Stage stage = new Stage(); FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader( getClass().getResource("../layout/SearchCustomer.fxml")); Parent parent = (Parent) fxmlLoader.load(); Scene scene = new Scene(parent); stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.initOwner(parent.getScene().getWindow()); stage.setScene(scene); stage.resizableProperty().setValue(false); stage.showAndWait();
public class ChildController { @FXML private TableViewcustomerTable ; private final ReadOnlyObjectWrapper currentCustomer = new ReadOnlyObjectWrapper<>(); public ReadOnlyObjectProperty currentCustomerProperty() { return currentCustomer.getReadOnlyProperty() ; } public Customer getCurrentCustomer() { return currentCustomer.get(); } public void initialize() { // set up double click on table: customerTable.setRowFactory(tv -> { TableRow row = new TableRow<>(); row.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { if (row.getClickCount() == 2 && ! row.isEmpty()) { currentCustomer.set(row.getItem()); } } }); } }
Stage stage = new Stage(); FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader( getClass().getResource("../layout/SearchCustomer.fxml")); Parent parent = (Parent) fxmlLoader.load(); ChildController childController = fxmlLoader.getController(); childController.currentCustomerProperty().addListener((obs, oldCustomer, newCustomer) -> { // do whatever you need with newCustomer.... }); Scene scene = new Scene(parent); stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.initOwner(parent.getScene().getWindow()); stage.setScene(scene); stage.resizableProperty().setValue(false); stage.showAndWait();
在子控制器中使用a 作为回调:
public class ChildController { @FXML private TableViewcustomerTable ; private Consumer customerSelectCallback ; public void setCustomerSelectCallback(Consumer callback) { this.customerSelectCallback = callback ; } public void initialize() { // set up double click on table: customerTable.setRowFactory(tv -> { TableRow row = new TableRow<>(); row.setOnMouseClicked(e -> { if (row.getClickCount() == 2 && ! row.isEmpty()) { if (customerSelectCallback != null) { customerSelectCallback.accept(row.getItem()); } } } }); } }
Stage stage = new Stage(); FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = new FXMLLoader( getClass().getResource("../layout/SearchCustomer.fxml")); Parent parent = (Parent) fxmlLoader.load(); ChildController childController = fxmlLoader.getController(); childController.setCustomerSelectCallback(customer -> { // do whatever you need with customer.... }); Scene scene = new Scene(parent); stage.initModality(Modality.APPLICATION_MODAL); stage.initOwner(parent.getScene().getWindow()); stage.setScene(scene); stage.resizableProperty().setValue(false); stage.showAndWait();