我的RubyOnRails应用程序使用Apache配置背后的通常一组mongrel进行设置.我们注意到我们的Mongrel Web服务器内存使用量在某些操作上会变得非常大,我们真的希望能够随时动态地重新启动选定的Mongrel进程.
** TERM signal received. Thu Aug 28 00:52:35 +0000 2008: Reaping 2 threads for slow workers because of 'shutdown' Waiting for 2 requests to finish, could take 60 seconds.Thu Aug 28 00:52:41 +0000 2008: Reaping 2 threads for slow workers because of 'shutdown' Waiting for 2 requests to finish, could take 60 seconds.Thu Aug 28 00:52:43 +0000 2008 (13051) Rendering layoutfalsecontent_typetext/htmlactionindex within layouts/application
check process mongrel-8000 with pidfile /var/www/apps/fooapp/current/tmp/pids/mongrel.8000.pid start program = "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::start --only 8000" stop program = "/usr/local/bin/mongrel_rails cluster::stop --only 8000" if totalmem is greater than 150.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart # eating up memory? if cpu is greater than 50% for 8 cycles then alert # send an email to admin if cpu is greater than 80% for 5 cycles then restart # hung process? if loadavg(5min) greater than 10 for 3 cycles then restart # bad, bad, bad if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then timeout # something is wrong, call the sys-admin if failed host port 8000 protocol http request /monit_stub with timeout 10 seconds then restart group mongrel
注意:资源监视似乎不适用于使用Darwin内核的OS X.