意识到它基本上就像用C或C++编程一样......但没有局部变量,参数和功能.可能听起来不容易:)让我告诉你(对于x86 asm与英特尔语法).
const int STACK_CAPACITY = 1000;
thread_local int stack[STACK_CAPACITY];
cin >> stack[333];
cin >> stack[517];
stack[555] = stack[333] + stack[517];
关于(x86)asm的堆栈的一个奇怪的事情是你从最后一个索引开始添加东西并移动到较低的索引:stack [999],然后堆栈[998]等等(片段#2.2):
cin >> stack[999];
cin >> stack[998];
stack[997] = stack[999] + stack[998];
int AX, BX, SP, BP, ...;
int main(){...}
首先递减SP 然后将值写入新分配的单元格.
SP -= 3;
cin >> stack[999];
cin >> stack[998];
stack[997] = stack[999] + stack[998];
int triple(int a) {
int result = a * 3;
return result;
int triple_noLocals(int a) {
SP -= 1; // move pointer to unused cell, where we can store what we need
stack[SP] = a * 3;
return stack[SP];
// SP == 1000
someVar = triple_noLocals(11);
// now SP == 999, but we don't need the value at stack[999] anymore
// and we will move the stack index back, so we can reuse this cell later
SP += 1; // SP == 1000 again
void push(int value) {
stack[SP] = value;
void pop(int& result) {
result = stack[SP];
++SP; // note that `pop` decreases stack's size
int myVar = ...;
push(myVar); // SP == 999
myVar += 10;
... // do something with new value in myVar
pop(myVar); // restore original value, SP == 1000
int triple_noL_noParams() { // `a` is at index 999, SP == 999
SP -= 1; // SP == 998, stack[SP + 1] == a
stack[SP] = stack[SP + 1] * 3;
return stack[SP];
int main(){
push(11); // SP == 999
assert(triple(11) == triple_noL_noParams());
SP += 2; // cleanup 1 local and 1 parameter
7. Getting rid of return
Let's return value in AX register (snippet #7):
void triple_noL_noP_noReturn() { // `a` at 998, SP == 998
SP -= 1; // SP == 997
stack[SP] = stack[SP + 1] * 3;
AX = stack[SP];
SP += 1; // finally we can cleanup locals right in the function body, SP == 998
void main(){
... // some code
push(AX); // save AX in case there is something useful there, SP == 999
push(11); // SP == 998
assert(triple(11) == AX);
SP += 1; // cleanup param
// locals were cleaned up in the function body, so we don't need to do it here
pop(AX); // restore AX
8. Stack base pointer (BP) (also known as frame pointer) and stack frame
Lets take more "advanced" function and rewrite it in our asm-like C++ (snippet #8.1):
int myAlgo(int a, int b) {
int t1 = a * 3;
int t2 = b * 3;
return t1 - t2;
void myAlgo_noLPR() { // `a` at 997, `b` at 998, old AX at 999, SP == 997
SP -= 2; // SP == 995
stack[SP + 1] = stack[SP + 2] * 3;
stack[SP] = stack[SP + 3] * 3;
AX = stack[SP + 1] - stack[SP];
SP += 2; // cleanup locals, SP == 997
int main(){
push(AX); // SP == 999
push(22); // SP == 998
push(11); // SP == 997
assert(myAlgo(11, 22) == AX);
SP += 2;
Now imagine we decided to introduce new local variable to store result there before returning, as we do in tripple
(snippet #4.1). The body of the function will be (snippet #8.2):
SP -= 3; // SP == 994
stack[SP + 2] = stack[SP + 3] * 3;
stack[SP + 1] = stack[SP + 4] * 3;
stack[SP] = stack[SP + 2] - stack[SP + 1];
AX = stack[SP];
SP += 3;
You see, we had to update every single reference to function parameters and local variables. To avoid that, we need an anchor index, which doesn't change when the stack grows.
We will create the anchor right upon function entry (before we allocate space for locals) by saving current top (value of SP) into BP register. Snippet #8.3:
void myAlgo_noLPR_withAnchor() { // `a` at 997, `b` at 998, SP == 997
push(BP); // save old BP, SP == 996
BP = SP; // create anchor, stack[BP] == old value of BP, now BP == 996
SP -= 2; // SP == 994
stack[BP - 1] = stack[BP + 1] * 3;
stack[BP - 2] = stack[BP + 2] * 3;
AX = stack[BP - 1] - stack[BP - 2];
SP = BP; // cleanup locals, SP == 996
pop(BP); // SP == 997
The slice of stack, wich belongs to and is in full control of the function is called function's stack frame. E.g. myAlgo_noLPR_withAnchor
's stack frame is stack[996 .. 994]
(both idexes inclusive).
