我想知道如何从(groovy)Jenkins工作流脚本调用REST API.我可以执行"sh'curl -X POST ...'" - 它可以工作,但是将请求构建为curl命令很麻烦并且处理响应变得复杂.我更喜欢原生的Groovy HTTP客户端在groovy中编程 - 我应该从哪个开始?由于脚本是在Jenkins中运行的,因此可以将所有需要的依赖项jar复制到Jenkins上的groovy安装中,因此可以理解轻量级的内容.
有一个内置的步骤可用于使用Jenkins HTTP Request Plugin来发出http请求.
def response = httpRequest "http://httpbin.org/response-headers?param1=${param1}" println('Status: '+response.status) println('Response: '+response.content)
// GET def get = new URL("https://httpbin.org/get").openConnection(); def getRC = get.getResponseCode(); println(getRC); if(getRC.equals(200)) { println(get.getInputStream().getText()); } // POST def post = new URL("https://httpbin.org/post").openConnection(); def message = '{"message":"this is a message"}' post.setRequestMethod("POST") post.setDoOutput(true) post.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json") post.getOutputStream().write(message.getBytes("UTF-8")); def postRC = post.getResponseCode(); println(postRC); if(postRC.equals(200)) { println(post.getInputStream().getText()); }
HttpResponse doGetHttpRequest(String requestUrl){ URL url = new URL(requestUrl); HttpURLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod("GET"); //get the request connection.connect(); //parse the response HttpResponse resp = new HttpResponse(connection); if(resp.isFailure()){ error("\nGET from URL: $requestUrl\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body"); } this.printDebug("Request (GET):\n URL: $requestUrl"); this.printDebug("Response:\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body"); return resp; } /** * Posts the json content to the given url and ensures a 200 or 201 status on the response. * If a negative status is returned, an error will be raised and the pipeline will fail. */ HttpResponse doPostHttpRequestWithJson(String json, String requestUrl){ return doHttpRequestWithJson(json, requestUrl, "POST"); } /** * Posts the json content to the given url and ensures a 200 or 201 status on the response. * If a negative status is returned, an error will be raised and the pipeline will fail. */ HttpResponse doPutHttpRequestWithJson(String json, String requestUrl){ return doHttpRequestWithJson(json, requestUrl, "PUT"); } /** * Post/Put the json content to the given url and ensures a 200 or 201 status on the response. * If a negative status is returned, an error will be raised and the pipeline will fail. * verb - PUT or POST */ HttpResponse doHttpRequestWithJson(String json, String requestUrl, String verb){ URL url = new URL(requestUrl); HttpURLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setRequestMethod(verb); connection.setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json"); connection.doOutput = true; //write the payload to the body of the request def writer = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.outputStream); writer.write(json); writer.flush(); writer.close(); //post the request connection.connect(); //parse the response HttpResponse resp = new HttpResponse(connection); if(resp.isFailure()){ error("\n$verb to URL: $requestUrl\n JSON: $json\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body"); } this.printDebug("Request ($verb):\n URL: $requestUrl\n JSON: $json"); this.printDebug("Response:\n HTTP Status: $resp.statusCode\n Message: $resp.message\n Response Body: $resp.body"); return resp; } class HttpResponse { String body; String message; Integer statusCode; boolean failure = false; public HttpResponse(HttpURLConnection connection){ this.statusCode = connection.responseCode; this.message = connection.responseMessage; if(statusCode == 200 || statusCode == 201){ this.body = connection.content.text;//this would fail the pipeline if there was a 400 }else{ this.failure = true; this.body = connection.getErrorStream().text; } connection = null; //set connection to null for good measure, since we are done with it } }
HttpResponse resp = doGetHttpRequest("http://some.url");
HttpResponse resp = this.doPutHttpRequestWithJson("{\"propA\":\"foo\"}", "http://some.url");