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1> e-satis..:
Classes as objects

Before understanding metaclasses, you need to master classes in Python. And Python has a very peculiar idea of what classes are, borrowed from the Smalltalk language.

In most languages, classes are just pieces of code that describe how to produce an object. That's kinda true in Python too:

>>> class ObjectCreator(object):
...       pass

>>> my_object = ObjectCreator()
>>> print(my_object)
<__main__.ObjectCreator object at 0x8974f2c>

But classes are more than that in Python. Classes are objects too.

Yes, objects.

As soon as you use the keyword class, Python executes it and creates an OBJECT. The instruction

>>> class ObjectCreator(object):
...       pass

creates in memory an object with the name "ObjectCreator".

This object (the class) is itself capable of creating objects (the instances), and this is why it's a class.

But still, it's an object, and therefore:

you can assign it to a variable

you can copy it

you can add attributes to it



>>> print(ObjectCreator) # you can print a class because it's an object

>>> def echo(o):
...       print(o)
>>> echo(ObjectCreator) # you can pass a class as a parameter

>>> print(hasattr(ObjectCreator, 'new_attribute'))
>>> ObjectCreator.new_attribute = 'foo' # you can add attributes to a class
>>> print(hasattr(ObjectCreator, 'new_attribute'))
>>> print(ObjectCreator.new_attribute)
>>> ObjectCreatorMirror = ObjectCreator # you can assign a class to a variable
>>> print(ObjectCreatorMirror.new_attribute)
>>> print(ObjectCreatorMirror())
<__main__.ObjectCreator object at 0x8997b4c>



>>> def choose_class(name):
...     if name == 'foo':
...         class Foo(object):
...             pass
...         return Foo # return the class, not an instance
...     else:
...         class Bar(object):
...             pass
...         return Bar
>>> MyClass = choose_class('foo')
>>> print(MyClass) # the function returns a class, not an instance

>>> print(MyClass()) # you can create an object from this class
<__main__.Foo object at 0x89c6d4c>





>>> print(type(1))

>>> print(type("1"))

>>> print(type(ObjectCreator))

>>> print(type(ObjectCreator()))



type 这样工作:

type(name of the class,
     tuple of the parent class (for inheritance, can be empty),
     dictionary containing attributes names and values)


>>> class MyShinyClass(object):
...       pass


>>> MyShinyClass = type('MyShinyClass', (), {}) # returns a class object
>>> print(MyShinyClass)

>>> print(MyShinyClass()) # create an instance with the class
<__main__.MyShinyClass object at 0x8997cec>



>>> class Foo(object):
...       bar = True


>>> Foo = type('Foo', (), {'bar':True})


>>> print(Foo)

>>> print(Foo.bar)
>>> f = Foo()
>>> print(f)
<__main__.Foo object at 0x8a9b84c>
>>> print(f.bar)


>>>   class FooChild(Foo):
...         pass


>>> FooChild = type('FooChild', (Foo,), {})
>>> print(FooChild)

>>> print(FooChild.bar) # bar is inherited from Foo


>>> def echo_bar(self):
...       print(self.bar)
>>> FooChild = type('FooChild', (Foo,), {'echo_bar': echo_bar})
>>> hasattr(Foo, 'echo_bar')
>>> hasattr(FooChild, 'echo_bar')
>>> my_foo = FooChild()
>>> my_foo.echo_bar()

And you can add even more methods after you dynamically create the class, just like adding methods to a normally created class object.

>>> def echo_bar_more(self):
...       print('yet another method')
>>> FooChild.echo_bar_more = echo_bar_more
>>> hasattr(FooChild, 'echo_bar_more')

You see where we are going: in Python, classes are objects, and you can create a class on the fly, dynamically.

This is what Python does when you use the keyword class, and it does so by using a metaclass.

What are metaclasses (finally)

Metaclasses are the 'stuff' that creates classes.

You define classes in order to create objects, right?

But we learned that Python classes are objects.

Well, metaclasses are what create these objects. They are the classes' classes, you can picture them this way:

MyClass = MetaClass()
my_object = MyClass()

You've seen that type lets you do something like this:

MyClass = type('MyClass', (), {})

It's because the function type is in fact a metaclass. type is the metaclass Python uses to create all classes behind the scenes.

Now you wonder why the heck is it written in lowercase, and not Type?

Well, I guess it's a matter of consistency with str, the class that creates strings objects, and int the class that creates integer objects. type is just the class that creates class objects.

You see that by checking the __class__ attribute.

