let learnedTree = Node(0,"A0", Node(2,"A2", Leaf(0), Leaf(1)), Node(1,"A1", Node(2,"A2", Leaf(0), Leaf(1)), Leaf(0)))
type BinaryTree = | Leaf of int | Node of int * string * BinaryTree * BinaryTree
A1 | A2 | A3 | Class 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
(A1 = 1) A1 (A1 = 0) A2 | A3 | Class A2 | A3 | Class 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1
let learnedTree = Node(0,"A0", Node(2,"A2", Leaf(0), Leaf(1)), Node(1,"A1", Node(2,"A2", Leaf(0), Leaf(1)), Leaf(0)))
let rec createTree (listToSplit : list>) index = let leftSideSplit = listToSplit |> List.choose (fun x -> if x.Item(index) = 1. then Some(x) else None) let rightSideSplit = listToSplit |> List.choose (fun x -> if x.Item(index) = 0. then Some(x) else None) if leftSideSplit.Length > 0 then let pureCheck = isListPure leftSideSplit if pureCheck = 0 then printfn "%s" "Pure left node class 0" createTree leftSideSplit (index + 1) else if pureCheck = 1 then printfn "%s" "Pure left node class 1" createTree leftSideSplit (index + 1) else printfn "%s - %A" "Recursing Left" leftSideSplit createTree leftSideSplit (index + 1) else printfn "%s" "Pure left node class 0"
编辑:我已经在我的博客上发布了ID3的实现:http: //blogs.msdn.com/chrsmith
嘿Jim,我一直想写一篇在F#中实现ID3的博客文章一段时间 - 感谢给我一个执行.虽然此代码未完全(或正确)实现算法,但它应该足以让您入门.
一般来说,你有正确的方法 - 将每个分支代表一个有区别的联合案例是好的.和Brian说的一样,List.partition绝对是一个方便的功能.使这项工作正确的诀窍在于确定要拆分的最佳属性/值对 - 为此,您需要通过熵等计算信息增益.
type Attribute = string type Value = string type Record = { Weather : string Temperature : string PlayTennis : bool } override this.ToString() = sprintf "{Weather = %s, Temp = %s, PlayTennis = %b}" this.Weather this.Temperature this.PlayTennis type Decision = Attribute * Value type DecisionTreeNode = | Branch of Decision * DecisionTreeNode * DecisionTreeNode | Leaf of Record list // ------------------------------------ // Splits a record list into an optimal split and the left / right branches. // (This is where you use the entropy function to maxamize information gain.) // Record list -> Decision * Record list * Record list let bestSplit data = // Just group by weather, then by temperature let uniqueWeathers = List.fold (fun acc item -> Set.add item.Weather acc) Set.empty data let uniqueTemperatures = List.fold (fun acc item -> Set.add item.Temperature acc) Set.empty data if uniqueWeathers.Count = 1 then let bestSplit = ("Temperature", uniqueTemperatures.MinimumElement) let left, right = List.partition (fun item -> item.Temperature = uniqueTemperatures.MinimumElement) data (bestSplit, left, right) else let bestSplit = ("Weather", uniqueWeathers.MinimumElement) let left, right = List.partition (fun item -> item.Weather = uniqueWeathers.MinimumElement) data (bestSplit, left, right) let rec determineBranch data = if List.length data < 4 then Leaf(data) else // Use the entropy function to break the dataset on // the category / value that best splits the data let bestDecision, leftBranch, rightBranch = bestSplit data Branch( bestDecision, determineBranch leftBranch, determineBranch rightBranch) // ------------------------------------ let rec printID3Result indent branch = let padding = new System.String(' ', indent) match branch with | Leaf(data) -> data |> List.iter (fun item -> printfn "%s%s" padding <| item.ToString()) | Branch(decision, lhs, rhs) -> printfn "%sBranch predicate [%A]" padding decision printfn "%sWhere predicate is true:" padding printID3Result (indent + 4) lhs printfn "%sWhere predicate is false:" padding printID3Result (indent + 4) rhs // ------------------------------------ let dataset = [ { Weather = "windy"; Temperature = "hot"; PlayTennis = false } { Weather = "windy"; Temperature = "cool"; PlayTennis = false } { Weather = "nice"; Temperature = "cool"; PlayTennis = true } { Weather = "nice"; Temperature = "cold"; PlayTennis = true } { Weather = "humid"; Temperature = "hot"; PlayTennis = false } ] printfn "Given input list:" dataset |> List.iter (printfn "%A") printfn "ID3 split resulted in:" let id3Result = determineBranch dataset printID3Result 0 id3Result
我不清楚模式匹配会在这里给你带来多少收获; 输入类型(列表列表)和处理(分区和'纯度'检查)并不真正适用于此.