即时通讯从数据库中获取价值。出现错误,提示“从DBNULL转换为Double无效。” 有人,请帮助我吗?
公共函数Total()为Double Dim Total为Double
Dim strConn As String strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("***").ToString Dim conn As New SqlConnection(strConn) Dim strSql As String strSql = "SELECT SUM (p.Price * c.Quantity) as 'Total' " & _ "FROM CartItem sci INNER JOIN Product p ON c.ProductID=p.ProductID " & _ "WHERE c.CartID=@CartID " Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSql, conn) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CartID", CartID) Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd) Dim ds As New DataSet conn.Open() da.Fill(ds, "CartItem") conn.Close() If (ds.Tables("CartItem").Rows.Count) <> 0 Then **Total = ds.Tables("ShopCartItem").Rows(0)("Total")** Else Total = 0.0 End If Return Total End Function
Nicholas Car.. 5
public class Hormone { public int ID { get ; private set ; } public HormoneLuType Type { get ; private set ; } public int AgeStarted { get ; private set ; } public int AgeStopped { get ; private set ; } public int DurationInMonths { get ; private set ; } public bool IsCurrentlyUsing { get ; private set ; } public DateTime? DateLastEdited { get ; private set ; } public string Name { get { return Type.ToString() } } public Hormone( DataRow dr ) { this.ID = dr.CastAsInt( "ihormoneid" ) ; this.Type = new HormoneLuType( dr.CastAsIntNullable( "ihormluid" ) ?? 0 ) ; this.AgeStarted = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nstartage" ) ; this.AgeStopped = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nendage" ) ; this.DurationInMonths = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nduration" ) ; this.IsCurrentlyUsing = dr.CastAsBool( "lusingnow" ) ; this.DateLastEdited = dr.CastAsDateTimeNullable( "tedit" ) ; return ; } }
using System; using System.Data; namespace DataAccess.Utils { public static class DataRowExtensions { #region downcast to DateTime public static DateTime CastAsDateTime( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDateTime( row[index] ) ; } public static DateTime CastAsDateTime( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDateTime( row[columnName] ) ; } public static DateTime? CastAsDateTimeNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDateTimeNullable( row[index] ); } public static DateTime? CastAsDateTimeNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDateTimeNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static DateTime toDateTime( object o ) { DateTime value = (DateTime)o; return value; } private static DateTime? toDateTimeNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); DateTime? value = ( hasValue ? (DateTime?) o : (DateTime?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to DateTime #region downcast to byte[] public static byte[] CastAsByteArray( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toByteArray( row[index] ); } public static byte[] CastAsByteArray( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toByteArray( row[columnName] ); } #region conversion helpers private static byte[] toByteArray( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); byte[] value = ( hasValue ? (byte[]) o : (byte[]) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to Byte[] #region downcast to int public static int CastAsInt( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toInt( row[index] ) ; } public static int CastAsInt( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toInt( row[columnName] ) ; } public static int? CastAsIntNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toIntNullable( row[index] ); } public static int? CastAsIntNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toIntNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static int toInt( object o ) { int value = (int)o; return value; } private static int? toIntNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); int? value = ( hasValue ? (int?) o : (int?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to int #region downcast to int public static decimal CastAsDecimal( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDecimal( row[index] ) ; } public static decimal CastAsDecimal( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDecimal( row[columnName] ) ; } public static decimal? CastAsDecimalNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDecimalNullable( row[index] ); } public static decimal? CastAsDecimalNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDecimalNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static decimal toDecimal( object o ) { decimal value = (decimal)o; return value; } private static decimal? toDecimalNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); decimal? value = ( hasValue ? (decimal?) o : (decimal?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to int #region downcast to bool public static bool CastAsBool( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toBool( row[index] ) ; } public static bool CastAsBool( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toBool( row[columnName] ) ; } public static bool? CastAsBoolNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toBoolNullable( row[index] ); } public static bool? CastAsBoolNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toBoolNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static bool toBool( object o ) { bool value = (bool)o; return value; } private static bool? toBoolNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); bool? value = ( hasValue ? (bool?) o : (bool?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to bool #region downcast to string public static string CastAsString( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toString( row[index] ); } public static string CastAsString( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toString( row[columnName] ); } #region conversion helpers private static string toString( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); string value = ( hasValue ? (string) o : (string) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to string } }