Everything, and I mean everything, is an object in Python. That includes ints, strings, functions and classes. All of them are objects. And all of them have been created from a class:

>>> age = 35
>>> age.__class__

>>> name = 'bob'
>>> name.__class__

>>> def foo(): pass
>>> foo.__class__

>>> class Bar(object): pass
>>> b = Bar()
>>> b.__class__

Now, what is the __class__ of any __class__ ?

>>> age.__class__.__class__

>>> name.__class__.__class__

>>> foo.__class__.__class__

>>> b.__class__.__class__

So, a metaclass is just the stuff that creates class objects.

You can call it a 'class factory' if you wish.

type is the built-in metaclass Python uses, but of course, you can create your own metaclass.

The __metaclass__ attribute

In Python 2, you can add a __metaclass__ attribute when you write a class (see next section for the Python 3 syntax):

class Foo(object):
    __metaclass__ = something...

If you do so, Python will use the metaclass to create the class Foo.

Careful, it's tricky.

You write class Foo(object) first, but the class object Foo is not created in memory yet.

Python will look for __metaclass__ in the class definition. If it finds it, it will use it to create the object class Foo. If it doesn't, it will use type to create the class.

Read that several times.

When you do:

class Foo(Bar):

Python does the following:

Is there a __metaclass__ attribute in Foo?

If yes, create in memory a class object (I said a class object, stay with me here), with the name Foo by using what is in __metaclass__.

If Python can't find __metaclass__, it will look for a __metaclass__ at the MODULE level, and try to do the same (but only for classes that don't inherit anything, basically old-style classes).

Then if it can't find any __metaclass__ at all, it will use the Bar's (the first parent) own metaclass (which might be the default type) to create the class object.

Be careful here that the __metaclass__ attribute will not be inherited, the metaclass of the parent (Bar.__class__) will be. If Bar used a __metaclass__ attribute that created Bar with type() (and not type.__new__()), the subclasses will not inherit that behavior.

Now the big question is, what can you put in __metaclass__ ?

The answer is: something that can create a class.

And what can create a class? type, or anything that subclasses or uses it.

Metaclasses in Python 3

The syntax to set the metaclass has been changed in Python 3:

class Foo(object, metaclass=something):

i.e. the __metaclass__ attribute is no longer used, in favor of a keyword argument in the list of base classes.

The behaviour of metaclasses however stays largely the same.

One thing added to metaclasses in python 3 is that you can also pass attributes as keyword-arguments into a metaclass, like so:

class Foo(object, metaclass=something, kwarg1=value1, kwarg2=value2):

Read the section below for how python handles this.

Custom metaclasses

The main purpose of a metaclass is to change the class automatically, when it's created.

You usually do this for APIs, where you want to create classes matching the current context.

Imagine a stupid example, where you decide that all classes in your module should have their attributes written in uppercase. There are several ways to do this, but one way is to set __metaclass__ at the module level.

This way, all classes of this module will be created using this metaclass, and we just have to tell the metaclass to turn all attributes to uppercase.

Luckily, __metaclass__ can actually be any callable, it doesn't need to be a formal class (I know, something with 'class' in its name doesn't need to be a class, go figure... but it's helpful).

So we will start with a simple example, by using a function.

# the metaclass will automatically get passed the same argument
# that you usually pass to `type`
def upper_attr(future_class_name, future_class_parents, future_class_attr):
      Return a class object, with the list of its attribute turned
      into uppercase.

    # pick up any attribute that doesn't start with '__' and uppercase it
    uppercase_attr = {}
    for name, val in future_class_attr.items():
        if not name.startswith('__'):
            uppercase_attr[name.upper()] = val
            uppercase_attr[name] = val

    # let `type` do the class creation
    return type(future_class_name, future_class_parents, uppercase_attr)

__metaclass__ = upper_attr # this will affect all classes in the module

class Foo(): # global __metaclass__ won't work with "object" though
    # but we can define __metaclass__ here instead to affect only this class
    # and this will work with "object" children
    bar = 'bip'

print(hasattr(Foo, 'bar'))
# Out: False
print(hasattr(Foo, 'BAR'))
# Out: True

f = Foo()
# Out: 'bip'

Now, let's do exactly the same, but using a real class for a metaclass:

