如果我在移动设备上使用Phonegap Developer进行测试,则会在下面给出代码,它会在我的Nexus 5设备的根目录中创建一个文件.
// create a file writer object function CreateFileWriter() { // request the file system object window.requestFileSystem( LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, OnFileSystemSuccess,fail); } function OnFileSystemSuccess( pFileSystemObj ) { console.log( pFileSystemObj.name ); console.log( pFileSystemObj.root.name ); pFileSystemObj.root.getFile( "file_name.txt", {create: true, exclusive: false}, OnFileGetSuccess, fail); } function OnFileGetSuccess( pFileEntryObj ) { pFileEntryObj.createWriter( function(pWriterObj){ gWriterObj = pWriterObj; }, fail ); } function fail(evt) { console.log(evt.target.error.code); }
var fileName = 'myfile.txt'; // your file name var data = '...'; // your data, could be useful JSON.stringify to convert an object to JSON string window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL( cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, function( directoryEntry ) { directoryEntry.getFile(fileName, { create: true }, function( fileEntry ) { fileEntry.createWriter( function( fileWriter ) { fileWriter.onwriteend = function( result ) { console.log( 'done.' ); }; fileWriter.onerror = function( error ) { console.log( error ); }; fileWriter.write( data ); }, function( error ) { console.log( error ); } ); }, function( error ) { console.log( error ); } ); }, function( error ) { console.log( error ); } );