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1> 小智..:


cartesian: func [
 d [block! ] 
 /local len set i res

 d: copy d
 len: 1
 res: make block! foreach d d [len: len * length? d]
 len: length? d
 until [
  set: clear []
  loop i: len [insert set d/:i/1   i: i - 1]
  res: change/only res copy set
  loop i: len [
   unless tail? d/:i: next d/:i [break]
   if i = 1 [break]
   d/:i: head d/:i
   i: i - 1
  tail? d/1
 head res

2> Robert Gambl..:



use strict;
use warnings;

my @list1 = qw(1 2);
my @list2 = qw(3 4);
my @list3 = qw(5 6);

# Calculate the Cartesian Product
my @cp = cart_prod(\@list1, \@list2, \@list3);

# Print the result
foreach my $elem (@cp) {
  print join(' ', @$elem), "\n";

sub cart_prod {
  my @sets = @_;
  my @result;
  my $result_elems = 1;

  # Calculate the number of elements needed in the result
  map { $result_elems *= scalar @$_ } @sets;
  return undef if $result_elems == 0;

  # Go through each set and add the appropriate element
  # to each element of the result
  my $scale_factor = $result_elems;
  foreach my $set (@sets)
    my $set_elems = scalar @$set;  # Elements in this set
    $scale_factor /= $set_elems;
    foreach my $i (0 .. $result_elems - 1) {
      # Calculate the set element to place in this position
      # of the result set.
      my $pos = $i / $scale_factor % $set_elems;
      push @{$result[$i]}, $$set[ $pos ];

  return @result;


1 3 5
1 3 6
1 4 5
1 4 6
2 3 5
2 3 6
2 4 5
2 4 6

如果你在Perl中这样做,只需使用Set :: CrossProduct
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