# remember that `type` is actually a class like `str` and `int`
# so you can inherit from it
class UpperAttrMetaclass(type):
    # __new__ is the method called before __init__
    # it's the method that creates the object and returns it
    # while __init__ just initializes the object passed as parameter
    # you rarely use __new__, except when you want to control how the object
    # is created.
    # here the created object is the class, and we want to customize it
    # so we override __new__
    # you can do some stuff in __init__ too if you wish
    # some advanced use involves overriding __call__ as well, but we won't
    # see this
    def __new__(upperattr_metaclass, future_class_name,
                future_class_parents, future_class_attr):

        uppercase_attr = {}
        for name, val in future_class_attr.items():
            if not name.startswith('__'):
                uppercase_attr[name.upper()] = val
                uppercase_attr[name] = val

        return type(future_class_name, future_class_parents, uppercase_attr)

But this is not really OOP. We call type directly and we don't override or call the parent __new__. Let's do it:

class UpperAttrMetaclass(type):

    def __new__(upperattr_metaclass, future_class_name,
                future_class_parents, future_class_attr):

        uppercase_attr = {}
        for name, val in future_class_attr.items():
            if not name.startswith('__'):
                uppercase_attr[name.upper()] = val
                uppercase_attr[name] = val

        # reuse the type.__new__ method
        # this is basic OOP, nothing magic in there
        return type.__new__(upperattr_metaclass, future_class_name,
                            future_class_parents, uppercase_attr)

You may have noticed the extra argument upperattr_metaclass. There is nothing special about it: __new__ always receives the class it's defined in, as first parameter. Just like you have self for ordinary methods which receive the instance as first parameter, or the defining class for class methods.

Of course, the names I used here are long for the sake of clarity, but like for self, all the arguments have conventional names. So a real production metaclass would look like this:

class UpperAttrMetaclass(type):

    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct):

        uppercase_attr = {}
        for name, val in dct.items():
            if not name.startswith('__'):
                uppercase_attr[name.upper()] = val
                uppercase_attr[name] = val

        return type.__new__(cls, clsname, bases, uppercase_attr)

We can make it even cleaner by using super, which will ease inheritance (because yes, you can have metaclasses, inheriting from metaclasses, inheriting from type):

class UpperAttrMetaclass(type):

    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct):

        uppercase_attr = {}
        for name, val in dct.items():
            if not name.startswith('__'):
                uppercase_attr[name.upper()] = val
                uppercase_attr[name] = val

        return super(UpperAttrMetaclass, cls).__new__(cls, clsname, bases, uppercase_attr)

Oh, and in python 3 if you do this call with keyword arguments, like this:

class Foo(object, metaclass=Thing, kwarg1=value1):

It translates to this in the metaclass to use it:

class Thing(type):
    def __new__(cls, clsname, bases, dct, kwargs1=default):

That's it. There is really nothing more about metaclasses.

The reason behind the complexity of the code using metaclasses is not because of metaclasses, it's because you usually use metaclasses to do twisted stuff relying on introspection, manipulating inheritance, vars such as __dict__, etc.

Indeed, metaclasses are especially useful to do black magic, and therefore complicated stuff. But by themselves, they are simple:

intercept a class creation

modify the class

return the modified class

Why would you use metaclasses classes instead of functions?

Since __metaclass__ can accept any callable, why would you use a class since it's obviously more complicated?

There are several reasons to do so:

The intention is clear. When you read UpperAttrMetaclass(type), you know what's going to follow

You can use OOP. Metaclass can inherit from metaclass, override parent methods. Metaclasses can even use metaclasses.

Subclasses of a class will be instances of its metaclass if you specified a metaclass-class, but not with a metaclass-function.

You can structure your code better. You never use metaclasses for something as trivial as the above example. It's usually for something complicated. Having the ability to make several methods and group them in one class is very useful to make the code easier to read.

You can hook on __new__, __init__ and __call__. Which will allow you to do different stuff. Even if usually you can do it all in __new__, some people are just more comfortable using __init__.

These are called metaclasses, damn it! It must mean something!

Why would you use metaclasses?

Now the big question. Why would you use some obscure error prone feature?

Well, usually you don't:

Metaclasses are deeper magic that 99% of users should never worry about. If you wonder whether you need them, you don't (the people who actually need them know with certainty that they need them, and don't need an explanation about why).

Python Guru Tim Peters

The main use case for a metaclass is creating an API. A typical example of this is the Django ORM.

It allows you to define something like this:

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    age = models.IntegerField()

But if you do this:

guy = Person(name='bob', age='35')

It won't return an IntegerField object. It will return an int, and can even take it directly from the database.

This is possible because models.Model defines __metaclass__ and it uses some magic that will turn the Person you just defined with simple statements into a complex hook to a database field.

