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public int getData() { return 2; } // suppose it is slow and takes 20 sec

// pseudocode
public int GetPreviousData()
    Task t = new Task(() => getData());
    return _cachedData; // some previous value
    _cachedData = t.Result; // _cachedData == 2



这该怎么做?我正在使用.net framework 4.5.2

1> Matías Fidem..:


public Task GetPreviousDataAsync(out int cachedData)
    Task t = Task.Run(() => getData());
    cachedData = _cachedData; // some previous value
    return t; // _cachedData == 2

int cachedData;
cachedData = await GetPreviousDataAsync(out int cachedData);



class A
    private int _cachedData;
    private readonly static AutoResetEvent _getDataResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(true);

    private int GetData()
        return 1;

    public Task GetPreviousDataAsync(out int cachedData)
        // This will force calls to this method to be executed one by one, avoiding
        // N calls to his method update _cachedData class field in an unpredictable way
        // It will try to get a lock in 6 seconds. If it goes beyong 6 seconds it means that 
        // the task is taking too much time. This will prevent a deadlock
        if (!_getDataResetEvent.WaitOne(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(6)))
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Some previous operation is taking too much time");

        // It has acquired an exclusive lock since WaitOne returned true

        Task getDataTask = Task.Run(() => GetData());
        cachedData = _cachedData; // some previous value

        // Once the getDataTask has finished, this will set the 
        // _cachedData class field. Since it's an asynchronous 
        // continuation, the return statement will be hit before the
        // task ends, letting the caller await for the asynchronous
        // operation, while the method was able to output 
        // previous _cachedData using the "out" parameter.
            t =>
                if (t.IsCompleted)
                    _cachedData = t.Result;

                // Open the door again to let other calls proceed

        return getDataTask;

    public void DoStuff()
        int previousCachedData;
        // Don't await it, when the underlying task ends, sets
        // _cachedData already. This is like saying "fire and forget it"
        GetPreviousDataAsync(out previousCachedData);

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