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1> Konamiman..:


/// Represents a single bit that can be implicitly cast to/from and compared
/// with booleans and integers.
/// An instance with a value of one is equal to any non-zero integer and is true,
/// an instance with a value of zero is equal to the integer zero and is false.
/// Arithmetic and logical AND, OR and NOT, as well as arithmetic XOR, are supported.
public struct Bit
    /// Creates a new instance with the specified value.
    public Bit(int value) : this()
        Value = value == 0 ? 0 : 1;

    /// Gets the value of the bit, 0 or 1.
    public int Value { get; private set; }

    #region Implicit conversions

    public static implicit operator Bit(int value)
        return new Bit(value);

    public static implicit operator int(Bit value)
        return value.Value;

    public static implicit operator bool(Bit value)
        return value.Value == 1;

    public static implicit operator Bit(bool value)
        return new Bit(value ? 1 : 0);


    #region Arithmetic operators

    public static Bit operator |(Bit value1, Bit value2)
        return value1.Value | value2.Value;

    public static Bit operator &(Bit value1, Bit value2)
        return value1.Value & value2.Value;

    public static Bit operator ^(Bit value1, Bit value2)
        return value1.Value ^ value2.Value;

    public static Bit operator ~(Bit value)
        return new Bit(value.Value ^ 1);

    public static Bit operator !(Bit value)
        return ~value;


    #region The true and false operators

    public static bool operator true(Bit value)
        return value.Value == 1;

    public static bool operator false(Bit value)
        return value.Value == 0;


    #region Comparison operators

    public static bool operator ==(Bit bitValue, int intValue)
          (bitValue.Value == 0 && intValue == 0) || 
          (bitValue.Value == 1 && intValue != 0);

    public static bool operator !=(Bit bitValue, int intValue)
        return !(bitValue == intValue);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if(obj is int)
            return this == (int)obj;
            return base.Equals(obj);


我从来没有声称这个_use_ 1位内存.它只是_代表_ 1位.我仍然不理解downvotes.

2> Ed S...:



3> VVS..:


4> Jon Skeet..:

你想用它做什么?请记住,CLR不会尝试将多个变量打包到一个字节中,因此单独使用一个变量并不比布尔值更有用.如果你想拥有它们的集合 - 嗯,正如大卫指出的那样,这就是BitArray的用途.

如果我们确实有Bit结构,我怀疑人们会期望在内存中有效地打包多个Bit变量 - 由于首先没有类型,我们避免了这种期望并引导人们采用其他解决方案,如BitArray.

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