////// Removes control characters and other non-UTF-8 characters /// /// The string to process ///A string with no control characters or entities above 0x00FD public static string RemoveTroublesomeCharacters(string inString) { if (inString == null) return null; StringBuilder newString = new StringBuilder(); char ch; for (int i = 0; i < inString.Length; i++) { ch = inString[i]; // remove any characters outside the valid UTF-8 range as well as all control characters // except tabs and new lines //if ((ch < 0x00FD && ch > 0x001F) || ch == '\t' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\r') //if using .NET version prior to 4, use above logic if (XmlConvert.IsXmlChar(ch)) //this method is new in .NET 4 { newString.Append(ch); } } return newString.ToString(); }
Char =#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20-#xD7FF] | [#xE000-#xFFFD] | [#x10000-#x10FFFF]
在.NET中,Unicode字符的内部表示只有16位,因此我们不能明确地"允许"0x10000-0x10FFFF.XML规范明确禁止出现从0xD800开始的代理代码点.但是,如果我们在白名单中使用这些代理代码点,utf-8编码,我们的字符串可能最终会生成有效的XML,只要从utf-16字符的代理对中生成正确的utf-8编码即可. .NET字符串.我没有探讨过这个问题,所以我选择了更安全的赌注并且不允许我的白名单中的代理人.
public static string XmlCharacterWhitelist( string in_string ) { if( in_string == null ) return null; StringBuilder sbOutput = new StringBuilder(); char ch; for( int i = 0; i < in_string.Length; i++ ) { ch = in_string[i]; if( ( ch >= 0x0020 && ch <= 0xD7FF ) || ( ch >= 0xE000 && ch <= 0xFFFD ) || ch == 0x0009 || ch == 0x000A || ch == 0x000D ) { sbOutput.Append( ch ); } } return sbOutput.ToString(); }
作为删除无效XML字符的方法,我建议您使用XmlConvert.IsXmlChar方法.它是从.NET Framework 4开始添加的,也是在Silverlight中呈现的.这是一个小样本:
void Main() { string content = "\v\f\0"; Console.WriteLine(IsValidXmlString(content)); // False content = RemoveInvalidXmlChars(content); Console.WriteLine(IsValidXmlString(content)); // True } static string RemoveInvalidXmlChars(string text) { char[] validXmlChars = text.Where(ch => XmlConvert.IsXmlChar(ch)).ToArray(); return new string(validXmlChars); } static bool IsValidXmlString(string text) { try { XmlConvert.VerifyXmlChars(text); return true; } catch { return false; } }
DRY实现这个答案的解决方案(使用不同的构造函数 - 随意使用您在应用程序中需要的那个):
public class InvalidXmlCharacterReplacingStreamReader : StreamReader { private readonly char _replacementCharacter; public InvalidXmlCharacterReplacingStreamReader(string fileName, char replacementCharacter) : base(fileName) { this._replacementCharacter = replacementCharacter; } public override int Peek() { int ch = base.Peek(); if (ch != -1 && IsInvalidChar(ch)) { return this._replacementCharacter; } return ch; } public override int Read() { int ch = base.Read(); if (ch != -1 && IsInvalidChar(ch)) { return this._replacementCharacter; } return ch; } public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { int readCount = base.Read(buffer, index, count); for (int i = index; i < readCount + index; i++) { char ch = buffer[i]; if (IsInvalidChar(ch)) { buffer[i] = this._replacementCharacter; } } return readCount; } private static bool IsInvalidChar(int ch) { return (ch < 0x0020 || ch > 0xD7FF) && (ch < 0xE000 || ch > 0xFFFD) && ch != 0x0009 && ch != 0x000A && ch != 0x000D; } }
public static string RemoveInvalidXmlChars(string input) { var isValid = new Predicate(value => (value >= 0x0020 && value <= 0xD7FF) || (value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD) || value == 0x0009 || value == 0x000A || value == 0x000D); return new string(Array.FindAll(input.ToCharArray(), isValid)); }
public static string RemoveInvalidXmlChars(string input) { return new string(input.Where(value => (value >= 0x0020 && value <= 0xD7FF) || (value >= 0xE000 && value <= 0xFFFD) || value == 0x0009 || value == 0x000A || value == 0x000D).ToArray()); }
我只实现了一些方法来节省自己的时间.我将它与XDocument.Load和文件流结合使用,只调用了Read(char [] buffer,int index,int count)方法,因此它的工作原理如下.您可能需要实现其他方法才能使其适用于您的应用程序.我使用这种方法,因为它似乎比其他答案更有效.我也只实现了一个构造函数,你显然可以实现你需要的任何StreamReader构造函数,因为它只是一个传递.
public class InvalidXmlCharacterReplacingStreamReader : TextReader { private StreamReader implementingStreamReader; private char replacementCharacter; public InvalidXmlCharacterReplacingStreamReader(Stream stream, char replacementCharacter) { implementingStreamReader = new StreamReader(stream); this.replacementCharacter = replacementCharacter; } public override void Close() { implementingStreamReader.Close(); } public override ObjRef CreateObjRef(Type requestedType) { return implementingStreamReader.CreateObjRef(requestedType); } public void Dispose() { implementingStreamReader.Dispose(); } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return implementingStreamReader.Equals(obj); } public override int GetHashCode() { return implementingStreamReader.GetHashCode(); } public override object InitializeLifetimeService() { return implementingStreamReader.InitializeLifetimeService(); } public override int Peek() { int ch = implementingStreamReader.Peek(); if (ch != -1) { if ( (ch < 0x0020 || ch > 0xD7FF) && (ch < 0xE000 || ch > 0xFFFD) && ch != 0x0009 && ch != 0x000A && ch != 0x000D ) { return replacementCharacter; } } return ch; } public override int Read() { int ch = implementingStreamReader.Read(); if (ch != -1) { if ( (ch < 0x0020 || ch > 0xD7FF) && (ch < 0xE000 || ch > 0xFFFD) && ch != 0x0009 && ch != 0x000A && ch != 0x000D ) { return replacementCharacter; } } return ch; } public override int Read(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { int readCount = implementingStreamReader.Read(buffer, index, count); for (int i = index; i < readCount+index; i++) { char ch = buffer[i]; if ( (ch < 0x0020 || ch > 0xD7FF) && (ch < 0xE000 || ch > 0xFFFD) && ch != 0x0009 && ch != 0x000A && ch != 0x000D ) { buffer[i] = replacementCharacter; } } return readCount; } public override TaskReadAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override int ReadBlock(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Task ReadBlockAsync(char[] buffer, int index, int count) { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string ReadLine() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Task ReadLineAsync() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string ReadToEnd() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override Task ReadToEndAsync() { throw new NotImplementedException(); } public override string ToString() { return implementingStreamReader.ToString(); } }