public class Hormone { public int ID { get ; private set ; } public HormoneLuType Type { get ; private set ; } public int AgeStarted { get ; private set ; } public int AgeStopped { get ; private set ; } public int DurationInMonths { get ; private set ; } public bool IsCurrentlyUsing { get ; private set ; } public DateTime? DateLastEdited { get ; private set ; } public string Name { get { return Type.ToString() } } public Hormone( DataRow dr ) { this.ID = dr.CastAsInt( "ihormoneid" ) ; this.Type = new HormoneLuType( dr.CastAsIntNullable( "ihormluid" ) ?? 0 ) ; this.AgeStarted = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nstartage" ) ; this.AgeStopped = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nendage" ) ; this.DurationInMonths = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nduration" ) ; this.IsCurrentlyUsing = dr.CastAsBool( "lusingnow" ) ; this.DateLastEdited = dr.CastAsDateTimeNullable( "tedit" ) ; return ; } }
using System; using System.Data; namespace DataAccess.Utils { public static class DataRowExtensions { #region downcast to DateTime public static DateTime CastAsDateTime( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDateTime( row[index] ) ; } public static DateTime CastAsDateTime( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDateTime( row[columnName] ) ; } public static DateTime? CastAsDateTimeNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDateTimeNullable( row[index] ); } public static DateTime? CastAsDateTimeNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDateTimeNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static DateTime toDateTime( object o ) { DateTime value = (DateTime)o; return value; } private static DateTime? toDateTimeNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); DateTime? value = ( hasValue ? (DateTime?) o : (DateTime?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to DateTime #region downcast to byte[] public static byte[] CastAsByteArray( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toByteArray( row[index] ); } public static byte[] CastAsByteArray( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toByteArray( row[columnName] ); } #region conversion helpers private static byte[] toByteArray( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); byte[] value = ( hasValue ? (byte[]) o : (byte[]) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to Byte[] #region downcast to int public static int CastAsInt( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toInt( row[index] ) ; } public static int CastAsInt( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toInt( row[columnName] ) ; } public static int? CastAsIntNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toIntNullable( row[index] ); } public static int? CastAsIntNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toIntNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static int toInt( object o ) { int value = (int)o; return value; } private static int? toIntNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); int? value = ( hasValue ? (int?) o : (int?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to int #region downcast to int public static decimal CastAsDecimal( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDecimal( row[index] ) ; } public static decimal CastAsDecimal( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDecimal( row[columnName] ) ; } public static decimal? CastAsDecimalNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toDecimalNullable( row[index] ); } public static decimal? CastAsDecimalNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toDecimalNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static decimal toDecimal( object o ) { decimal value = (decimal)o; return value; } private static decimal? toDecimalNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); decimal? value = ( hasValue ? (decimal?) o : (decimal?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to int #region downcast to bool public static bool CastAsBool( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toBool( row[index] ) ; } public static bool CastAsBool( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toBool( row[columnName] ) ; } public static bool? CastAsBoolNullable( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toBoolNullable( row[index] ); } public static bool? CastAsBoolNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toBoolNullable( row[columnName] ) ; } #region conversion helpers private static bool toBool( object o ) { bool value = (bool)o; return value; } private static bool? toBoolNullable( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); bool? value = ( hasValue ? (bool?) o : (bool?) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to bool #region downcast to string public static string CastAsString( this DataRow row , int index ) { return toString( row[index] ); } public static string CastAsString( this DataRow row , string columnName ) { return toString( row[columnName] ); } #region conversion helpers private static string toString( object o ) { bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull ); string value = ( hasValue ? (string) o : (string) null ) ; return value; } #endregion #endregion downcast to string } }