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如何以编程方式禁用Windows 10平板电脑屏幕的边缘滑动手势?




运行的应用程序是一个Windows窗体(不是WPF)c#app来自桌面并在Windows 10平板电脑上运行.


1> 小智..:

我知道这个线程很老,但在任何地方都找不到简洁明了的解决方案.与我们的自助服务终端应用程序有同样的问题(WIN7 PC自动更新到WIN 10).尝试从注册表/组策略更改到脏Windows shell hacks的所有内容 - 没有任何效果.所以感谢Koen_R 提供的链接使其工作(下面的代码是Ron Schuler的答案从VB转换为c#).

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

namespace Your_Namespace

    public static class EdgeGestureUtil

        private static Guid DISABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN = new Guid("32CE38B2-2C9A-41B1-9BC5-B3784394AA44");
        private static Guid IID_PROPERTY_STORE = new Guid("886d8eeb-8cf2-4446-8d02-cdba1dbdcf99");

        private static short VT_BOOL = 11;
        #region "Structures"

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 4)]
        public struct PropertyKey
            public PropertyKey(Guid guid, UInt32 pid)
                fmtid = guid;
                this.pid = pid;

            public Guid fmtid;
            public uint pid;

        public struct PropVariant
            public short vt;
            private short wReserved1;
            private short wReserved2;
            private short wReserved3;
            private sbyte cVal;
            private byte bVal;
            private short iVal;
            public ushort uiVal;
            private int lVal;
            private uint ulVal;
            private int intVal;
            private uint uintVal;
            private long hVal;
            private long uhVal;
            private float fltVal;
            private double dblVal;
            public bool boolVal;
            private int scode;
            private DateTime date;
            private System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME filetime;

            private Blob blobVal;
            private IntPtr pwszVal;

            /// Helper method to gets blob data
            private byte[] GetBlob()
                byte[] Result = new byte[blobVal.Length];
                Marshal.Copy(blobVal.Data, Result, 0, Result.Length);
                return Result;

            /// Property value
            public object Value
                    VarEnum ve = (VarEnum)vt;
                    switch (ve)
                        case VarEnum.VT_I1:
                            return bVal;
                        case VarEnum.VT_I2:
                            return iVal;
                        case VarEnum.VT_I4:
                            return lVal;
                        case VarEnum.VT_I8:
                            return hVal;
                        case VarEnum.VT_INT:
                            return iVal;
                        case VarEnum.VT_UI4:
                            return ulVal;
                        case VarEnum.VT_LPWSTR:
                            return Marshal.PtrToStringUni(pwszVal);
                        case VarEnum.VT_BLOB:
                            return GetBlob();
                    throw new NotImplementedException("PropVariant " + ve.ToString());

        internal struct Blob
            public int Length;

            public IntPtr Data;
            //Code Should Compile at warning level4 without any warnings, 
            //However this struct will give us Warning CS0649: Field [Fieldname] 
            //is never assigned to, and will always have its default value
            //You can disable CS0649 in the project options but that will disable
            //the warning for the whole project, it's a nice warning and we do want 
            //it in other places so we make a nice dummy function to keep the compiler
            private void FixCS0649()
                Length = 0;
                Data = IntPtr.Zero;


        #region "Interfaces"

        [ComImport(), Guid("886D8EEB-8CF2-4446-8D02-CDBA1DBDCF99"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)]
        public interface IPropertyStore
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void GetCount([Out(),In()] ref uint cProps);
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void GetAt([In()] uint iProp, ref PropertyKey pkey);
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void GetValue([In()] ref PropertyKey key, ref PropVariant pv);
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void SetValue([In()] ref PropertyKey key, [In()] ref PropVariant pv);
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void Commit();
            [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.InternalCall, MethodCodeType = MethodCodeType.Runtime)]
            void Release();


        #region "Methods"

        [DllImport("shell32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        private static extern int SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(IntPtr handle, ref Guid riid, ref IPropertyStore propertyStore);

        public static void DisableEdgeGestures(IntPtr hwnd, bool enable)
            IPropertyStore pPropStore = null;
            int hr = 0;
            hr = SHGetPropertyStoreForWindow(hwnd, ref IID_PROPERTY_STORE, ref pPropStore);
            if (hr == 0)
                PropertyKey propKey = new PropertyKey();
                propKey.fmtid = DISABLE_TOUCH_SCREEN;
                propKey.pid = 2;
                PropVariant var = new PropVariant();
                var.vt = VT_BOOL;
                var.boolVal = enable;
                pPropStore.SetValue(ref propKey, ref var);




            IntPtr intPtr = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Your_app")[0].MainWindowHandle;
            EdgeGestureUtil.DisableEdgeGestures(intPtr, true);

就是这样 - 只要应用程序正在运行且窗口处于活动状态,边缘滑动就会停止工作.一旦你关闭它 - 滑动将再次工作.

伟大的*完整*解决方案 - 欣赏它是复制/粘贴准备好.我发现使用GetCurrentProcess()而不是GetProcessByName("...")[0]更方便.
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