条目的最大总大小(未压缩)为1 MB.
官方说来,.Net 2.0/3.5是唯一的框架要求.
下载Dreadnought 1.2.
跟踪> 0次点击的船舶的所有可能位置.列表永远不会超过~30K,所以它可以保持准确,不像所有船舶的所有可能位置列表(非常大).
namespace Battleship { using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Drawing; public class RandomOpponent : IBattleshipOpponent { public string Name { get { return "Random"; } } public Version Version { get { return this.version; } } Random rand = new Random(); Version version = new Version(1, 1); Size gameSize; public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan) { this.gameSize = size; } public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollectionships) { foreach (Ship s in ships) { s.Place( new Point( rand.Next(this.gameSize.Width), rand.Next(this.gameSize.Height)), (ShipOrientation)rand.Next(2)); } } public Point GetShot() { return new Point( rand.Next(this.gameSize.Width), rand.Next(this.gameSize.Height)); } public void NewMatch(string opponent) { } public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { } public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk) { } public void ShotMiss(Point shot) { } public void GameWon() { } public void GameLost() { } public void MatchOver() { } } }
我喜欢这个战舰竞赛的一件事是,上面的树几乎小到可以强制使用这种算法.如果5艘船中每艘船有150个可能的位置,那就是150 5 = 750亿的可能性.而这个数字只会变小,特别是如果你可以消灭整艘船.
我上面链接的对手没有探索整棵树; 在一秒钟之内,还有750亿美元可以进入市场.尽管如此,它还是试图通过一些启发式方法来估计这些概率.
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk { public enum Compass { North,East,South,West } class Cell{ private readonly BoardView view; public readonly int X; public readonly int Y; public T Data; public double Bias { get; set; } public Cell(BoardView view, int x, int y) { this.view = view; this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Bias = 1.0; } public Point Location { get { return new Point(X, Y); } } public IEnumerable FoldAll(U acc, Func , U, U> trip) { return new[] { Compass.North, Compass.East, Compass.South, Compass.West } .Select(x => FoldLine(x, acc, trip)); } public U FoldLine(Compass direction, U acc, Func | , U, U> trip) { var cell = this; while (true) { switch (direction) { case Compass.North: cell = cell.North; break; case Compass.East: cell = cell.East; break; case Compass.South: cell = cell.South; break; case Compass.West: cell = cell.West; break; } if (cell == null) return acc; acc = trip(cell, acc); } } public Cell | North { get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y - 1); } } public Cell South { get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y + 1); } } public Cell East { get { return view.SafeLookup(X+1, Y); } } public Cell West { get { return view.SafeLookup(X-1, Y); } } public IEnumerable > Neighbours() { if (North != null) yield return North; if (South != null) yield return South; if (East != null) yield return East; if (West != null) yield return West; } } class BoardView | : IEnumerable > { public readonly Size Size; private readonly int Columns; private readonly int Rows; private Cell | [] history; public BoardView(Size size) { this.Size = size; Columns = size.Width; Rows = size.Height; this.history = new Cell [Columns * Rows]; for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Rows; x++) history[x + y * Columns] = new Cell (this, x, y); } } public T this[int x, int y] { get { return history[x + y * Columns].Data; } set { history[x + y * Columns].Data = value; } } public T this[Point p] { get { return history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data; } set { this.history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data = value; } } private int SafeCalc(int x, int y, bool throwIfIllegal) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= Columns || y >= Rows) { if (throwIfIllegal) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("["+x+","+y+"]"); else return -1; } return x + y * Columns; } public void Set(T data) { foreach (var cell in this.history) cell.Data = data; } public Cell SafeLookup(int x, int