Django makes something complex look simple by exposing a simple API and using metaclasses, recreating code from this API to do the real job behind the scenes.

The last word

First, you know that classes are objects that can create instances.

Well in fact, classes are themselves instances. Of metaclasses.

>>> class Foo(object): pass
>>> id(Foo)

Everything is an object in Python, and they are all either instances of classes or instances of metaclasses.

Except for type.

type is actually its own metaclass. This is not something you could reproduce in pure Python, and is done by cheating a little bit at the implementation level.

Secondly, metaclasses are complicated. You may not want to use them for very simple class alterations. You can change classes by using two different techniques:

monkey patching

class decorators

99% of the time you need class alteration, you are better off using these.

But 98% of the time, you don't need class alteration at all.

似乎在Django`modeles.Model`中它不使用`__metaclass__`而是使用`类Model(metaclass = ModelBase):`来引用一个`ModelBase`类,然后执行前面提到的元类魔术.好帖子!这是Django的来源:https://github.com/django/django/blob/master/django/db/models/base.py#L382
@MaxGoodridge这是元类的Python 3语法.参见[Python 3.6数据模型](https://docs.python.org/3.6/reference/datamodel.html#metaclasses)VS [Python 2.7数据模型](https://docs.python.org/2.7/reference/ datamodel.html?#定制级的创作)
<<请注意,`__metaclass__`属性不会被继承,父类的元类(`Bar .__ class__`)将被继承.如果`Bar`使用`__metaclass__`属性创建`bar`和`type()`(而不是`type .__ new __()`),子类将不会继承该行为.>> - 你/有人请你这篇文章解释得更深一点?

2> Thomas Woute..:







def make_hook(f):
    """Decorator to turn 'foo' method into '__foo__'"""
    f.is_hook = 1
    return f

class MyType(type):
    def __new__(mcls, name, bases, attrs):

        if name.startswith('None'):
            return None

        # Go over attributes and see if they should be renamed.
        newattrs = {}
        for attrname, attrvalue in attrs.iteritems():
            if getattr(attrvalue, 'is_hook', 0):
                newattrs['__%s__' % attrname] = attrvalue
                newattrs[attrname] = attrvalue

        return super(MyType, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, newattrs)

    def __init__(self, name, bases, attrs):
        super(MyType, self).__init__(name, bases, attrs)

        # classregistry.register(self, self.interfaces)
        print "Would register class %s now." % self

    def __add__(self, other):
        class AutoClass(self, other):
        return AutoClass
        # Alternatively, to autogenerate the classname as well as the class:
        # return type(self.__name__ + other.__name__, (self, other), {})

    def unregister(self):
        # classregistry.unregister(self)
        print "Would unregister class %s now." % self

class MyObject:
    __metaclass__ = MyType

class NoneSample(MyObject):

# Will print "NoneType None"
print type(NoneSample), repr(NoneSample)

class Example(MyObject):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value
    def add(self, other):
        return self.__class__(self.value + other.value)

# Will unregister the class

inst = Example(10)
# Will fail with an AttributeError

print inst + inst
class Sibling(MyObject):

ExampleSibling = Example + Sibling
# ExampleSibling is now a subclass of both Example and Sibling (with no
# content of its own) although it will believe it's called 'AutoClass'
print ExampleSibling
print ExampleSibling.__mro__

`class A(type):传递类B(类型,元类= A):传递 b .__ class__ = b`
请注意,Python 3不支持`__metaclass__`。在Python 3中使用`class MyObject(metaclass = MyType)`,请参见https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3115/以及以下答案。

3> Jerub..:

注意,这个答案适用于Python 2.x,因为它是在2008年编写的,元类在3.x中略有不同,请参阅注释.


class type(object)
  |  type(object) -> the object's type
  |  type(name, bases, dict) -> a new type

元类需要3个参数.' name ',' bases '和' dict '


class ThisIsTheName(Bases, Are, Here):
    def doesIs(create, a):

让我们定义一个元类,它将演示' class: ' 如何调用它.

def test_metaclass(name, bases, dict):
    print 'The Class Name is', name
    print 'The Class Bases are', bases
    print 'The dict has', len(dict), 'elems, the keys are', dict.keys()

    return "yellow"

class TestName(object, None, int, 1):
    __metaclass__ = test_metaclass
    foo = 1
    def baz(self, arr):

print 'TestName = ', repr(TestName)

