wickedweather liquidweather driveourtrucks gocompact slimprojector
wicked weather liquid weather drive our trucks go compact slim projector
我想它可以手工完成,但为什么 - 什么时候可以用代码完成!=)但这让我很难过.有任何想法吗?
import re
from collections import Counter
def viterbi_segment(text):
probs, lasts = [1.0], [0]
for i in range(1, len(text) + 1):
prob_k, k = max((probs[j] * word_prob(text[j:i]), j)
for j in range(max(0, i - max_word_length), i))
words = []
i = len(text)
while 0 < i:
i = lasts[i]
return words, probs[-1]
def word_prob(word): return dictionary[word] / total
def words(text): return re.findall('[a-z]+', text.lower())
dictionary = Counter(words(open('big.txt').read()))
max_word_length = max(map(len, dictionary))
total = float(sum(dictionary.values()))
>>> viterbi_segment('wickedweather') (['wicked', 'weather'], 5.1518198982768158e-10) >>> ' '.join(viterbi_segment('itseasyformetosplitlongruntogetherblocks')[0]) 'its easy for me to split long run together blocks'
farsidebag far sidebag farside bag far side bag
你不仅需要使用字典,你可能必须使用统计方法来找出最有可能的(或者,上帝禁止,选择人类语言的真实HMM ......)
对于如何进行可能有用的统计数据,我转向Peter Norvig博士,他解决了21行代码中不同但相关的拼写检查问题:http: //norvig.com/spell-correct.html
更新这一直困在我的脑海里,所以今天我不得不生下它.此代码与Robert Gamble描述的代码类似,但它会根据提供的字典文件中的字频率对结果进行排序(现在预计会出现一些代表您的域名或一般英语的文本.我使用了大字典.来自Norvig的.txt,与上面相关联,并在其上写了一本词典,以涵盖遗漏的单词).
http://squarecog.wordpress.com/2008/10/19/splitting-words-joined-into-a-single-string/ 并且还写了一些关于此代码中的下溢错误.我很想安静地解决它,但想到这可能会帮助一些以前没有看过日志技巧的人:http: //squarecog.wordpress.com/2009/01/10/dealing-with-underflow-in-joint-probability-calculations/
输出你的单词,加上我自己的一些 - 注意"orcore"会发生什么:
perl splitwords.pl big.txt words answerveal: 2 possibilities - answer veal - answer ve al wickedweather: 4 possibilities - wicked weather - wicked we at her - wick ed weather - wick ed we at her liquidweather: 6 possibilities - liquid weather - liquid we at her - li quid weather - li quid we at her - li qu id weather - li qu id we at her driveourtrucks: 1 possibilities - drive our trucks gocompact: 1 possibilities - go compact slimprojector: 2 possibilities - slim projector - slim project or orcore: 3 possibilities - or core - or co re - orc ore
#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; sub find_matches($); sub find_matches_rec($\@\@); sub find_word_seq_score(@); sub get_word_stats($); sub print_results($@); sub Usage(); our(%DICT,$TOTAL); { my( $dict_file, $word_file ) = @ARGV; ($dict_file && $word_file) or die(Usage); { my $DICT; ($DICT, $TOTAL) = get_word_stats($dict_file); %DICT = %$DICT; } { open( my $WORDS, '<', $word_file ) or die "unable to open $word_file\n"; foreach my $word (<$WORDS>) { chomp $word; my $arr = find_matches($word); local $_; # Schwartzian Transform my @sorted_arr = map { $_->[0] } sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] } map { [ $_, find_word_seq_score(@$_) ] } @$arr; print_results( $word, @sorted_arr ); } close $WORDS; } } sub find_matches($){ my( $string ) = @_; my @found_parses; my @words; find_matches_rec( $string, @words, @found_parses ); return @found_parses if wantarray; return \@found_parses; } sub find_matches_rec($\@\@){ my( $string, $words_sofar, $found_parses ) = @_; my $length = length $string; unless( $length ){ push @$found_parses, $words_sofar; return @$found_parses if wantarray; return $found_parses; } foreach my $i ( 2..$length ){ my $prefix = substr($string, 0, $i); my $suffix = substr($string, $i, $length-$i); if( exists $DICT{$prefix} ){ my @words = ( @$words_sofar, $prefix ); find_matches_rec( $suffix, @words, @$found_parses ); } } return @$found_parses if wantarray; return $found_parses; } ## Just a simple joint probability ## assumes independence between words, which is obviously untrue ## that's why this is broken out -- feel free to add better brains sub find_word_seq_score(@){ my( @words ) = @_; local $_; my $score = 1; foreach ( @words ){ $score = $score * $DICT{$_} / $TOTAL; } return $score; } sub get_word_stats($){ my ($filename) = @_; open(my $DICT, '<', $filename) or die "unable to open $filename\n"; local $/= undef; local $_; my %dict; my $total = 0; while ( <$DICT> ){ foreach ( split(/\b/, $_) ) { $dict{$_} += 1; $total++; } } close $DICT; return (\%dict, $total); } sub print_results($@){ #( 'word', [qw'test one'], [qw'test two'], ... ) my ($word, @combos) = @_; local $_; my $possible = scalar @combos; print "$word: $possible possibilities\n"; foreach (@combos) { print ' - ', join(' ', @$_), "\n"; } print "\n"; } sub Usage(){ return "$0 /path/to/dictionary /path/to/your_words"; }
#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my $WORD_FILE = '/usr/share/dict/words'; #Change as needed my %words; # Hash of words in dictionary # Open dictionary, load words into hash open(WORDS, $WORD_FILE) or die "Failed to open dictionary: $!\n"; while () { chomp; $words{lc($_)} = 1; } close(WORDS); # Read one line at a time from stdin, break into words while (<>) { chomp; my @words; find_words(lc($_)); } sub find_words { # Print every way $string can be parsed into whole words my $string = shift; my @words = @_; my $length = length $string; foreach my $i ( 1 .. $length ) { my $word = substr $string, 0, $i; my $remainder = substr $string, $i, $length - $i; # Some dictionaries contain each letter as a word next if ($i == 1 && ($word ne "a" && $word ne "i")); if (defined($words{$word})) { push @words, $word; if ($remainder eq "") { print join(' ', @words), "\n"; return; } else { find_words($remainder, @words); } pop @words; } } return; }