我查看了互联网上有关使用.csv模块的信息; 还有一些人突出了这个问题,但我还没有找到具体的解决方案.
只是为了给出以下代码的一些背景知识; 我必须只输出每个人的最后3个分数到文件中,我将使用"名称,类"对作为数据库的主键,即我将识别数据库的用户.变量'totalscore','难度','用户名'和'类'已在早期代码中定义(有很多,并且它并不完全相关,所以我没有包含它)
savescore = 0 savescore = totalscore * (difficulty + 2) #Multiplies their score out of 10 by difficulty + 2 print("You got " + str(totalscore) + " Out of ten and scored " + str(savescore) + " points" ) with open("Scoredatabase.csv","r") as f: f=csv.reader(f) NameClassScoreList = [] for line in f: NameClassScoreList.append(line[0:5]) # Creates a list of all of the entries in the .csv file (List of lists) in the order Name,Class,Score,Score,Score NameClassList = [] for n in NameClassScoreList: NameClassList.append([n[0], n[1]]) #Appends a list of pairs of (Name,Class) for all the records in the .csv file print(NameClassList) print(NameClassScoreList) userNameClass=[] userNameClass=[username,Class] #Creates a variable storing the pair (Name,Class) for the user currently using the program, can later be used to compare with ones in the database if userNameClass not in NameClassList: #Tests if a user with that username and class already exists (It should append it to the end before sorting) NameClassScoreList.append([username,Class,str(savescore),'0','0']) for entry in NameClassScoreList: #Iterates through all of the entries within the NameClassScoreList (Which includes a list of entries in the .csv file) if entry[0:2] == [username,Class]: #Checks if the username,Class matches entry[4]=entry[3] #If it does, it moves all of the scores forwards, deleting the the 3rd last and then replaces it with the savescore entry[3]=entry[2] entry[2]=str(savescore) NameClassScoreList = sorted(NameClassScoreList, key=itemgetter(1,0)) #Sorts the NameClassScoreList by Class, then Name alphabetically. with open("Scoredatabase.csv","w") as f: writer=csv.writer(f) #should be for n in NameClassScoreList for entryrow in NameClassScoreList: writer.writerow((entryrow[0],entryrow[1],entryrow[2],entryrow[3],entryrow[4]))
csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
我有一台Windows机器,Windows上的普通行终结器是'\ r \n'.如果我使用上面的代码,我得到一个'\ r \n'作为行终止符的文件: 单回车
如果我使用'\ r \n'作为行终止符,我会得到'\ r \n\r \n': 双回车
我猜CSV作家与Windows行结束符(\ r \n")取代了"尼克斯行终止(" \n)的'自动,所以你会得到一个回车在Windows机器上太多了.