# output => 
The Class Name is TestName
The Class Bases are (, None, , 1)
The dict has 4 elems, the keys are ['baz', '__module__', 'foo', '__metaclass__']
TestName =  'yellow'


def init_attributes(name, bases, dict):
    if 'attributes' in dict:
        for attr in dict['attributes']:
            dict[attr] = None

    return type(name, bases, dict)

class Initialised(object):
    __metaclass__ = init_attributes
    attributes = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']

print 'foo =>', Initialised.foo
# output=>
foo => None



class MetaSingleton(type):
    instance = None
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kw):
        if cls.instance is None:
            cls.instance = super(MetaSingleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kw)
        return cls.instance

class Foo(object):
    __metaclass__ = MetaSingleton

a = Foo()
b = Foo()
assert a is b

4> kindall..:


class MyMeta(type):

    counter = 0

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dic):
        type.__init__(cls, name, bases, dic)
        cls._order = MyMeta.counter
        MyMeta.counter += 1

class MyType(object):              # Python 2
    __metaclass__ = MyMeta

class MyType(metaclass=MyMeta):    # Python 3


5> Antti Rasine..:



class Person(models.Model):
    first_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)
    last_name = models.CharField(max_length=30)



6> Matthias Kes..:


http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/python/2003/04/17/metaclasses.html(存档于https://web.archive.org/web/20080206005253/http://www.onlamp. com/pub/a/python/2003/04/17/metaclasses.html)






7> Aaron Hall..:




>>> Class(...)


>>> Metaclass(...)


>>> type('Foo', (object,), {}) # requires a name, bases, and a namespace




>>> object()                          # instantiation of class
     # instance


>>> type('Object', (object,), {})     # instantiation of metaclass
             # instance


>>> isinstance(object, type)


>>> type(object) == type
>>> object.__class__








class Foo(object): 


>>> Foo

>>> isinstance(Foo, type), isinstance(Foo, object)
(True, True)


name = 'Foo'
bases = (object,)
namespace = {'__doc__': 'demo'}
Foo = type(name, bases, namespace)


>>> Foo.__dict__
dict_proxy({'__dict__': , 
'__module__': '__main__', '__weakref__': , '__doc__': 'demo'})


(在类的内容的边注__dict__:__module__有没有因为类必须知道它们的定义, __dict____weakref__在那里,因为我们没有定义__slots__-如果我们定义__slots__我们可以节省一点空间中的情况下,作为我们可以禁止__dict____weakref__排除它们.例如:

>>> Baz = type('Bar', (object,), {'__doc__': 'demo', '__slots__': ()})
>>> Baz.__dict__
mappingproxy({'__doc__': 'demo', '__slots__': (), '__module__': '__main__'})




>>> Foo

在编写Python对象时,我们可以做的最有价值的事情之一就是为它提供一个好的东西__repr__.当我们打电话时,help(repr)我们知道有一个很好的测试__repr__,也需要测试平等 - obj == eval(repr(obj)).下面简单实现的__repr__,并__eq__为我们的类类型的类的实例为我们提供了可改进的默认示范__repr__类:

class Type(type):
    def __repr__(cls):
        >>> Baz
        Type('Baz', (Foo, Bar,), {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None})
        >>> eval(repr(Baz))
        Type('Baz', (Foo, Bar,), {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None})
        metaname = type(cls).__name__
        name = cls.__name__
        parents = ', '.join(b.__name__ for b in cls.__bases__)
        if parents:
            parents += ','
        namespace = ', '.join(': '.join(
          (repr(k), repr(v) if not isinstance(v, type) else v.__name__))
               for k, v in cls.__dict__.items())
        return '{0}(\'{1}\', ({2}), {{{3}}})'.format(metaname, name, parents, namespace)
    def __eq__(cls, other):
        >>> Baz == eval(repr(Baz))
        return (cls.__name__, cls.__bases__, cls.__dict__) == (
                other.__name__, other.__bases__, other.__dict__)


>>> class Bar(object): pass
>>> Baz = Type('Baz', (Foo, Bar,), {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None})
>>> Baz
Type('Baz', (Foo, Bar,), {'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': None})



例如,如果我们想知道创建类的方法的顺序,我们可以提供一个有序的dict作为类的命名空间.如果它在Python 3中实现,我们将使用__prepare__它返回类的命名空间dict:

from collections import OrderedDict

class OrderedType(Type):
    def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases, **kwargs):
        return OrderedDict()
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
        result = Type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(namespace))
        result.members = tuple(namespace)
        return result


class OrderedMethodsObject(object, metaclass=OrderedType):
    def method1(self): pass
    def method2(self): pass
    def method3(self): pass
    def method4(self): pass


>>> OrderedMethodsObject.members
('__module__', '__qualname__', 'method1', 'method2', 'method3', 'method4')

注意,这个例子是从文档中改编而来的- 标准库中的新枚举就是这样做的.