y) { int index = SafeCalc(x, y, false); if (index < 0) return null; return history[index]; } #region IEnumerable > Members public IEnumerator | > GetEnumerator() { foreach (var cell in this.history) yield return cell; } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return this.GetEnumerator(); } public BoardView Transform(Func | transform) { var result = new BoardView(new Size(Columns, Rows)); for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++) { result[x,y] = transform(this[x, y]); } } return result; } public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w) { WriteAsGrid(w, "{0}"); } public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, string format) { WriteAsGrid(w, x => string.Format(format, x.Data)); } public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, Func ,string> perCell) { for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++) { if (x != 0) w.Write(","); w.Write(perCell(this.SafeLookup(x, y))); } w.WriteLine(); } } #endregion } } |
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk { public static class Extensions { public static bool IsIn(this Point p, Size size) { return p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < size.Width && p.Y < size.Height; } public static bool IsLegal(this Ship ship, IEnumerableships, Size board, Point location, ShipOrientation direction) { var temp = new Ship(ship.Length); temp.Place(location, direction); if (!temp.GetAllLocations().All(p => p.IsIn(board))) return false; return ships.Where(s => s.IsPlaced).All(s => !s.ConflictsWith(temp)); } public static bool IsTouching(this Point a, Point b) { return (a.X == b.X - 1 || a.X == b.X + 1) && (a.Y == b.Y - 1 || a.Y == b.Y + 1); } public static bool IsTouching(this Ship ship, IEnumerable ships, Point location, ShipOrientation direction) { var temp = new Ship(ship.Length); temp.Place(location, direction); var occupied = new HashSet (ships .Where(s => s.IsPlaced) .SelectMany(s => s.GetAllLocations())); if (temp.GetAllLocations().Any(p => occupied.Any(b => b.IsTouching(p)))) return true; return false; } public static ReadOnlyCollection MakeShips(params int[] lengths) { return new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection ( lengths.Select(l => new Ship(l)).ToList()); } public static IEnumerable Shuffle (this IEnumerable source, Rand rand) { T[] elements = source.ToArray(); // Note i > 0 to avoid final pointless iteration for (int i = elements.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Swap element "i" with a random earlier element it (or itself) int swapIndex = rand.Next(i + 1); T tmp = elements[i]; elements[i] = elements[swapIndex]; elements[swapIndex] = tmp; } // Lazily yield (avoiding aliasing issues etc) foreach (T element in elements) { yield return element; } } public static T RandomOrDefault (this IEnumerable things, Rand rand) { int count = things.Count(); if (count == 0) return default(T); return things.ElementAt(rand.Next(count)); } } }
enum OpponentsBoardState { Unknown = 0, Miss, MustBeEmpty, Hit, }
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk { public class Rand { Random r; public Rand() { var rand = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); byte[] b = new byte[4]; rand.GetBytes(b); r = new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0)); } public int Next(int maxValue) { return r.Next(maxValue); } public double NextDouble(double maxValue) { return r.NextDouble() * maxValue; } public T Pick(IEnumerable things) { return things.ElementAt(Next(things.Count())); } public T PickBias (Func bias, IEnumerable things) { double d = NextDouble(things.Sum(x => bias(x))); foreach (var x in things) { if (d < bias(x)) return x; d -= bias(x); } throw new InvalidOperationException("fell off the end!"); } } }
x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P(x) 2 4 6 8 10 10 8 6 4 2
........... ....x.x.... .....x..... ....x.x.... ...........