Frame starts at function's BP (after we've updated it inside function) and lasts until the next stack frame. So the parameters on the stack are part of the caller's stack frame (see note 8a).
8a. Wikipedia says otherwise about parameters, but here I adhere to Intel software developer's manual, see vol. 1, section Stack-Frame Base Pointer and Figure 6-2 in section 6.3.2 Far CALL and RET Operation. Function's parameters and stack frame are part of function's activation record (see The gen on function perilogues).
8b. positive offsets from BP point to function parameters and negative offsets point to local variables. That's pretty handy for debugging
8c. stack[BP]
stores the address of the previous stack frame, stack[stack[BP]]
stores pre-previous stack frame and so on. Following this chain, you can discover frames of all the functions in the programm, which didn't return yet. This is how debuggers show you call stack
8d. the first 3 instructions of myAlgo_noLPR_withAnchor
, where we setup the frame (save old BP, update BP, reserve space for locals) are called function prologue
9. Calling conventions
In snippet 8.1 we've pushed parameters for myAlgo
from right to left and returned result in AX
We could as well pass params left to right and return in BX
. Or pass params in BX and CX and return in AX. Obviously, caller (main()
) and
called function must agree where and in which order all this stuff is stored.
Calling convention is a set of rules on how parameters are passed and result is returned.
In the code above we've used cdecl calling convention:
Parameters are passed on the stack, with the first argument at the lowest address on the stack at the time of the call (pushed last <...>). The caller is responsible for popping parameters back off the stack after the call.
the return value is placed in AX
EBP and ESP must be preserved by the callee (myAlgo_noLPR_withAnchor
function in our case), such that the caller (main
function) can rely on those registers not having been changed by a call.
All other registers (EAX, <...>) may be freely modified by the callee; if a caller wishes to preserve a value before and after the function call, it must save the value elsewhere (we do this with AX)
(Source: example "32-bit cdecl" from Stack Overflow Documentation; copyright 2016 by icktoofay and Peter Cordes ; licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. An archive of the full Stack Overflow Documentation content can be found at archive.org, in which this example is indexed by topic ID 3261 and example ID 11196.)
10. Getting rid of function calls
Now the most interesting part. Just like data, executable code is also stored in memory (completely unrelated to memory for stack) and every instruction has an address.
When not commanded otherwise, CPU executes instructions one after another, in the order they are stored in memory. But we can command CPU to "jump" to another location in memory and execute instructions from there on.
In asm it can be any address, and in more high-level languages like C++ you can only jump to addresses marked by labels (there are workarounds but they are not pretty, to say the least).
Let's take this function (snippet #10.1):
int myAlgo_withCalls(int a, int b) {
int t1 = triple(a);
int t2 = triple(b);
return t1 - t2;
And instead of calling tripple
C++ way, do the following:
copy whole tripple
's body inside myAlgo
at myAlgo
entry jump over tripple
's code with goto
when we need to execute tripple
's code, save on the stack address of the code line just after tripple
call, so we can return here later and continue execution (PUSH_ADDRESS
macro below)
jump to address of the tripple
function and execute it to the end (3. and 4. together are CALL
at the end of the tripple
(after we've cleaned up locals), take return address from the top of the stack and jump there (RET
Because there is no easy way to jump to particular code address in C++, we will use labels to mark places of jumps. I won't go into detail how macros below work, just believe me they do what I say they do (snippet #10.2):
// pushes the address of the code at label's location on the stack
// NOTE1: this gonna work only with 32-bit compiler (so that pointer is 32-bit and fits in int)
// NOTE2: __asm block is specific for Visual C++. In GCC use https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Labels-as-Values.html
#define PUSH_ADDRESS(labelName) { \
void* tmpPointer; \
__asm{ mov [tmpPointer], offset labelName } \
push(reinterpret_cast(tmpPointer)); \
// why we need indirection, read /sf/ask/17360801/
#define TOKENPASTE(x, y) x ## y
#define TOKENPASTE2(x, y) TOKENPASTE(x, y)
// generates token (not a string) we will use as label name.
