请注意,此代码在调试器中的行为与直接运行应用程序时的行为不同(另一个原因可能不是这样).要让应用程序显示消息框并在此后继续,您需要从资源管理器运行应用程序,而不是从visual studio运行.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication2 { static class Program { ////// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Form1 form1 = new Form1(); Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(form1.UnhandledThreadExceptionHandler); Application.Run(form1); } } }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace WindowsFormsApplication2 { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } public void UnhandledThreadExceptionHandler(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { this.HandleUnhandledException(e.Exception); } public void HandleUnhandledException(Exception e) { // do what you want here. if (MessageBox.Show("An unexpected error has occurred. Continue?", "My application", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Stop, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) == DialogResult.No) { Application.Exit(); } } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { throw new ApplicationException("Exception"); } } }
这取决于你对"简历"的意思.异常的问题在于,除非您非常小心,否则当异常发生时您的应用程序状态很可能已损坏 - 您可能已经完成了一半的操作.
如果您可以隔离操作 - 就像数据库隔离事务一样 - 那么您可以有效地让您的用户从"最后一个提交点"恢复.这在很大程度上取决于您的应用程序的类型.您能否提供有关您正在构建的应用程序类型的更多详细信息?
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.Net.Mail; using System.Threading; namespace ExceptionHandlerTest { static class Program { ////// The main entry point for the application. /// [STAThread] static void Main() { Application.ThreadException += new ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException); // Your designer generated commands. } static void Application_ThreadException(object sender, ThreadExceptionEventArgs e) { var fromAddress = new MailAddress("your Gmail address", "Your name"); var toAddress = new MailAddress("email address where you want to receive reports", "Your name"); const string fromPassword = "your password"; const string subject = "exception report"; Exception exception = e.Exception; string body = exception.Message + "\n" + exception.Data + "\n" + exception.StackTrace + "\n" + exception.Source; var smtp = new SmtpClient { Host = "smtp.gmail.com", Port = 587, EnableSsl = true, DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network, UseDefaultCredentials = false, Credentials = new NetworkCredential(fromAddress.Address, fromPassword) }; using (var message = new MailMessage(fromAddress, toAddress) { Subject = subject, Body = body }) { //You can also use SendAsync method instead of Send so your application begin invoking instead of waiting for send mail to complete. SendAsync(MailMessage, Object) :- Sends the specified e-mail message to an SMTP server for delivery. This method does not block the calling thread and allows the caller to pass an object to the method that is invoked when the operation completes. smtp.Send(message); } } } }