namespace Battleship { using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; public class AgentSmith : IBattleshipOpponent { public string Name { get { return "Agent Smith"; } } public Version Version { get { return this.version; } } private Random rand = new Random(); private Version version = new Version(2, 1); private Size gameSize; private enum Direction { Up, Down, Left, Right } private int MissCount; private Point?[] EndPoints = new Point?[2]; private LinkedListHitShots = new LinkedList (); private LinkedList Shots = new LinkedList (); private List PatternShots = new List (); private Direction ShotDirection = Direction.Up; private void NullOutTarget() { EndPoints = new Point?[2]; MissCount = 0; } private void SetupPattern() { for (int y = 0; y < gameSize.Height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < gameSize.Width; x++) if ((x + y) % 2 == 0) PatternShots.Add(new Point(x, y)); } private bool InvalidShot(Point p) { bool InvalidShot = (Shots.Where(s => s.X == p.X && s.Y == p.Y).Any()); if (p.X < 0 | p.Y<0) InvalidShot = true; if (p.X >= gameSize.Width | p.Y >= gameSize.Height) InvalidShot = true; return InvalidShot; } private Point FireDirectedShot(Direction? direction, Point p) { ShotDirection = (Direction)direction; switch (ShotDirection) { case Direction.Up: p.Y--; break; case Direction.Down: p.Y++; break; case Direction.Left: p.X--; break; case Direction.Right: p.X++; break; } return p; } private Point FireAroundPoint(Point p) { if (!InvalidShot(FireDirectedShot(ShotDirection,p))) return FireDirectedShot(ShotDirection, p); Point testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Left, p); if (InvalidShot(testShot)) { testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Right, p); } if (InvalidShot(testShot)) { testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Up, p); } if (InvalidShot(testShot)) { testShot = FireDirectedShot(Direction.Down, p); } return testShot; } private Point FireRandomShot() { Point p; do { if (PatternShots.Count > 0) PatternShots.Remove(p = PatternShots[rand.Next(PatternShots.Count)]); else do { p = FireAroundPoint(HitShots.First()); if (InvalidShot(p)) HitShots.RemoveFirst(); } while (InvalidShot(p) & HitShots.Count > 0); } while (InvalidShot(p)); return p; } private Point FireTargettedShot() { Point p; do { p = FireAroundPoint(new Point(EndPoints[1].Value.X, EndPoints[1].Value.Y)); if (InvalidShot(p) & EndPoints[1] != EndPoints[0]) EndPoints[1] = EndPoints[0]; else if (InvalidShot(p)) NullOutTarget(); } while (InvalidShot(p) & EndPoints[1] != null); if (InvalidShot(p)) p = FireRandomShot(); return p; } private void ResetVars() { Shots.Clear(); HitShots.Clear(); PatternShots.Clear(); MissCount = 0; } public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan) { gameSize = size; ResetVars(); SetupPattern(); } public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection ships) { foreach (Ship s in ships) s.Place(new Point(rand.Next(this.gameSize.Width), rand.Next(this.gameSize.Height)), (ShipOrientation)rand.Next(2)); } public Point GetShot() { if (EndPoints[1] != null) Shots.AddLast(FireTargettedShot()); else Shots.AddLast(FireRandomShot()); return Shots.Last(); } public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk) { HitShots.AddLast(shot); MissCount = 0; EndPoints[1] = shot; if (EndPoints[0] == null) EndPoints[0] = shot; if (sunk) NullOutTarget(); } public void ShotMiss(Point shot) { if (++MissCount == 6) NullOutTarget(); } public void GameWon() { } public void GameLost() { } public void NewMatch(string opponent) { } public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { } public void MatchOver() { } } }
如果IBattleshipOpponent :: NewGame用于游戏前设置并采用板卡,它还应该列出船只及其各自的尺寸.在不允许变量船配置的情况下允许可变板尺寸是没有意义的.
我没有看到任何理由为什么类船舶被密封.除了其他基本的东西,我希望Ships有一个名字,所以我可以输出消息,如("你沉没我的{0}",ship.Name); .我也有其他扩展,所以我认为Ship应该是可继承的.
虽然1秒的时间限制对锦标赛规则有意义,但它完全与调试混淆.BattleshipCompetition应该有一个简单的设置来忽略时间违规,以帮助开发/调试.我还建议调查System.Diagnostics.Process :: UserProcessorTime/Privileged ProcessorTime/TotalProcessorTime,以更准确地查看正在使用的时间.
ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk);
但没有哪个你沉船!我认为它是人类战舰规则的一部分,你需要宣布"你沉没我的战舰!" (或驱逐舰,或子等).
