class Stand: Object { dynamic var id : Int = 0 dynamic var name : String = "" dynamic var latitude : Double = 0.0 dynamic var longitude : Double = 0.0 let products = List() override static func primaryKey() -> String? { return "id" } } class Product: Object { dynamic var id : Int = 0 dynamic var name : String = "" let stands = List () override static func primaryKey() -> String? { return "id" } }
当执行我的Stands API请求时,我也会同时检索关联的产品。当我将这些附加到Stands上时,它对于我的Stands模型非常有效,因为产品通常只是添加到List()中。
func retrieveAndCacheStands(clearDatabase clearDatabase: Bool?) { backend.retrievePath(endpoint.StandsIndex, completion: { (response) -> () in let listOfProducts : List<(Product)> = List<(Product)>() func addProducts(stand: Stand, products: List<(Product)>?) { for product in products! { print(product.name) let newProduct = Product() newProduct.id = product.id newProduct.name = product.name newProduct.stands.append(stand) try! self.realm.write({ () -> Void in self.realm.create(Product.self, value: newProduct, update: true) }) } listOfProducts.removeAll() } for (_, value) in response { let stand = Stand() stand.id = value["id"].intValue stand.name = value["name"].string! stand.latitude = value["latitude"].double! stand.longitude = value["longitude"].double! for (_, products) in value["products"] { let product = Product() product.id = products["id"].intValue product.name = products["name"].string! stand.products.append(product) listOfProducts.append(product) } try! self.realm.write({ () -> Void in self.realm.create(Stand.self, value: stand, update: true) }) addProducts(stand, products: listOfProducts) } print(Realm.Configuration.defaultConfiguration.path!) }) { (error) -> () in print(error) } }
这将存储支架并将产品添加到其中。它还会创建所有产品,并每10 ish产品(?)添加1个Stand。
class Product: Object { dynamic var id: Int = 0 dynamic var name: String = "" // Realm doesn't persist this property because it is of type `LinkingObjects` // Define "stands" as the inverse relationship to Stand.products let stands = LinkingObjects(fromType: Stand.self, property: "products") override static func primaryKey() -> String? { return "id" } }