Eric Falsken.. 117
@echo off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken IF [%1]==[] GOTO usage IF [%2]==[] GOTO usage ping -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartedService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline echo Service State is changing, waiting for service to resolve its state before making changes sc \\%1 query %2 | Find "STATE" timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL GOTO ResolveInitialState :StartService echo Starting %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 start %2 >NUL GOTO StartingService :StartingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to start timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StartingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StartingServiceDelay :StartedService echo %2 on \\%1 is started GOTO:eof :SystemOffline echo Server \\%1 is not accessible or is offline GOTO:eof :usage echo %0 [system name] [service name] echo Example: %0 server1 MyService echo. GOTO:eof
@echo off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken IF [%1]==[] GOTO usage IF [%2]==[] GOTO usage ping -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopedService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline echo Service State is changing, waiting for service to resolve its state before making changes sc \\%1 query %2 | Find "STATE" timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL GOTO ResolveInitialState :StopService echo Stopping %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 stop %2 %3 >NUL GOTO StopingService :StopingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to stop timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StopingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StopingServiceDelay :StopedService echo %2 on \\%1 is stopped GOTO:eof :SystemOffline echo Server \\%1 or service %2 is not accessible or is offline GOTO:eof :usage echo Will cause a remote service to STOP (if not already stopped). echo This script will waiting for the service to enter the stopped state if necessary. echo. echo %0 [system name] [service name] {reason} echo Example: %0 server1 MyService echo. echo For reason codes, run "sc stop" GOTO:eof
@echo off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken if [%1]==[] GOTO usage if [%2]==[] GOTO usage ping -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline echo Service State is changing, waiting for service to resolve its state before making changes sc \\%1 query %2 | Find "STATE" timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL GOTO ResolveInitialState :StopService echo Stopping %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 stop %2 %3 >NUL GOTO StopingService :StopingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to stop timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StopingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StopingServiceDelay :StopedService echo %2 on \\%1 is stopped GOTO StartService :StartService echo Starting %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 start %2 >NUL GOTO StartingService :StartingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to start timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StartingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StartingServiceDelay :StartedService echo %2 on \\%1 is started GOTO:eof :SystemOffline echo Server \\%1 or service %2 is not accessible or is offline GOTO:eof :usage echo Will restart a remote service, waiting for the service to stop/start (if necessary) echo. echo %0 [system name] [service name] {reason} echo Example: %0 server1 MyService echo. echo For reason codes, run "sc stop" GOTO:eof
另请注意,检查服务器可用性的ping命令假定服务器位于IPv4上.包括'-4'开关以强制ping使用IPv4可能会更好. (3认同)
andreister.. 10
那么powershell和WaitForStatus呢?例如,下面的脚本将在远程计算机上重新启动SQL Server:
$computer = "COMPUTER_NAME" $me = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "DOMAIN\user", (convertto-securestring "password" -asplaintext -force) $restartSqlServer = { $sqlServer = get-service mssqlserver $waitInterval = new-timespan -seconds 5 if (-not ($sqlServer.Status -eq "Stopped")) { $sqlServer.Stop() $sqlServer.WaitForStatus('Stopped', $waitInterval) } $sqlServer.Start() $sqlServer.WaitForStatus('Running', $waitInterval) } icm -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock $restartSqlServer -Credential $me
Stephen Mart.. 8
我从来没有真正看到过这样做的具体内容,但是在C\C#\ VB或任何其他可以轻松访问Service API的语言中敲出这样的实用程序会非常容易.这是C#中的一些示例.
