include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; ... public function __construct($searchTerm) { $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName("My_First_Search"); $client->setDeveloperKey(self::GCSE_API_KEY); $service = new Google_Service($client); $optParams = array('filter' => $searchTerm); $results = $service->???
所以希望这会对某人有所帮助.不幸的是,即使使用文档,我也无法解开正确的用法.我还没有为google apiclient-services软件包生成文档,因为它们很大,但我可以在必要时这样做(取决于github页面上的磁盘限制).
执行搜索非常简单; 它基本上看起来像这样:
include_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $GCSE_API_KEY = "nqwkoigrhe893utnih_gibberish_q2ihrgu9qjnr"; $GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID = "937592689593725455:msi299dkne4de"; $client = new Google_Client(); $client->setApplicationName("My_App"); $client->setDeveloperKey($GCSE_API_KEY); $service = new Google_Service_Customsearch($client); $optParams = array("cx"=>self::GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID); $results = $service->cse->listCse("lol cats", $optParams);
foreach($results->getItems() as $k=>$item){ var_dump($item); }Google必备条件
但是,为了使用这个库,你必须首先设置一些谷歌的东西.这些内容最终会在Google API客户端库PHP(Beta)网站上提及,但您必须点击并挖掘它们,即使这样,您也会错过下面的最后一个:
您将需要一个自定义搜索引擎. 不要因为互联网上大多数自定义搜索引擎的引用是针对那些不尝试进行程序化搜索的人这一事实而感到困惑.您需要一个,并且可以在此处轻松设置:https://cse.google.com/cse/all
您将需要一个API密钥(也称为开发人员密钥). 如果您还没有新密钥,请转到此处创建一个新密钥:https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
您需要为项目启用Google自定义搜索.此时,您可以向Google发送查询,但如果您尚未为项目启用Google自定义搜索,则可能会收到错误回复.转到信息中心,点击蓝色的"启用API"链接,搜索Google自定义搜索并启用它. https://console.developers.google.com/apis/dashboard
setApplicationName($appName); // the developer key is the API Key for a specific google project $client->setDeveloperKey(self::GCSE_API_KEY); // create new service $this->service = new Google_Service_Customsearch($client); // You must specify a custom search engine. You can do this either by setting // the element "cx" to the search engine id, or by setting the element "cref" // to the public url for that search engine. // // For a full list of possible params see https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client-services/blob/master/src/Google/Service/Customsearch/Resource/Cse.php $this->optParamSEID = array("cx"=>self::GCSE_SEARCH_ENGINE_ID); } /** * A simplistic function to take a search term & search options and return an * array of results. You may want to * * @param string $searchTerm The term you want to search for * @param array $optParams See: For a full list of possible params see https://github.com/google/google-api-php-client-services/blob/master/src/Google/Service/Customsearch/Resource/Cse.php * @return array An array of search result items */ public function getSearchResults($searchTerm, $optParams = array()){ // return array containing search result items $items = array(); // Merge our search engine id into the $optParams // If $optParams already specified a 'cx' element, it will replace our default $optParams = array_merge($this->optParamSEID, $optParams); // set search term & params and execute the query $results = $this->service->cse->listCse($searchTerm, $optParams); // Since cse inherits from Google_Collections (which implements Iterator) // we can loop through the results by using `getItems()` foreach($results->getItems() as $k=>$item){ var_dump($item); $item[] = $item; } return $items; } }