// Example: LABEL_NAME(155) will generate token `lbl_155`
#define LABEL_NAME(num) TOKENPASTE2(lbl_, num)
#define CALL_IMPL(funcLabelName, callId) \
goto funcLabelName; \
LABEL_NAME(callId) :
// saves return address on the stack and jumps to label `funcLabelName`
#define CALL(funcLabelName) CALL_IMPL(funcLabelName, __LINE__)
// takes address at the top of stack and jump there
#define RET() { \
int tmpInt; \
pop(tmpInt); \
void* tmpPointer = reinterpret_cast(tmpInt); \
__asm{ jmp tmpPointer } \
void myAlgo_asm() {
goto my_algo_start;
BP = SP;
SP -= 1;
// stack[BP] == old BP, stack[BP + 1] == return address
stack[BP - 1] = stack[BP + 2] * 3;
AX = stack[BP - 1];
SP = BP;
push(BP); // SP == 995
BP = SP; // BP == 995; stack[BP] == old BP,
// stack[BP + 1] == dummy return address,
// `a` at [BP + 2], `b` at [BP + 3]
SP -= 2; // SP == 993
push(stack[BP + 2]);
stack[BP - 1] = AX;
SP -= 1;
push(stack[BP + 3]);
stack[BP - 2] = AX;
SP -= 1;
AX = stack[BP - 1] - stack[BP - 2];
SP = BP; // cleanup locals, SP == 997
int main() {
push(7777); // dummy value, so that offsets inside function are like we've pushed return address
assert(myAlgo_withCalls(11, 22) == AX);
SP += 1; // pop dummy "return address"
SP += 2;
10a. because return address is stored on the stack, in principle we can change it. This is how stack smashing attack works
10b. the last 3 instructions at the "end" of triple_label
(cleanup locals, restore old BP, return) are called function's epilogue
11. Assembly
Now let's look at real asm for myAlgo_withCalls
. To do that in Visual Studio:
set build platform to x86
build type: Debug
set break point somewhere inside myAlgo_withCalls
run, and when execution stops at break point press Ctrl + Alt + D
One difference with our asm-like C++ is that asm's stack operate on bytes instead of ints. So to reserve space for one int
, SP will be decremented by 4 bytes.
Here we go (snippet #11.1, line numbers in comments are from the gist):
; 114: int myAlgo_withCalls(int a, int b) {
push ebp ; create stack frame
mov ebp,esp
; return address at (ebp + 4), `a` at (ebp + 8), `b` at (ebp + 12)
sub esp,0D8h ; reserve space for locals. Compiler can reserve more bytes then needed. 0D8h is hexadecimal == 216 decimal
push ebx ; cdecl requires to save all these registers
push esi
push edi
; fill all the space for local variables (from (ebp-0D8h) to (ebp)) with value 0CCCCCCCCh repeated 36h times (36h * 4 == 0D8h)
; see /sf/ask/17360801/
; I guess that's for ease of debugging, so that stack is filled with recognizable values
; 0CCCCCCCCh in binary is 110011001100...
lea edi,[ebp-0D8h]
mov ecx,36h
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
; 115: int t1 = triple(a);
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+8] ; push parameter `a` on the stack
push eax
call triple (01A13E8h)
add esp,4 ; clean up param
mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax ; copy result from eax to `t1`
; 116: int t2 = triple(b);
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+0Ch] ; push `b` (0Ch == 12)
push eax
call triple (01A13E8h)
add esp,4
mov dword ptr [ebp-14h],eax ; t2 = eax
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8] ; calculate and store result in eax
sub eax,dword ptr [ebp-14h]
pop edi ; restore registers
pop esi
pop ebx
add esp,0D8h ; check we didn't mess up esp or ebp. this is only for debug builds
cmp ebp,esp
call __RTC_CheckEsp (01A116Dh)
mov esp,ebp ; destroy frame
pop ebp
And asm for tripple
(snippet #11.2):
push ebp
mov ebp,esp
sub esp,0CCh
push ebx
push esi
push edi
lea edi,[ebp-0CCh]
mov ecx,33h
mov eax,0CCCCCCCCh
rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]
imul eax,dword ptr [ebp+8],3
mov dword ptr [ebp-8],eax
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-8]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
mov esp,ebp
pop ebp
Hope, after reading this post, assembly doesn't look as cryptic as before :)
Here are links from the post's body and some further reading:
Eli Bendersky, Where the top of the stack is on x86 - top/bottom, push/pop, SP, stack frame, calling conventions
Eli Bendersky, Stack frame layout on x86-64 - args passing on x64, stack frame, red zone
University of Mariland, Understanding the Stack - a really well-written introduction to stack concepts. (It's for MIPS (not x86) and in GAS syntax, but this is insignificant for the topic). See other notes on MIPS ISA Programming if interested.
x86 Asm wikibook, General-Purpose Registers
x86 Disassembly wikibook, The Stack
x86 Disassembly wikibook, Functions and Stack Frames
Intel software developer's manuals - I expected it to be really hardcore, but surprisingly it's pretty easy read (though amount of information is overwhelming)
Jonathan de Boyne Pollard, The gen on function perilogues - prologue/epilogue, stack frame/activation record, red zone