>>> inspect.getmro(OrderedType)
(, , , )


>>> OrderedMethodsObject
OrderedType('OrderedMethodsObject', (object,), {'method1': , 'members': ('__module__', '__qualname__', 'method1', 'method2', 'method3', 'method4'), 'method3': , 'method2': , '__module__': '__main__', '__weakref__': , '__doc__': None, '__d
ict__': , 'method4': })

8> Ethan Furman..:

Python 3更新





__new__ 负责最终课程的实际创作/修改.


class Meta(type):

    def __prepare__(metaclass, cls, bases):
        return dict()

    def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, clsdict):
        return super().__new__(metacls, cls, bases, clsdict)


假设您需要一些简单的验证代码来运行您的属性 - 就像它必须始终是一个int或一个str.没有元类,你的类看起来像:

class Person:
    weight = ValidateType('weight', int)
    age = ValidateType('age', int)
    name = ValidateType('name', str)



class Person(metaclass=Validator):
    weight = ValidateType(int)
    age = ValidateType(int)
    name = ValidateType(str)


class Validator(type):
    def __new__(metacls, cls, bases, clsdict):
        # search clsdict looking for ValidateType descriptors
        for name, attr in clsdict.items():
            if isinstance(attr, ValidateType):
                attr.name = name
                attr.attr = '_' + name
        # create final class and return it
        return super().__new__(metacls, cls, bases, clsdict)


p = Person()
p.weight = 9
p.weight = '9'


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "simple_meta.py", line 36, in 
    p.weight = '9'
  File "simple_meta.py", line 24, in __set__
    (self.name, self.type, value))
TypeError: weight must be of type(s)  (got '9')



class ValidateType:
    def __init__(self, type):
        self.name = None  # will be set by metaclass
        self.attr = None  # will be set by metaclass
        self.type = type
    def __get__(self, inst, cls):
        if inst is None:
            return self
            return inst.__dict__[self.attr]
    def __set__(self, inst, value):
        if not isinstance(value, self.type):
            raise TypeError('%s must be of type(s) %s (got %r)' %
                    (self.name, self.type, value))
            inst.__dict__[self.attr] = value

9> Michael Ekok..:
__call__()创建类实例时元类' 方法的作用


# define a class
class SomeClass(object):
    # ...
    # some definition here ...
    # ...

# create an instance of it
instance = SomeClass()

# then call the object as if it's a function
result = instance('foo', 'bar')


class SomeClass(object):
    # ...
    # some definition here ...
    # ...

    def __call__(self, foo, bar):
        return bar + foo

__call__()当类的实例用作可调用时,将调用该方法.但正如我们从前面的答案中看到的,类本身是元类的一个实例,所以当我们将类用作可调用的时(即当我们创建它的实例时),我们实际上正在调用它的元类' __call__()方法.在这一点上,大多数Python程序员都有点困惑,因为他们被告知在创建这样的实例时,instance = SomeClass()你正在调用它的__init__()方法.有些谁已经挖一个深一点知道,之前__init__()__new__().好吧,今天还有另一层真相被揭示出来,__new__()然而才有了元类__call__().



class Meta_1(type):
    def __call__(cls):
        print "Meta_1.__call__() before creating an instance of ", cls
        instance = super(Meta_1, cls).__call__()
        print "Meta_1.__call__() about to return instance."
        return instance


class Class_1(object):

    __metaclass__ = Meta_1

    def __new__(cls):
        print "Class_1.__new__() before creating an instance."
        instance = super(Class_1, cls).__new__(cls)
        print "Class_1.__new__() about to return instance."
        return instance

    def __init__(self):
        print "entering Class_1.__init__() for instance initialization."
        print "exiting Class_1.__init__()."