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ServiceProcess; namespace SCSync { class Program { private const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0; private const int ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE = 1; private const int ERROR_NO_ACCESS = 2; private const int ERROR_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 3; private const int ERROR_NO_SERVICE = 4; private const int ERROR_NO_SERVER = 5; private const int ERROR_INVALID_STATE = 6; private const int ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 7; static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2 || args.Length > 4) { ShowUsage(); return ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE; } string serviceName = args[0]; string command = args[1].ToUpper(); string serverName = "."; string timeoutString = "30"; int timeout; if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[2].StartsWith(@"\\")) { serverName = args[2].Substring(2); if (args.Length > 3) { timeoutString = args[3]; } } else { timeoutString = args[2]; } } if (!int.TryParse(timeoutString, out timeout)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout value.\n"); ShowUsage(); return ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE; } try { ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(serviceName, serverName); switch (command) { case "START": sc.Start(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; case "STOP": sc.Stop(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; case "PAUSE": sc.Pause(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Paused, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; case "CONTINUE": sc.Continue(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid command value.\n"); ShowUsage(); return ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE; } } catch (System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException) { Console.WriteLine("Operation timed out.\n"); return ERROR_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Console.WriteLine("You are not authorized to perform this action.\n"); return ERROR_NO_ACCESS; } catch (InvalidOperationException opEx) { Win32Exception winEx = opEx.InnerException as Win32Exception; if (winEx != null) { switch (winEx.NativeErrorCode) { case 5: //ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Console.WriteLine("You are not authorized to perform this action.\n"); return ERROR_NO_ACCESS; case 1722: //RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE Console.WriteLine("The server is unavailable or does not exist.\n"); return ERROR_NO_SERVER; case 1060: //ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Console.WriteLine("The service does not exist.\n"); return ERROR_NO_SERVICE; case 1056: //ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING Console.WriteLine("The service is already running.\n"); return ERROR_INVALID_STATE; case 1062: //ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE Console.WriteLine("The service is not running.\n"); return ERROR_INVALID_STATE; default: break; } } Console.WriteLine(opEx.ToString()); return ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } private static void ShowUsage() { Console.WriteLine("SCSync usage:\n"); Console.WriteLine("SCSync.exe service command\n"); Console.WriteLine(" service The name of the service upon which the command will act. (Required)"); Console.WriteLine(" command The command to execute - one of: start|stop|pause|continue. (Required)"); Console.WriteLine(" server The name of the server on which the target service runs. This must start with \\. (Optional)"); Console.WriteLine(" timeout The timeout period in seconds in which the command should finish. The default is 30 seconds. (Optional)"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); } } }
@echo off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken IF [%1]==[] GOTO usage IF [%2]==[] GOTO usage ping -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartedService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline echo Service State is changing, waiting for service to resolve its state before making changes sc \\%1 query %2 | Find "STATE" timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL GOTO ResolveInitialState :StartService echo Starting %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 start %2 >NUL GOTO StartingService :StartingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to start timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StartingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StartingServiceDelay :StartedService echo %2 on \\%1 is started GOTO:eof :SystemOffline echo Server \\%1 is not accessible or is offline GOTO:eof :usage echo %0 [system name] [service name] echo Example: %0 server1 MyService echo. GOTO:eof
@echo off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken IF [%1]==[] GOTO usage IF [%2]==[] GOTO usage ping -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopedService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline echo Service State is changing, waiting for service to resolve its state before making changes sc \\%1 query %2 | Find "STATE" timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL GOTO ResolveInitialState :StopService echo Stopping %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 stop %2 %3 >NUL GOTO StopingService :StopingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to stop timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StopingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StopingServiceDelay :StopedService echo %2 on \\%1 is stopped GOTO:eof :SystemOffline echo Server \\%1 or service %2 is not accessible or is offline GOTO:eof :usage echo Will cause a remote service to STOP (if not already stopped). echo This script will waiting for the service to enter the stopped state if necessary. echo. echo %0 [system name] [service name] {reason} echo Example: %0 server1 MyService echo. echo For reason codes, run "sc stop" GOTO:eof
