我没有问题检测用户,并查看用户是否在Administrators组中.但是,当在Vista或Windows 2008下运行时,这仍然无法解决该进程是否提升了私有性的问题.请注意,我只需要检测这种状态; 不要试图提升或(错误地)降低.
我最终确定的方法取决于Vista和Windows 2008具有whoami.exe实用程序的事实,并且它检测拥有该进程的用户的完整性级别.这里有两个截图帮助:
Vista上正常和高级的WHOAMI http://lh3.ggpht.com/_Svunm47buj0/SQ6ql4iNjPI/AAAAAAAAAeA/iwbcSrAZqRg/whoami%20-%20adminuser%20-%20groups%20-%20cropped.png?imgmax=512
知道了,这是我使用的代码.它基本上检查操作系统版本,如果是Vista或Server 2008,则调用运行whoami.exe/groups的CheckforElevation,并在输出中查找字符串S-1-16-12288.在这个例子中,我只是回显状态; 在真实的脚本中,我根据结果分支到不同的动作.
sub GetOSVersion Dim strComputer, oWMIService, colOSInfo, oOSProperty, strCaption, strOSFamily strComputer = "." Set oWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colOSInfo = oWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem") 'I hate looping through just to get one property. But dunno another way! For Each oOSProperty in colOSInfo strCaption = oOSProperty.Caption Next If InStr(1,strCaption, "Vista", vbTextCompare) Then strOSFamily = "Vista" If InStr(1,strCaption, "2008", vbTextCompare) Then strOSFamily = "2008" If InStr(1,strCaption, "XP", vbTextCompare) Then strOSFamily = "XP" If InStr(1,strCaption, "2003", vbTextCompare) Then strOSFamily = "2003" If InStr(1,strCaption, "2000", vbTextCompare) Then strOSFamily = "2000" If strOSFamily = "" Then Wscript.Echo "No known OS found. (Script can detect Windows 2000, 2003, XP, Vista, 2008.)" Else Wscript.Echo "OS Family = " & strOSFamily End If Select Case strOSFamily 'if Vista/2008 then call CheckforElevation Case "Vista" CheckforElevation Case "2008" CheckforElevation Case Else Exit Sub End Select end sub sub CheckforElevation 'test whether user has elevated token Dim oShell, oExecWhoami, oWhoamiOutput, strWhoamiOutput, boolHasElevatedToken Set oShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set oExecWhoami = oShell.Exec("whoami /groups") Set oWhoamiOutput = oExecWhoami.StdOut strWhoamiOutput = oWhoamiOutput.ReadAll If InStr(1, strWhoamiOutput, "S-1-16-12288", vbTextCompare) Then boolHasElevatedToken = True If boolHasElevatedToken Then Wscript.Echo "Current script is running with elevated privs." Else Wscript.Echo "Current script is NOT running with elevated privs." End If end sub
Function IsElevated IsElevated = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd.exe /c ""whoami /groups|findstr S-1-16-12288""", 0, true) = 0 End function