TL; DR有一个生成HTML覆盖率报告的过程.此报告显示所涵盖的代码,由于没有可用的测试,因此显然没有涵盖.
var webpack = require('webpack'); var path = require('path'); // Reference webpack.config.js, don't repeat it! var webpackConfig = require('./webpack.config.js'); // The entry point from the referenced Webpack configuration has to be // removed or tests will fail in weird and inscrutable ways. // Easy enough, just define an empty entry object (null won't work). webpackConfig.entry = {}; webpackConfig.module = { preLoaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, // files within these directories should be excluded // for babel processing exclude: /(node_modules)/, loaders: ['babel?cacheDirectory'] }, { test: /\.js$/, include: /(src\/js)/, exclude: /(vendor)/, loaders: ['isparta'] } ] }; /** * Karma configuration * @param config */ module.exports = function (config) { config.set({ browsers: ['PhantomJS'], coverageReporter: { dir: 'test-results', reporters: [ {type: 'text-summary'}, {type: 'html', subdir: 'coverage'} ] }, files: [ 'webpack.test.config.js' ], frameworks: [ 'jasmine' ], preprocessors: { 'webpack.test.config.js': ['webpack'] }, reporters: ['spec', 'coverage'], webpack: webpackConfig }); };
var webpack = require('webpack'); var path = require('path'); module.exports = { plugins: [ new webpack.ProvidePlugin({ $: "jquery", jQuery: "jquery", "window.jQuery": "jquery" }) ] };
// make sure the file name regexp matches your test files. var testsContext = require.context('./tests', true, /\.spec\.js$/); testsContext.keys().forEach(testsContext); // make sure the file name regexp matches your test files. var srcContext = require.context('./src/js', true, /\.js$/); srcContext.keys().forEach(srcContext);
import {Calculator} from './modules/Calculator'; let c = new Calculator(); c.add(1,2); // 3
export class Calculator { add(op1, op2) { return op1 + op2; } sub(op1, op2) { if (typeof op1 !== 'number') { return false; } return op1 - op2; } mul(op1, op2) { return op1 * op2; } div(op1, op2) { return op1 / op2; } }
import {Calculator} from '../src/js/modules/Calculator'; describe('Calculator', function () { it('should return 10', function () { expect(true).toBe(false); }); });
得到加载; 这意味着这些行被执行.
import {Calculator} from './modules/Calculator'; let c = new Calculator(); c.add(1,2); // 3
{ test: /\.js$/, include: /(src\/js)/, exclude: /(vendor)/, loaders: ['isparta'] }我的代码不应该只在测试期间运用吗?
// this will get coverage; because it is top-level code outside a function block var dummy = null; export class Calculator { add(op1, op2) { // this will get coverage only if you call explicitly the function. return op1 + op2; } } // this will get coverage. var c = new Calculator(); // and now, Calculator.add will get coverage. c.add(1,2); // 3