@echo off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken if [%1]==[] GOTO usage if [%2]==[] GOTO usage ping -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >NUL IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline echo Service State is changing, waiting for service to resolve its state before making changes sc \\%1 query %2 | Find "STATE" timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL GOTO ResolveInitialState :StopService echo Stopping %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 stop %2 %3 >NUL GOTO StopingService :StopingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to stop timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StopingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StopingServiceDelay :StopedService echo %2 on \\%1 is stopped GOTO StartService :StartService echo Starting %2 on \\%1 sc \\%1 start %2 >NUL GOTO StartingService :StartingServiceDelay echo Waiting for %2 to start timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL :StartingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >NUL IF errorlevel 1 GOTO StartingServiceDelay :StartedService echo %2 on \\%1 is started GOTO:eof :SystemOffline echo Server \\%1 or service %2 is not accessible or is offline GOTO:eof :usage echo Will restart a remote service, waiting for the service to stop/start (if necessary) echo. echo %0 [system name] [service name] {reason} echo Example: %0 server1 MyService echo. echo For reason codes, run "sc stop" GOTO:eof
那么powershell和WaitForStatus呢?例如,下面的脚本将在远程计算机上重新启动SQL Server:
$computer = "COMPUTER_NAME" $me = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "DOMAIN\user", (convertto-securestring "password" -asplaintext -force) $restartSqlServer = { $sqlServer = get-service mssqlserver $waitInterval = new-timespan -seconds 5 if (-not ($sqlServer.Status -eq "Stopped")) { $sqlServer.Stop() $sqlServer.WaitForStatus('Stopped', $waitInterval) } $sqlServer.Start() $sqlServer.WaitForStatus('Running', $waitInterval) } icm -ComputerName $computer -ScriptBlock $restartSqlServer -Credential $me
我从来没有真正看到过这样做的具体内容,但是在C\C#\ VB或任何其他可以轻松访问Service API的语言中敲出这样的实用程序会非常容易.这是C#中的一些示例.
using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ServiceProcess; namespace SCSync { class Program { private const int ERROR_SUCCESS = 0; private const int ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE = 1; private const int ERROR_NO_ACCESS = 2; private const int ERROR_COMMAND_TIMEOUT = 3; private const int ERROR_NO_SERVICE = 4; private const int ERROR_NO_SERVER = 5; private const int ERROR_INVALID_STATE = 6; private const int ERROR_UNSPECIFIED = 7; static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 2 || args.Length > 4) { ShowUsage(); return ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE; } string serviceName = args[0]; string command = args[1].ToUpper(); string serverName = "."; string timeoutString = "30"; int timeout; if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[2].StartsWith(@"\\")) { serverName = args[2].Substring(2); if (args.Length > 3) { timeoutString = args[3]; } } else { timeoutString = args[2]; } } if (!int.TryParse(timeoutString, out timeout)) { Console.WriteLine("Invalid timeout value.\n"); ShowUsage(); return ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE; } try { ServiceController sc = new ServiceController(serviceName, serverName); switch (command) { case "START": sc.Start(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; case "STOP": sc.Stop(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; case "PAUSE": sc.Pause(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Paused, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; case "CONTINUE": sc.Continue(); sc.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Running, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, timeout)); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid command value.\n"); ShowUsage(); return ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND_LINE; } } catch (System.ServiceProcess.TimeoutException) { Console.WriteLine("Operation timed out.\n"); return ERROR_COMMAND_TIMEOUT; } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Console.WriteLine("You are not authorized to perform this action.\n"); return ERROR_NO_ACCESS; } catch (InvalidOperationException opEx) { Win32Exception winEx = opEx.InnerException as Win32Exception; if (winEx != null) { switch (winEx.NativeErrorCode) { case 5: //ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Console.WriteLine("You are not authorized to perform this action.\n"); return ERROR_NO_ACCESS; case 1722: //RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE Console.WriteLine("The server is unavailable or does not exist.\n"); return ERROR_NO_SERVER; case 1060: //ERROR_SERVICE_DOES_NOT_EXIST Console.WriteLine("The service does not exist.\n"); return ERROR_NO_SERVICE; case 1056: //ERROR_SERVICE_ALREADY_RUNNING Console.WriteLine("The service is already running.\n"); return ERROR_INVALID_STATE; case 1062: //ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_ACTIVE Console.WriteLine("The service is not running.\n"); return ERROR_INVALID_STATE; default: break; } } Console.WriteLine(opEx.ToString()); return ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); return ERROR_UNSPECIFIED; } return ERROR_SUCCESS; } private static void ShowUsage() { Console.WriteLine("SCSync usage:\n"); Console.WriteLine("SCSync.exe service command\n"); Console.WriteLine(" service The name of the service upon which the command will act. (Required)"); Console.WriteLine(" command The command to execute - one of: start|stop|pause|continue. (Required)"); Console.WriteLine(" server The name of the server on which the target service runs. This must start with \\. (Optional)"); Console.WriteLine(" timeout The timeout period in seconds in which the command should finish. The default is 30 seconds. (Optional)"); Console.WriteLine("\n"); } } }
Eric Falsken的解决方案非常有效.+1.
