function holdit(btn, action, start, speedup) { var t; var repeat = function () { action(); t = setTimeout(repeat, start); start = start / speedup; } btn.mousedown = function() { repeat(); } btn.mouseup = function () { clearTimeout(t); } /* to use */ holdit(btn, function () { }, 1000, 2); /* x..1000ms..x..500ms..x..250ms..x */
这段代码应该做你想要的一切; 它基于tj111的例子非常宽松.我试图让它尽可能重用,并且它不需要与HTML混合使用JavaScript.
)中添加ID .您可以在window.onload
语句中更改这些ID .
// This function creates a closure and puts a mousedown handler on the element specified in the "button" parameter. function makeButtonIncrement(button, action, target, initialDelay, multiplier){ var holdTimer, changeValue, timerIsRunning = false, delay = initialDelay; changeValue = function(){ if(action == "add" && target.value < 1000) target.value++; else if(action == "subtract" && target.value > 0) target.value--; holdTimer = setTimeout(changeValue, delay); if(delay > 20) delay = delay * multiplier; if(!timerIsRunning){ // When the function is first called, it puts an onmouseup handler on the whole document // that stops the process when the mouse is released. This is important if the user moves // the cursor off of the button. document.onmouseup = function(){ clearTimeout(holdTimer); document.onmouseup = null; timerIsRunning = false; delay = initialDelay; } timerIsRunning = true; } } button.onmousedown = changeValue; } //should only be called after the window/DOM has been loaded window.onload = function() { makeButtonIncrement(document.getElementById('btnUP'), "add", document.getElementById('amount'), 500, 0.7); makeButtonIncrement(document.getElementById('btnDOWN'), "subtract", document.getElementById('amount'), 500, 0.7); }