在使用带有rails的html 5模式时,如何在每次用户刷新angularjs页面时避免性能下降?我正在使用Angularjs html5模式Ruby on Rails路由重定向.使用我的设置,如果我http://localhost:3000/users
myApp::Application.routes.draw do namespace :api, defaults: {format: :json} do namespace :v1 do resources :users end end # Re-route all angular requests to the angular router get "/*path" => redirect("/?goto=%{path}") root to: 'application#home'
角度路线myApp.config(function($routeProvider, $locationProvider, $httpProvider) { $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-CSRF-Token'] = $('meta[name=csrf-token]').attr('content'); $routeProvider. when('/', { templateUrl: '../assets/mainIndex.html', controller: 'MainController', redirectTo: function(current, path, search){ if(search.goto){ // if we were passed in a search param, and it has a path // to redirect to, then redirect to that path return "/" + search.goto; } else{ // else just redirect back to this location // angular is smart enough to only do this once. return "/"; } } }).when('/users', { templateUrl: '../assets/users/userIndex.html', controller: 'UsersController' }).otherwise({ redirectTo:'/' }); $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); });
# Route all valid requests to AngularJS root to: 'application#home' get "*path" => "application#home"
和rails action_controller:
# We'll just use this as a launch point for our App def home # Render just the layout since this application is Angular driven # our layout/application has all the angular logic and our controllers # have no views for themselves. We just need a place to launch from # and this happens to be it. So we have no view (thus :nothing => true) # but we still want the layout (since it has the App bootstrap code) render :layout => 'application', :nothing => true end