timeout /t 2 /nobreak >NUL
ping -n 2 1>NUL
在2011年10月20日编辑 - 更新了我的代码.我在完全调试之前发布了它.非常感谢Eric Falsken.多棒的解决方案.我调整了Eric的代码(如果您打算使用它,BTW会查找几个打字错误).我添加了日志记录和一些额外的错误检查,以了解Eric没有考虑的一些条件.由于我最感兴趣的是服务重启(不只是停止和/或启动),我只建立在Eric的重启代码上.无论如何,我发布我的版本,希望你喜欢它!
@ECHO off :: This script originally authored by Eric Falsken http://stackoverflow.com/ :: Revised for by George Perkins 10/20/2011 IF [%1]==[] GOTO Usage IF [%2]==[] GOTO Usage :SetLocalVariables SET /A MyDelay=0 SET MyHours=%time:~0,2% IF %MyHours%==0 SET MyHours=00 IF %MyHours%==1 SET MyHours=01 IF %MyHours%==2 SET MyHours=02 IF %MyHours%==3 SET MyHours=03 IF %MyHours%==4 SET MyHours=04 IF %MyHours%==5 SET MyHours=05 IF %MyHours%==6 SET MyHours=06 IF %MyHours%==7 SET MyHours=07 IF %MyHours%==8 SET MyHours=08 IF %MyHours%==9 SET MyHours=09 SET MyMinutes=%time:~3,2% SET MySeconds=%time:~6,2% SET MyHundredths=%time:~9,2% SET MyMonth=%date:~4,2% SET MyDay=%date:~-7,2% SET MyCentury=%date:~-4,4% SET MyTimeStamp=%MyCentury%%MyMonth%%MyDay%%MyHours%%MyMinutes%%MySeconds% IF "%3" == "" ( SET MyLog=C:\Temp ) ELSE ( SET MyLog=%3 ) SET MyLogFile=%MyLog%\ServiceRestart%MyTimeStamp%.log ECHO. ECHO. >> %MyLogFile% ECHO ------------- ------------- %MyHours%:%MyMinutes%:%MySeconds%.%MyHundredths% %MyMonth%/%MyDay%/%MyCentury% ------------- ------------- ECHO ------------- ------------- %MyHours%:%MyMinutes%:%MySeconds%.%MyHundredths% %MyMonth%/%MyDay%/%MyCentury% ------------- ------------- >> %MyLogFile% ECHO Begin batch program %0. ECHO Begin batch program %0. >> %MyLogFile% ECHO Logging to file %MyLogFile%. ECHO Logging to file %MyLogFile%. >> %MyLogFile% ECHO Attempting to restart service %2 on computer %1. ECHO Attempting to restart service %2 on computer %1. >> %MyLogFile% PING -n 1 %1 | FIND "TTL=" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 1 IF NOT errorlevel 2 GOTO SystemOffline SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "FAILED 1060" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO InvalidServiceName SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 1 IF NOT errorlevel 2 GOTO SystemOffline :ResolveInitialState SET /A MyDelay+=1 SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StopService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StartService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "PAUSED" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO SystemOffline ECHO Service State is changing, waiting %MyDelay% seconds for service to resolve its state before making changes. ECHO Service State is changing, waiting %MyDelay% seconds for service to resolve its state before making changes. >> %MyLogFile% TIMEOUT /t %MyDelay% /nobreak >> %MyLogFile% GOTO ResolveInitialState :StopService SET /A MyDelay=0 ECHO Stopping %2 on \\%1. ECHO Stopping %2 on \\%1. >> %MyLogFile% SC \\%1 stop %2 | FIND "FAILED" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO Unstoppable :StoppingServiceDelay SET /A MyDelay+=1 IF %MyDelay%==21 GOTO MaybeUnStoppable ECHO Waiting %MyDelay% seconds for %2 to stop. ECHO Waiting %MyDelay% seconds