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string = "Checks for load balancers with listeners that do not use recommended security configurations for encrypted communication. AWS recommends using a secure protocol (HTTPS or SSL), up-to-date security policies, and ciphers and protocols that are secure.
\nWhen you use a secure protocol for a front-end connection (client to load balancer), the requests are encrypted between your clients and the load balancer, which is more secure.
\nElastic Load Balancing provides predefined security policies with ciphers and protocols that adhere to AWS security best practices. New versions of predefined policies are released as new configurations become available.

\nAlert Criteria
\nYellow: A load balancer has no listener that uses a secure protocol (HTTPS or SSL).
\nYellow: A load balancer listener uses an outdated predefined SSL security policy.
\nYellow: A load balancer listener uses a cipher or protocol that is not recommended.
\nRed: A load balancer listener uses an insecure cipher or protocol.

\nRecommended Action\n

  • If the traffic to your load balancer must be secure, use either the HTTPS or the SSL protocol for the front-end connection.
  • \n
  • Upgrade your load balancer to the latest version of the predefined SSL security policy.
  • \n
  • Use only the recommended ciphers and protocols.
\nFor more information, see Listener Configurations for Elastic Load Balancing.

\nAdditional Resources
\nListener Configurations Quick Reference
\nUpdate SSL Negotiation Configuration of Your Load Balancer
\nSSL Negotiation Configurations for Elastic Load Balancing
\nSSL Security Policy Table






def status_description(string, status)
  # manipulate string and return status description(s)


status_description(string, 'Yellow')


  'A load balancer has no listener that uses a secure protocol (HTTPS or SSL).',
  'A load balancer listener uses an outdated predefined SSL security policy.',
  'A load balancer listener uses a cipher or protocol that is not recommended.'

status_description(string, 'Red')


['A load balancer listener uses an insecure cipher or protocol.']


\nAlert Criteria


  'Green' => ['some green desc']
  'Yellow' => ['some yellow desc', 'another yellow desc'],
  'Red' => ['some red desc']

我还需要得到以下数组'Recommended Action':

  'If the traffic to your load balancer must be secure, use either the HTTPS or the SSL protocol for the front-end connection.',
  'Upgrade your load balancer to the latest version of the predefined SSL security policy.',
  'Use only the recommended ciphers and protocols.'



1> Cary Swovela..:
def status_description(str, color)

status_description(string, "yellow")
  #=> ["A load balancer has no listener that uses a secure protocol (HTTPS or SSL).",
  #    "A load balancer listener uses an outdated predefined SSL security policy.",
  #    "A load balancer listener uses a cipher or protocol that is not recommended."]

status_description(string, "green")
  #=> [] 

status_description(string, "red")
  #=> ["A load balancer listener uses an insecure cipher or protocol."] 


color = "yellow"


r = /
    (?<=       # begin a positive lookbehind
      #{color} # match the value of the variable `color`
      :\s      # match a colon followed by whitespace
    )          # close positive lookbehind
    .*?        # match any number of any characters, lazily
    [.!?]      # match a character that terminates a sentence
    /ix        # case-indifference and free-spacing regex definition modes
  #=> /
  #=> (?<=     # begin a positive lookbehind
  #     yellow # match the value of the variable `color`
  #     :\s    # match a colon followed by whitespace
  #   )        # close positive lookbehind
  #   .*?      # match any number of any characters, lazily
  #   [.!?]    # match a character that terminates a sentence
  #   /ix 


["green", "yellow", "red"].each_with_object({}) { |c,h|
  h[c] = status_description(string, c) }
  #=> {"green" =>[],
  #    "yellow"=>[
  #      "A load balancer has no listener that uses a secure protocol (HTTPS or SSL).",
  #      "A load balancer listener uses an outdated predefined SSL security policy.",
  #      "A load balancer listener uses a cipher or protocol that is not recommended."
  #    ],
  #    "red"=>["A load balancer listener uses an insecure cipher or protocol."]
  #   } 


r0 = /
  • # match string \K # discard everything matched so far .+? # match any number of any character, lazily (?) (?=<\/li>\s<\/ul>) # match string /mx # multiline and free-spacing regex definition modes r1 = /<\/li>\s*\n\s*
  • / # match string

  #=> ["If the traffic to your load balancer must be secure, use either the \  
  #     HTTPS or the SSL protocol for the front-end connection.",
  #    "Upgrade your load balancer to the latest version of the predefined \
  #     SSL security policy.",
  #    "Use only the recommended ciphers and protocols."] 


  #=> "If the traffic to your load balancer must be secure, use either \
  #    the HTTPS or the SSL protocol for the front-end connection.\
  #    \n
  • Upgrade your load balancer to the latest version of the \ # predefined SSL security policy.
  • \n
  • Use only the recommended \ # ciphers and protocols."
  • 1.在构建r0我在取代了单一的空间"Recommended Action""(?=<\/li> <\/ul>)"\s.只有在自由间隔模式(/x)中定义正则表达式时才需要这样做,它忽略空格.此外,\nRecommended\sAction<\/b>\n

    • \K可以用积极的lookbehind代替:(?<=\nRecommended\sAction<\/b>\n
      • ).最后,我格式化了返回字符串,因此无需水平滚动即可读取它们.

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