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Sinon JS:有没有办法在sinon js中对对象参数的键值存根方法


我想在以下响应中模拟对obj.key3值的不同响应.就像obj.key3 = true一样,返回与obj.key3 = false不同的响应

function method (obj) {
    return anotherMethod({key1: 'val1', key2: obj.key3});

robertklep.. 7



var sinon = require('sinon');

// This is just an example, you can obviously stub existing methods too.
var anotherMethod = sinon.stub();

// Match the first argument against an object that has a property called `key2`,
// and based on its value, return a specific string.
anotherMethod.withArgs(sinon.match({ key2 : true }))  .returns('key2 was true');
anotherMethod.withArgs(sinon.match({ key2 : false })) .returns('key2 was false');

// Your example that will now call the stub.
function method (obj) {
  return anotherMethod({ key1 : 'val1', key2: obj.key3 });

// Demo
console.log( method({ key3 : true  }) ); // logs: key2 was true
console.log( method({ key3 : false }) ); // logs: key2 was false


1> robertklep..:



var sinon = require('sinon');

// This is just an example, you can obviously stub existing methods too.
var anotherMethod = sinon.stub();

// Match the first argument against an object that has a property called `key2`,
// and based on its value, return a specific string.
anotherMethod.withArgs(sinon.match({ key2 : true }))  .returns('key2 was true');
anotherMethod.withArgs(sinon.match({ key2 : false })) .returns('key2 was false');

// Your example that will now call the stub.
function method (obj) {
  return anotherMethod({ key1 : 'val1', key2: obj.key3 });

// Demo
console.log( method({ key3 : true  }) ); // logs: key2 was true
console.log( method({ key3 : false }) ); // logs: key2 was false


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