现在让我们创建一个实例 Class_1

instance = Class_1()
# Meta_1.__call__() before creating an instance of .
# Class_1.__new__() before creating an instance.
# Class_1.__new__() about to return instance.
# entering Class_1.__init__() for instance initialization.
# exiting Class_1.__init__().
# Meta_1.__call__() about to return instance.


class type:
    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwarg):

        # ... maybe a few things done to cls here

        # then we call __new__() on the class to create an instance
        instance = cls.__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs)

        # ... maybe a few things done to the instance here

        # then we initialize the instance with its __init__() method
        instance.__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        # ... maybe a few more things done to instance here

        # then we return it
        return instance


从上面可以看出,元类' __call__()也有机会决定是否打电话Class_1.__new__()Class_1.__init__()最终制作.在执行过程中,它实际上可以返回一个未被这些方法触及的对象.以单例模式的这种方法为例:

class Meta_2(type):
    singletons = {}

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls in Meta_2.singletons:
            # we return the only instance and skip a call to __new__()
            # and __init__()
            print ("{} singleton returning from Meta_2.__call__(), "
                   "skipping creation of new instance.".format(cls))
            return Meta_2.singletons[cls]

        # else if the singleton isn't present we proceed as usual
        print "Meta_2.__call__() before creating an instance."
        instance = super(Meta_2, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        Meta_2.singletons[cls] = instance
        print "Meta_2.__call__() returning new instance."
        return instance

class Class_2(object):

    __metaclass__ = Meta_2

    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        print "Class_2.__new__() before creating instance."
        instance = super(Class_2, cls).__new__(cls)
        print "Class_2.__new__() returning instance."
        return instance

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        print "entering Class_2.__init__() for initialization."
        super(Class_2, self).__init__()
        print "exiting Class_2.__init__()."

让我们观察一下重复尝试创建类型对象时会发生什么 Class_2

a = Class_2()
# Meta_2.__call__() before creating an instance.
# Class_2.__new__() before creating instance.
# Class_2.__new__() returning instance.
# entering Class_2.__init__() for initialization.
# exiting Class_2.__init__().
# Meta_2.__call__() returning new instance.

b = Class_2()
#  singleton returning from Meta_2.__call__(), skipping creation of new instance.

c = Class_2()
#  singleton returning from Meta_2.__call__(), skipping creation of new instance.

a is b is c # True

10> Craig..:



#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Craig Phillips.  All rights reserved.

# This requires some explaining.  The point of this metaclass excercise is to
# create a static abstract class that is in one way or another, dormant until
# queried.  I experimented with creating a singlton on import, but that did
# not quite behave how I wanted it to.  See now here, we are creating a class
# called GsyncOptions, that on import, will do nothing except state that its
# class creator is GsyncOptionsType.  This means, docopt doesn't parse any
# of the help document, nor does it start processing command line options.
# So importing this module becomes really efficient.  The complicated bit
# comes from requiring the GsyncOptions class to be static.  By that, I mean
# any property on it, may or may not exist, since they are not statically
# defined; so I can't simply just define the class with a whole bunch of
# properties that are @property @staticmethods.
# So here's how it works:
# Executing 'from libgsync.options import GsyncOptions' does nothing more
# than load up this module, define the Type and the Class and import them
# into the callers namespace.  Simple.
# Invoking 'GsyncOptions.debug' for the first time, or any other property
# causes the __metaclass__ __getattr__ method to be called, since the class
# is not instantiated as a class instance yet.  The __getattr__ method on
# the type then initialises the class (GsyncOptions) via the __initialiseClass
# method.  This is the first and only time the class will actually have its
# dictionary statically populated.  The docopt module is invoked to parse the
# usage document and generate command line options from it.  These are then
# paired with their defaults and what's in sys.argv.  After all that, we
# setup some dynamic properties that could not be defined by their name in
# the usage, before everything is then transplanted onto the actual class
# object (or static class GsyncOptions).
# Another piece of magic, is to allow command line options to be set in
# in their native form and be translated into argparse style properties.
# Finally, the GsyncListOptions class is actually where the options are
# stored.  This only acts as a mechanism for storing options as lists, to
# allow aggregation of duplicate options or options that can be specified
# multiple times.  The __getattr__ call hides this by default, returning the
# last item in a property's list.  However, if the entire list is required,
# calling the 'list()' method on the GsyncOptions class, returns a reference
# to the GsyncListOptions class, which contains all of the same properties
# but as lists and without the duplication of having them as both lists and
# static singlton values.
# So this actually means that GsyncOptions is actually a static proxy class...
# ...And all this is neatly hidden within a closure for safe keeping.
def GetGsyncOptionsType():
    class GsyncListOptions(object):
        __initialised = False

    class GsyncOptionsType(type):
        def __initialiseClass(cls):
            if GsyncListOptions._GsyncListOptions__initialised: return

            from docopt import docopt
            from libgsync.options import doc
            from libgsync import __version__

            options = docopt(
                doc.__doc__ % __version__,
                version = __version__,
                options_first = True

            paths = options.pop('', None)
            setattr(cls, "destination_path", paths.pop() if paths else None)
            setattr(cls, "source_paths", paths)
            setattr(cls, "options", options)

            for k, v in options.iteritems():
                setattr(cls, k, v)

