我正在编写一个粒子引擎,并注意到它的速度比应有的慢得多(我编写的高度未经优化的3D C++粒子引擎能够以60 fps渲染50k粒子,这一粒子在1.2k左右下降到32 fps. .),我对代码做了一些分析,假设渲染粒子或旋转是CPU占用最多的操作,但是我发现实际上图形对象的这两个小属性实际上占据了我性能的70%以上....
public void RotateParticle(Graphics g, RectangleF r, RectangleF rShadow, float angle, Pen particleColor, Pen particleShadow) { //Create a matrix Matrix m = new Matrix(); PointF shadowPoint = new PointF(rShadow.Left + (rShadow.Width / 1), rShadow.Top + (rShadow.Height / 1)); PointF particlePoint = new PointF(r.Left + (r.Width / 1), r.Top + (r.Height / 2)); //Angle of the shadow gets set to the angle of the particle, //that way we can rotate them at the same rate float shadowAngle = angle; m.RotateAt(shadowAngle, shadowPoint); g.Transform = m; //rotate and draw the shadow of the Particle g.DrawRectangle(particleShadow, rShadow.X, rShadow.Y, rShadow.Width, rShadow.Height); //Reset the matrix for the next draw and dispose of the first matrix //NOTE: Using one matrix for both the shadow and the partice causes one //to rotate at half the speed of the other. g.ResetTransform(); m.Dispose(); //Same stuff as before but for the actual particle Matrix m2 = new Matrix(); m2.RotateAt(angle, particlePoint); //Set the current draw location to the rotated matrix point //and draw the Particle g.Transform = m2; g.DrawRectangle(particleColor, r.X, r.Y, r.Width, r.Height); m2.Dispose(); }
g.Transform = m; g.Transform = m2;
我有点认为这是一个无法真正帮助的东西,因为看起来房产本身正在摧毁性能,而不是我实际做过的任何事情(尽管我确信还有改进的余地),特别是因为dll class calls是使用最大的cpu功率.无论如何,任何帮助都会在尝试优化这一点时非常感激...也许我只是启用/禁用旋转来提高性能,我们会看到......
我认为您在这里看到的是GDI / plus的晦涩功能,它会批量绘制绘图命令。换句话说,它在内部生成绘制命令的列表,并且直到需要时才将其传递给视频驱动程序。本机winapi具有显式强制刷新该列表的功能,它是 GdiFlush()。但是,.NET Graphics类未公开该内容,它是自动完成的。
因此,一个颇具吸引力的理论是,当您分配Transform属性时,GDI +内部调用GdiFlush()。所以您看到的成本是的成本实际上是先前DrawRectangle()调用的成本。