for %2 to stop. >> %MyLogFile% TIMEOUT /t %MyDelay% /nobreak >> %MyLogFile% :StoppingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StoppedService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOP_PENDING" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StoppingServiceDelay GOTO StoppingServiceDelay :MaybeUnStoppable :: If we got here we waited approximately 3 mintues and the service has not stopped. SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "NOT_STOPPABLE" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO OneLastChance GOTO Unstoppable :OneLastChance SC \\%1 stop %2 >> %MyLogFile% SET /A MyDelay+=1 ECHO Waiting %MyDelay% seconds for %2 to stop. ECHO Waiting %MyDelay% seconds for %2 to stop. >> %MyLogFile% TIMEOUT /t %MyDelay% /nobreak >> %MyLogFile% SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "STOPPED" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO StoppedService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 1 IF NOT errorlevel 2 GOTO UnknownState SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "NOT_STOPPABLE" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 0 IF NOT errorlevel 1 GOTO Unstoppable GOTO StoppingServiceDelay :StoppedService ECHO %2 on \\%1 is stopped. ECHO %2 on \\%1 is stopped. >> %MyLogFile% GOTO StartService :StartService SET /A MyDelay=0 ECHO Starting %2 on \\%1. ECHO Starting %2 on \\%1. >> %MyLogFile% SC \\%1 start %2 >> %MyLogFile% GOTO StartingService :StartingServiceDelay SET /A MyDelay+=1 ECHO Waiting %MyDelay% seconds for %2 to start. ECHO Waiting %MyDelay% seconds for %2 to start. >> %MyLogFile% TIMEOUT /t %MyDelay% /nobreak >> %MyLogFile% :StartingService SC \\%1 query %2 | FIND "STATE" | FIND "RUNNING" >> %MyLogFile% IF errorlevel 1 IF NOT errorlevel 2 GOTO StartingServiceDelay :StartedService ECHO %2 on \\%1 is started. ECHO %2 on \\%1 is started. >> %MyLogFile% GOTO EndExit :SystemOffline ECHO Failure! Server \\%1 or service %2 is not accessible or is offline! ECHO Failure! Server \\%1 or service %2 is not accessible or is offline! >> %MyLogFile% ECHO See log file %MyLogFile% for details! GOTO EndExit :InvalidServiceName ECHO Failure! Service %2 is not valid! ECHO Failure! Service %2 is not valid! >> %MyLogFile% ECHO See log file %MyLogFile% for details! GOTO EndExit :UnknownState ECHO Failure! Service %2 in an unknown state and cannot be stopped! ECHO Failure! Service %2 in an unknown state and cannot be stopped! >> %MyLogFile% ECHO See log file %MyLogFile% for details! GOTO EndExit :UnStoppable ECHO Failure! Service %2 cannot be stopped! Check dependencies or system state. ECHO Failure! Service %2 cannot be stopped! Check dependencies or system state. >> %MyLogFile% ECHO See log file %MyLogFile% for details! GOTO EndExit :Usage ECHO Will restart a remote service, waiting for the service to stop/start (if necessary). ECHO. ECHO Usage: ECHO %0 [system name] [service name] [logfile path] ECHO Example: %0 server1 MyService C:\Temp\Log ECHO. GOTO EndExit :EndExit ECHO. ECHO %0 Ended. ECHO.