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"Superclassable",我正在创造的一个术语,指的是一个类,通过构造它来返回它,或者将它作为一个函数调用它,如果适用,将使用相同的内部插槽创建([[Prototype]]除外),无论如何它的直接超类是什么,只要类构造函数的初始[[Prototype]]和类原型在重新分配它们之后仍然在每个相应的继承链中.因此,为了成为"超类",类不得 super()在创建期间调用.


// clearly this would break Array if the specification allowed an implementation
// to invoke super() internally in the Array constructor
class Enumerable {
  constructor (iterator = function * () {}) {
    this[Symbol.iterator] = iterator

  asEnumerable() {
    return new Enumerable(this[Symbol.iterator].bind(this))

function setSuperclassOf (Class, Superclass) {
  /* These conditions must be satisfied in order to
   * superclass Class with Superclass
  if (
    !(Superclass.prototype instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(Class.prototype).constructor) ||
    !(Superclass instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(Class).constructor) ||
     (Superclass.prototype instanceof Class)
  ) {
    throw new TypeError(`${Class.name} cannot have their superclass set to ${Superclass.name}`)
  // Now we can superclass Class with Superclass
  Object.setPrototypeOf(Class.prototype, Superclass.prototype)
  Object.setPrototypeOf(Class, Superclass)

setSuperclassOf(Array, Enumerable)

const array = new Array(...'abc')

// Checking that Array is not broken by Enumerable
console.log(array[Symbol.iterator] === Array.prototype[Symbol.iterator])

// Checking that Enumerable works as expected
const enumerable = array.asEnumerable()

console.log(array instanceof Enumerable)
console.log(!(enumerable instanceof Array))

for (const letter of enumerable) {

我的一个最大的问题是,在内部,在可能的一致实现,Array 可能是这样,这将意味着Array不是 "superclassable":

class HypotheticalArray extends Object {
  constructor (...values) {
    const [value] = values

    // this reference would be modified by superclassing HypotheticalArray

    if (values.length === 1) {
      if (typeof value === 'number') {
        if (value !== Math.floor(value) || value < 0) {
          throw new RangeError('Invalid array length')

        this.length = value
    this.length = values.length

    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      this[i] = values[i]
  * [Symbol.iterator] () {
    const { length } = this

    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      yield this[i]

// Array constructor actually inherits from Function prototype, not Object constructor
Object.setPrototypeOf(HypotheticalArray, Object.getPrototypeOf(Function))

class Enumerable {
  constructor (iterator = function * () {}) {
    this[Symbol.iterator] = iterator

  asEnumerable() {
    return new Enumerable(this[Symbol.iterator].bind(this))

function setSuperclassOf (Class, Superclass) {
  /* These conditions must be satisfied in order to
   * superclass Class with Superclass
  if (
    !(Superclass.prototype instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(Class.prototype).constructor) ||
    !(Superclass instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(Class).constructor) ||
     (Superclass.prototype instanceof Class)
  ) {
    throw new TypeError(`${Class.name} cannot have their superclass set to ${Superclass.name}`)
  // Now we can superclass Class with Superclass
  Object.setPrototypeOf(Class.prototype, Superclass.prototype)
  Object.setPrototypeOf(Class, Superclass)

setSuperclassOf(HypotheticalArray, Enumerable)

const array = new HypotheticalArray(...'abc')

// Array is broken by Enumerable
console.log(array[Symbol.iterator] === HypotheticalArray.prototype[Symbol.iterator])

// Checking if Enumerable works as expected
const enumerable = array.asEnumerable()

console.log(array instanceof Enumerable)
console.log(!(enumerable instanceof HypotheticalArray))

// Iteration does not work as expected
for (const letter of enumerable) {

但是,如果要求一致的实现不要调用,那么它Array "超类"的:super()

class HypotheticalArray {
  constructor (...values) {
    const [value] = values

    // doesn't ever invoke the superclass constructor
    // super()

    if (values.length === 1) {
      if (typeof value === 'number') {
        if (value !== Math.floor(value) || value < 0) {
          throw new RangeError('Invalid array length')

        this.length = value
    this.length = values.length

    for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
      this[i] = values[i]
  * [Symbol.iterator] () {
    const { length } = this

    for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
      yield this[i]

class Enumerable {
  constructor (iterator = function * () {}) {
    this[Symbol.iterator] = iterator

  asEnumerable() {
    return new Enumerable(this[Symbol.iterator].bind(this))

function setSuperclassOf (Class, Superclass) {
  /* These conditions must be satisfied in order to
   * superclass Class with Superclass
  if (
    !(Superclass.prototype instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(Class.prototype).constructor) ||
    !(Superclass instanceof Object.getPrototypeOf(Class).constructor) ||
     (Superclass.prototype instanceof Class)
  ) {
    throw new TypeError(`${Class.name} cannot have their superclass set to ${Superclass.name}`)
  // Now we can superclass Class with Superclass
  Object.setPrototypeOf(Class.prototype, Superclass.prototype)
  Object.setPrototypeOf(Class, Superclass)

setSuperclassOf(HypotheticalArray, Enumerable)

const array = new HypotheticalArray(...'abc')

// Array is not broken by Enumerable
console.log(array[Symbol.iterator] === HypotheticalArray.prototype[Symbol.iterator])

// Checking if Enumerable works as expected
const enumerable = array.asEnumerable()

console.log(array instanceof Enumerable)
console.log(!(enumerable instanceof HypotheticalArray))

// Iteration works as expected
for (const letter of enumerable) {

考虑到这一点,我想参考当前草案ECMAScript 2018中的几点:







Array原型对象被指定为Array外来对象,以确保与ECMAScript 2015规范之前创建的ECMAScript代码兼容.





我将为第一个答案奖励500个赏金点,这个答案严格地解决了我在ECMAScript 2015及其中"超级分类"上述内置函数的问题(其中Object.setPrototypeOf()介绍了草案).

我不打算支持ECMAScript 5.1及更低版本,因为修改内置的继承链只能通过访问来实现__proto__,这不是任何 ECMAScript规范的一部分,因此依赖于实现.


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