            GsyncListOptions._GsyncListOptions__initialised = True

        def list(cls):
            return GsyncListOptions

        def __getattr__(cls, name):
            return getattr(GsyncListOptions, name)[-1]

        def __setattr__(cls, name, value):
            # Substitut option names: --an-option-name for an_option_name
            import re
            name = re.sub(r'^__', "", re.sub(r'-', "_", name))
            listvalue = []

            # Ensure value is converted to a list type for GsyncListOptions
            if isinstance(value, list):
                if value:
                    listvalue = [] + value
                    listvalue = [ None ]
                listvalue = [ value ]

            type.__setattr__(GsyncListOptions, name, listvalue)

    # Cleanup this module to prevent tinkering.
    import sys
    module = sys.modules[__name__]
    del module.__dict__['GetGsyncOptionsType']

    return GsyncOptionsType

# Our singlton abstract proxy class.
class GsyncOptions(object):
    __metaclass__ = GetGsyncOptionsType()

11> Mushahid Kha..:


>>> class MetaClass(type):
...     def __init__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
...         print ('class name: %s' %name )
...         print ('Defining class %s' %cls)
...         print('Bases %s: ' %bases)
...         print('Attributes')
...         for (name, value) in attrs.items():
...             print ('%s :%r' %(name, value))

>>> class NewClass(object, metaclass=MetaClass):
...    get_choch='dairy'
class name: NewClass
Bases : 
Defining class 
get_choch :'dairy'
__module__ :'builtins'
__qualname__ :'NewClass'


请注意,该类在任何时候都没有实例化; 创建类的简单行为触发了执行metaclass.

12> noɥʇʎԀʎzɐɹƆ..:





class Foo(object):
    __metaclass__ = MyMetaClass

13> Xingzhou Liu..:

Python类本身就是它们的元类的对象 - 例如 - .


class foo:



class somemeta(type):
    __new__(mcs, name, bases, clsdict):
  mcs: is the base metaclass, in this case type.
  name: name of the new class, as provided by the user.
  bases: tuple of base classes 
  clsdict: a dictionary containing all methods and attributes defined on class

  you must return a class object by invoking the __new__ constructor on the base metaclass. 
    return type.__call__(mcs, name, bases, clsdict).

  in the following case:

  class foo(baseclass):
        __metaclass__ = somemeta

  an_attr = 12

  def bar(self):

  def foo(cls):

      arguments would be : ( somemeta, "foo", (baseclass, baseofbase,..., object), {"an_attr":12, "bar": , "foo": }

      you can modify any of these values before passing on to type
      return type.__call__(mcs, name, bases, clsdict)

    def __init__(self, name, bases, clsdict):
      called after type has been created. unlike in standard classes, __init__ method cannot modify the instance (cls) - and should be used for class validaton.

    def __prepare__():
        returns a dict or something that can be used as a namespace.
        the type will then attach methods and attributes from class definition to it.

        call order :

        somemeta.__new__ ->  type.__new__ -> type.__init__ -> somemeta.__init__ 
        return dict()

    def mymethod(cls):
        """ works like a classmethod, but for class objects. Also, my method will not be visible to instances of cls.


14> binbjz..:



def func(self, name='mike'):
    print('Hi, %s.' % name)

Hi = type('Hi', (object,), dict(hi=func))
h = Hi()
Hi, mike.





class ListMetaclass(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
        attrs['add'] = lambda self, value: self.append(value)
        return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)

class CustomList(list, metaclass=ListMetaclass):

lst = CustomList()

['custom_list_1', 'custom_list_2']


15> ARGeo..:

除了已发布的答案,我可以说a metaclass定义了一个类的行为.因此,您可以显式设置您的元类.每当Python获得一个关键字,class它就会开始搜索metaclass.如果找不到 - 默认元类类型用于创建类的对象.使用该__metaclass__属性,您可以设置metaclass您的类:

class MyClass:
   __metaclass__ = type
   # write here other method
   # write here one more method



class 'type'



class MyMetaClass(type):
   __metaclass__ = type
   # you can write here any behaviour you want

class MyTestClass:
   __metaclass__ = MyMetaClass

Obj = MyTestClass()


class '__main__.MyMetaClass'
class 'type'

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