我有一个充满文件的目录:file001.txt,file002.txt ...(它们实际上并没有命名为"filexxx.txt" - 但为了讨论......).我经常保存一个新的,并命名为file434.txt.既然这是我经常做的事情,我想跳过命名检查部分.
是否有一种方法可以制作vim脚本来检查目录中的最后一个filexxx.txt,并将当前缓冲区保存为filexxx + 1.我应该怎么写这样的东西?以前有人做过这样的事吗?
把以下内容放入 ~/.vim/plugin/nextunused.vim
" nextunused.vim " find the next unused filename that matches the given pattern " counting up from 0. The pattern is used by printf(), so use %d for " an integer and %03d for an integer left padded with zeroes of length 3. function! GetNextUnused( pattern ) let i = 0 while filereadable(printf(a:pattern,i)) let i += 1 endwhile return printf(a:pattern,i) endfunction " edit the next unused filename that matches the given pattern command! -nargs=1 EditNextUnused :execute ':e ' . GetNextUnused('') " write the current buffer to the next unused filename that matches the given pattern command! -nargs=1 WriteNextUnused :execute ':w ' . GetNextUnused(' ') " To use, try " :EditNextUnused temp%d.txt " " or " " :WriteNextUnused path/to/file%03d.extension "
都已经用完了,你这样做:WriteNextUnused temp%04d.txt