ShotHit(Point shot, Ship ship);
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; namespace Battleship.ShuggyCoUk { public class Simple : IBattleshipOpponent { BoardViewopponentsBoard = new BoardView (new Size(10,10)); Rand rand = new Rand(); int gridOddEven; Size size; public string Name { get { return "Simple"; } } public Version Version { get { return new Version(2, 1); }} public void NewMatch(string opponent) {} public void NewGame(System.Drawing.Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan) { this.size = size; this.opponentsBoard = new BoardView (size); this.gridOddEven = rand.Pick(new[] { 0, 1 }); } public void PlaceShips(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection ships) { BoardView board = new BoardView (size); var AllOrientations = new[] { ShipOrientation.Horizontal, ShipOrientation.Vertical }; foreach (var ship in ships) { int avoidTouching = 3; while (!ship.IsPlaced) { var l = rand.Pick(board.Select(c => c.Location)); var o = rand.Pick(AllOrientations); if (ship.IsLegal(ships, size, l, o)) { if (ship.IsTouching(ships, l, o)&& --avoidTouching > 0) continue; ship.Place(l, o); } } } } protected virtual Point PickWhenNoTargets() { return rand.PickBias(x => x.Bias, opponentsBoard // nothing 1 in size .Where(c => (c.Location.X + c.Location.Y) % 2 == gridOddEven) .Where(c => c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Unknown)) .Location; } private int SumLine(Cell c, int acc) { if (acc >= 0) return acc; if (c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Hit) return acc - 1; return -acc; } public System.Drawing.Point GetShot() { var targets = opponentsBoard .Where(c => c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Hit) .SelectMany(c => c.Neighbours()) .Where(c => c.Data == OpponentsBoardState.Unknown) .ToList(); if (targets.Count > 1) { var lines = targets.Where( x => x.FoldAll(-1, SumLine).Select(r => Math.Abs(r) - 1).Max() > 1).ToList(); if (lines.Count > 0) targets = lines; } var target = targets.RandomOrDefault(rand); if (target == null) return PickWhenNoTargets(); return target.Location; } public void OpponentShot(System.Drawing.Point shot) { } public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk) { opponentsBoard[shot] = OpponentsBoardState.Hit; Debug(shot, sunk); } public void ShotMiss(Point shot) { opponentsBoard[shot] = OpponentsBoardState.Miss; Debug(shot, false); } public const bool DebugEnabled = false; public void Debug(Point shot, bool sunk) { if (!DebugEnabled) return; opponentsBoard.WriteAsGrid( Console.Out, x => { string t; switch (x.Data) { case OpponentsBoardState.Unknown: return " "; case OpponentsBoardState.Miss: t = "m"; break; case OpponentsBoardState.MustBeEmpty: t = "/"; break; case OpponentsBoardState.Hit: t = "x"; break; default: t = "?"; break; } if (x.Location == shot) t = t.ToUpper(); return t; }); if (sunk) Console.WriteLine("sunk!"); Console.ReadLine(); } public void GameWon() { } public void GameLost() { } public void MatchOver() { } #region Library code enum OpponentsBoardState { Unknown = 0, Miss, MustBeEmpty, Hit, } public enum Compass { North, East, South, West } class Cell { private readonly BoardView view; public readonly int X; public readonly int Y; public T Data; public double Bias { get; set; } public Cell(BoardView view, int x, int y) { this.view = view; this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Bias = 1.0; } public Point Location { get { return new Point(X, Y); } } public IEnumerable FoldAll(U acc, Func , U, U> trip) { return new[] { Compass.North, Compass.East, Compass.South, Compass.West } .Select(x => FoldLine(x, acc, trip)); } public U FoldLine(Compass direction, U acc, Func | , U, U> trip) { var cell = this; while (true) { switch (direction) { case Compass.North: cell = cell.North; break; case Compass.East: cell = cell.East; break; case Compass.South: cell = cell.South; break; case Compass.West: cell = cell.West; break; } if (cell == null) return acc; acc = trip(cell, acc); } } public Cell | North { get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y - 1); } } public Cell South { get { return view.SafeLookup(X, Y + 1); } } public Cell East { get { return view.SafeLookup(X + 1, Y); } } public Cell West { get { return view.SafeLookup(X - 1, Y); } } public IEnumerable > Neighbours() { if (North != null) yield return North; if (South != null) yield return South; if (East != null) yield return East; if (West != null) yield return West; } } class BoardView | : IEnumerable > { public readonly Size Size; private readonly int Columns; private readonly int Rows; private Cell | [] history; public BoardView(Size size) { this.Size = size; Columns = size.Width; Rows = size.Height; this.history = new Cell [Columns * Rows]; for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Rows; x++) history[x + y * Columns] = new Cell (this, x, y); } } public T this[int x, int y] { get { return history[x + y * Columns].Data; } set { history[x + y * Columns].Data = value; } } public T this[Point p] { get { return history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data; } set { this.history[SafeCalc(p.X, p.Y, true)].Data = value; } } private int SafeCalc(int x, int y, bool throwIfIllegal) { if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= Columns || y >= Rows) { if (throwIfIllegal) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("[" + x + "," + y + "]"); else return -1; } return x + y * Columns; } public void Set(T data) { foreach (var cell in this.history) cell.Data = data; } public Cell SafeLookup(int x, int y) { int index = SafeCalc(x, y, false); if (index < 0) return null; return history[index]; } #region IEnumerable > Members public IEnumerator | > GetEnumerator() { foreach (var cell in this.history) yield return cell; } System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { return this.GetEnumerator(); } public BoardView Transform(Func | transform) { var result = new BoardView(new Size(Columns, Rows)); for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++) { result[x, y] = transform(this[x, y]); } } return result; } public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w) { WriteAsGrid(w, "{0}"); } public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, string format) { WriteAsGrid(w, x => string.Format(format, x.Data)); } public void WriteAsGrid(TextWriter w, Func , string> perCell) { for (int y = 0; y < Rows; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < Columns; x++) { if (x != 0) w.Write(","); w.Write(perCell(this.SafeLookup(x, y))); } w.WriteLine(); } } #endregion } public class Rand { Random r; public Rand() { var rand = System.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGenerator.Create(); byte[] b = new byte[4]; rand.GetBytes(b); r = new Random(BitConverter.ToInt32(b, 0)); } public int Next(int maxValue) { return r.Next(maxValue); } public double NextDouble(double maxValue) { return r.NextDouble() * maxValue; } public T Pick | (IEnumerable things) { return things.ElementAt(Next(things.Count())); } public T PickBias (Func bias, IEnumerable things) { double d = NextDouble(things.Sum(x => bias(x))); foreach (var x in things) { if (d < bias(x)) return x; d -= bias(x); } throw new InvalidOperationException("fell off the end!"); } } #endregion } public static class Extensions { public static bool IsIn(this Point p, Size size) { return p.X >= 0 && p.Y >= 0 && p.X < size.Width && p.Y < size.Height; } public static bool IsLegal(this Ship ship, IEnumerable ships, Size board, Point location, ShipOrientation direction) { var temp = new Ship(ship.Length); temp.Place(location, direction); if (!temp.GetAllLocations().All(p => p.IsIn(board))) return false; return ships.Where(s => s.IsPlaced).All(s => !s.ConflictsWith(temp)); } public static bool IsTouching(this Point a, Point b) { return (a.X == b.X - 1 || a.X == b.X + 1) && (a.Y == b.Y - 1 || a.Y == b.Y + 1); } public static bool IsTouching(this Ship ship, IEnumerable ships, Point location, ShipOrientation direction) { var temp = new Ship(ship.Length); temp.Place(location, direction); var occupied = new HashSet (ships .Where(s => s.IsPlaced) .SelectMany(s => s.GetAllLocations())); if (temp.GetAllLocations().Any(p => occupied.Any(b => b.IsTouching(p)))) return true; return false; } public static ReadOnlyCollection MakeShips(params int[] lengths) { return new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection ( lengths.Select(l => new Ship(l)).ToList()); } public static IEnumerable Shuffle (this IEnumerable source, Battleship.ShuggyCoUk.Simple.Rand rand) { T[] elements = source.ToArray(); // Note i > 0 to avoid final pointless iteration for (int i = elements.Length - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Swap element "i" with a random earlier element it (or itself) int swapIndex = rand.Next(i + 1); T tmp = elements[i]; elements[i] = elements[swapIndex]; elements[swapIndex] = tmp; } // Lazily yield (avoiding aliasing issues etc) foreach (T element in elements) { yield return element; } } public static T RandomOrDefault (this IEnumerable things, Battleship.ShuggyCoUk.Simple.Rand rand) { int count = things.Count(); if (count == 0) return default(T); return things.ElementAt(rand.Next(count)); } }
namespace Battleship { using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; public class BP7 : IBattleshipOpponent { public string Name { get { return "BP7"; } } public Version Version { get { return this.version; } } Random rand = new Random(); Version version = new Version(0, 7); Size gameSize; ListscanShots; List nextShots; int wins, losses; int totalWins = 0; int totalLosses = 0; int maxWins = 0; int maxLosses = 0; int matchWins = 0; int matchLosses = 0; public enum Direction { VERTICAL = -1, UNKNOWN = 0, HORIZONTAL = 1 }; Direction hitDirection, lastShotDirection; enum ShotResult { UNKNOWN, MISS, HIT }; ShotResult[,] board; public struct NextShot { public Point point; public Direction direction; public NextShot(Point p, Direction d) { point = p; direction = d; } } public struct ScanShot { public Point point; public int openSpaces; public ScanShot(Point p, int o) { point = p; openSpaces = o; } } public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan) { this.gameSize = size; scanShots = new List (); nextShots = new List (); fillScanShots(); hitDirection = Direction.UNKNOWN; board = new ShotResult[size.Width, size.Height]; } private void fillScanShots() { int x; for (x = 0; x < gameSize.Width - 1; x++) { scanShots.Add(new Point(x, x)); } if (gameSize.Width == 10) { for (x = 0; x < 3; x++) { scanShots.Add(new Point(9 - x, x)); scanShots.Add(new Point(x, 9 - x)); } } } public void PlaceShips(System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection ships) { foreach (Ship s in ships) { s.Place( new Point( rand.Next(this.gameSize.Width), rand.Next(this.gameSize.Height)), (ShipOrientation)rand.Next(2)); } } public Point GetShot() { Point shot; if (this.nextShots.Count > 0) { if (hitDirection != Direction.UNKNOWN) { if (hitDirection == Direction.HORIZONTAL) { this.nextShots = this.nextShots.OrderByDescending(x => x.direction).ToList(); } else { this.nextShots = this.nextShots.OrderBy(x => x.direction).ToList(); } } shot = this.nextShots.First().point; lastShotDirection = this.nextShots.First().direction; this.nextShots.RemoveAt(0); return shot; } List scanShots = new List (); for (int x = 0; x < gameSize.Width; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < gameSize.Height; y++) { if (board[x, y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN) { scanShots.Add(new ScanShot(new Point(x, y), OpenSpaces(x, y))); } } } scanShots = scanShots.OrderByDescending(x => x.openSpaces).ToList(); int maxOpenSpaces = scanShots.FirstOrDefault().openSpaces; List scanShots2 = new List (); scanShots2 = scanShots.Where(x => x.openSpaces == maxOpenSpaces).ToList(); shot = scanShots2[rand.Next(scanShots2.Count())].point; return shot; } int OpenSpaces(int x, int y) { int ctr = 0; Point p; // spaces to the left p = new Point(x - 1, y); while (p.X >= 0 && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN) { ctr++; p.X--; } // spaces to the right p = new Point(x + 1, y); while (p.X < gameSize.Width && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN) { ctr++; p.X++; } // spaces to the top p = new Point(x, y - 1); while (p.Y >= 0 && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN) { ctr++; p.Y--; } // spaces to the bottom p = new Point(x, y + 1); while (p.Y < gameSize.Height && board[p.X, p.Y] == ShotResult.UNKNOWN) { ctr++; p.Y++; } return ctr; } public void NewMatch(string opponenet) { wins = 0; losses = 0; } public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { } public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk) { board[shot.X, shot.Y] = ShotResult.HIT; if (!sunk) { hitDirection = lastShotDirection; if (shot.X != 0) { this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X - 1, shot.Y), Direction.HORIZONTAL)); } if (shot.Y != 0) { this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y - 1), Direction.VERTICAL)); } if (shot.X != this.gameSize.Width - 1) { this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X + 1, shot.Y), Direction.HORIZONTAL)); } if (shot.Y != this.gameSize.Height - 1) { this.nextShots.Add(new NextShot(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y + 1), Direction.VERTICAL)); } } else { hitDirection = Direction.UNKNOWN; this.nextShots.Clear(); // so now this works like gangbusters ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? } } public void ShotMiss(Point shot) { board[shot.X, shot.Y] = ShotResult.MISS; } public void GameWon() { wins++; } public void GameLost() { losses++; } public void MatchOver() { if (wins > maxWins) { maxWins = wins; } if (losses > maxLosses) { maxLosses = losses; } totalWins += wins; totalLosses += losses; if (wins >= 51) { matchWins++; } else { matchLosses++; } } public void FinalStats() { Console.WriteLine("Games won: " + totalWins.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Games lost: " + totalLosses.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Game winning percentage: " + (totalWins * 1.0 / (totalWins + totalLosses)).ToString("P")); Console.WriteLine("Game losing percentage: " + (totalLosses * 1.0 / (totalWins + totalLosses)).ToString("P")); Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Matches won: " + matchWins.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Matches lost: " + matchLosses.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Match winning percentage: " + (matchWins * 1.0 / (matchWins + matchLosses)).ToString("P")); Console.WriteLine("Match losing percentage: " + (matchLosses * 1.0 / (matchWins + matchLosses)).ToString("P")); Console.WriteLine("Match games won high: " + maxWins.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("Match games lost high: " + maxLosses.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); } } }
namespace Battleship { using System; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; public class BSKiller4 : OpponentExtended, IBattleshipOpponent { public string Name { get { return "BSKiller4"; } } public Version Version { get { return this.version; } } public bool showBoard = false; Random rand = new Random(); Version version = new Version(0, 4); Size gameSize; ListnextShots; Queue scanShots; char[,] board; private void printBoard() { Console.WriteLine(); for (int y = 0; y < this.gameSize.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < this.gameSize.Width; x++) { Console.Write(this.board[x, y]); } Console.WriteLine(); } Console.ReadKey(); } public void NewGame(Size size, TimeSpan timeSpan) { this.gameSize = size; board = new char[size.Width, size.Height]; this.nextShots = new List (); this.scanShots = new Queue (); fillScanShots(); initializeBoard(); } private void initializeBoard() { for (int y = 0; y < this.gameSize.