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我记得读过一些东西(可能在Code Complete 2中),在分配内存时将内存初始化为已知模式是好的,某些模式会触发Win32中的中断,这将导致调试器中出现异常.


1> Michael Burr..:


Value     Name           Description 
------   --------        -------------------------
0xCD     Clean Memory    Allocated memory via malloc or new but never 
                         written by the application. 

0xDD     Dead Memory     Memory that has been released with delete or free. 
                         Used to detect writing through dangling pointers. 

0xED or  Aligned Fence   'No man's land' for aligned allocations. Using a 
0xBD                     different value here than 0xFD allows the runtime
                         to detect not only writing outside the allocation,
                         but to also detect mixing alignment-specific
                         allocation/deallocation routines with the regular

0xFD     Fence Memory    Also known as "no mans land." This is used to wrap 
                         the allocated memory (surrounding it with a fence) 
                         and is used to detect indexing arrays out of 
                         bounds or other accesses (especially writes) past
                         the end (or start) of an allocated block.

0xFD or  Buffer slack    Used to fill slack space in some memory buffers 
0xFE                     (unused parts of `std::string` or the user buffer 
                         passed to `fread()`). 0xFD is used in VS 2005 (maybe 
                         some prior versions, too), 0xFE is used in VS 2008 
                         and later.

0xCC                     When the code is compiled with the /GZ option,
                         uninitialized variables are automatically assigned 
                         to this value (at byte level). 

// the following magic values are done by the OS, not the C runtime:

0xAB  (Allocated Block?) Memory allocated by LocalAlloc(). 

0xBAADF00D Bad Food      Memory allocated by LocalAlloc() with LMEM_FIXED,but 
                         not yet written to. 

0xFEEEFEEE               OS fill heap memory, which was marked for usage, 
                         but wasn't allocated by HeapAlloc() or LocalAlloc(). 
                         Or that memory just has been freed by HeapFree(). 

免责声明:表格来自我所说的一些笔记 - 它们可能不是100%正确(或连贯).


 * The following values are non-zero, constant, odd, large, and atypical
 *      Non-zero values help find bugs assuming zero filled data.
 *      Constant values are good so that memory filling is deterministic
 *          (to help make bugs reproducable).  Of course it is bad if
 *          the constant filling of weird values masks a bug.
 *      Mathematically odd numbers are good for finding bugs assuming a cleared
 *          lower bit.
 *      Large numbers (byte values at least) are less typical, and are good
 *          at finding bad addresses.
 *      Atypical values (i.e. not too often) are good since they typically
 *          cause early detection in code.
 *      For the case of no-man's land and free blocks, if you store to any
 *          of these locations, the memory integrity checker will detect it.
 *      _bAlignLandFill has been changed from 0xBD to 0xED, to ensure that
 *      4 bytes of that (0xEDEDEDED) would give an inaccessible address under 3gb.

static unsigned char _bNoMansLandFill = 0xFD;   /* fill no-man's land with this */
static unsigned char _bAlignLandFill  = 0xED;   /* fill no-man's land for aligned routines */
static unsigned char _bDeadLandFill   = 0xDD;   /* fill free objects with this */
static unsigned char _bCleanLandFill  = 0xCD;   /* fill new objects with this */

还有一些调试运行时将填充具有已知值的缓冲区(或部分缓冲区),例如std::string分配中的"松弛"空间或传递给的缓冲区fread().这些情况使用给定名称_SECURECRT_FILL_BUFFER_PATTERN(定义crtdefs.h)的值.我不确定它何时被引入,但它至少在VS 2005(VC++ 8)的调试运行时中.

最初用于填充这些缓冲区的值是0xFD- 与没有人的土地相同的值.但是,在VS 2008(VC++ 9)中,值已更改为0xFE.我假设这是因为可能存在填充操作将超过缓冲区末尾的情况,例如,如果调用者传入的缓冲区大小太大而无法调用fread().在这种情况下,该值0xFD可能不会触发检测到此溢出,因为如果缓冲区大小仅为1,则填充值将与用于初始化该金丝雀的无人值的土地值相同.没有人的土地没有变化意味着不会注意到超限.

因此,VS 2008中的填充值发生了变化,因此这种情况会改变无人的陆地金丝雀,从而导致运行时检测到问题.


@seane - 仅供参考你的链接似乎已经死了.新的(文本已增强)可在此处获得:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/974tc9t1.aspx
哦是的 - 其中一些来自DbgHeap.c中的CRT源代码.

2> Adam Rosenfi..:


并且0xCD是`int`指令,因此执行0xCD 0xCD将生成一个`int CD`,它也会陷阱.
在当今世界,Data Execution Prevention甚至不允许CPU从堆中获取指令。自XP SP2起,此答案已过时。

3> Martin Becke..:

它是特定于编译器和操作系统的,Visual Studio将不同类型的内存设置为不同的值,以便在调试器中您可以轻松查看是否已经进入malloced内存,固定数组或未初始化对象.当我谷歌搜索他们时,有人会发布细节...


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