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < this.gameSize.Width; x++) { this.board[x, y] = 'O'; } } } private void fillScanShots() { int x, y; int num = gameSize.Width * gameSize.Height; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int i = j; i < num; i += 3) { x = i % gameSize.Width; y = i / gameSize.Height; scanShots.Enqueue(new Point(x, y)); } } } public void PlaceShips(ReadOnlyCollection ships) { foreach (Ship s in ships) { s.Place(new Point( rand.Next(this.gameSize.Width), rand.Next(this.gameSize.Height)), (ShipOrientation)rand.Next(2)); } } public Point GetShot() { if (showBoard) printBoard(); Point shot; shot = findShotRun(); if (shot.X != -1) { return shot; } if (this.nextShots.Count > 0) { shot = this.nextShots[0]; this.nextShots.RemoveAt(0); } else { shot = this.scanShots.Dequeue(); } return shot; } public void ShotHit(Point shot, bool sunk) { this.board[shot.X, shot.Y] = 'H'; if (!sunk) { addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X - 1, shot.Y)); addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y + 1)); addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X + 1, shot.Y)); addToNextShots(new Point(shot.X, shot.Y - 1)); } else { this.nextShots.Clear(); } } private Point findShotRun() { int run_forward_horizontal = 0; int run_backward_horizontal = 0; int run_forward_vertical = 0; int run_backward_vertical = 0; List possible = new List (5); // this only works if width = height for the board; for (int y = 0; y < this.gameSize.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < this.gameSize.Width; x++) { // forward horiz if (this.board[x, y] == 'M') { run_forward_horizontal = 0; } else if (this.board[x, y] == 'O') { if (run_forward_horizontal >= 2) { possible.Add( new shotPossibilities( run_forward_horizontal, new Point(x, y), true)); } else { run_forward_horizontal = 0; } } else { run_forward_horizontal++; } // forward vertical if (this.board[y, x] == 'M') { run_forward_vertical = 0; } else if (this.board[y, x] == 'O') { if (run_forward_vertical >= 2) { possible.Add( new shotPossibilities( run_forward_vertical, new Point(y, x), false)); } else { run_forward_vertical = 0; } } else { run_forward_vertical++; } // backward horiz if (this.board[this.gameSize.Width - x - 1, y] == 'M') { run_backward_horizontal = 0; } else if (this.board[this.gameSize.Width - x - 1, y] == 'O') { if (run_backward_horizontal >= 2) { possible.Add( new shotPossibilities( run_backward_horizontal, new Point(this.gameSize.Width - x - 1, y), true)); } else { run_backward_horizontal = 0; } } else { run_backward_horizontal++; } // backward vertical if (this.board[y, this.gameSize.Height - x - 1] == 'M') { run_backward_vertical = 0; } else if (this.board[y, this.gameSize.Height - x - 1] == 'O') { if (run_backward_vertical >= 2) { possible.Add( new shotPossibilities( run_backward_vertical, new Point(y, this.gameSize.Height - x - 1), false)); } else { run_backward_vertical = 0; } } else { run_backward_vertical++; } } run_forward_horizontal = 0; run_backward_horizontal = 0; run_forward_vertical = 0; run_backward_vertical = 0; } Point shot; if (possible.Count > 0) { shotPossibilities shotp = possible.OrderByDescending(a => a.run).First(); //this.nextShots.Clear(); shot = shotp.shot; //if (shotp.isHorizontal) //{ // this.nextShots.RemoveAll(p => p.X != shot.X); //} //else //{ // this.nextShots.RemoveAll(p => p.Y != shot.Y); //} } else { shot = new Point(-1, -1); } return shot; } private void addToNextShots(Point p) { if (!this.nextShots.Contains(p) && p.X >= 0 && p.X < this.gameSize.Width && p.Y >= 0 && p.Y < this.gameSize.Height) { if (this.board[p.X, p.Y] == 'O') { this.nextShots.Add(p); } } } public void GameWon() { this.GameWins++; } public void NewMatch(string opponent) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(5); this.rand = new Random(System.Environment.TickCount); } public void OpponentShot(Point shot) { } public void ShotMiss(Point shot) { this.board[shot.X, shot.Y] = 'M'; } public void GameLost() { if (showBoard) Console.WriteLine("-----Game Over-----"); } public void MatchOver() { } } public class OpponentExtended { public int GameWins { get; set; } public int MatchWins { get; set; } public OpponentExtended() { } } public class shotPossibilities { public shotPossibilities(int r, Point s, bool h) { this.run = r; this.shot = s; this.isHorizontal = h; } public int run { get; set; } public Point shot { get; set; } public bool isHorizontal { get; set; } } }