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无法将我的泊坞窗推送到Bluemix - 登录错误


我使用makefile创建了我的dockers,并检查它是否正确.事实上,我能够运行它,甚至可以毫无问题地上传到Docker Hub.然后我按照建议的步骤将docker上传到Bluemix,但无法执行此操作.我收到一个错误,告诉我我的凭据不正确,虽然我确信它们不是(事实上,我能够使用相同的凭证登录Bluemix网站而没有问题).


$ cf login
API endpoint: https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net

Email> agorostidi


Org seleccionada agorostidi

Space seleccionado dev

Endpoint API:   https://api.eu-gb.bluemix.net (version de API: 2.40.0)   
Usuario:        andres.gorostidi@gmail.com  
Org:            agorostidi   
Space:          dev   
MacBook-Pro-de-Andres:apache-docker andres$ cf ic login
Client certificates are being retrieved from IBM Containers...
Client certificates are being stored in /Users/andres/.ice/certs/...
Client certificates are being stored in /Users/andres/.ice/certs/containers-api.eu-gb.bluemix.net/504cc61c-47e2-4528-914a-3def71277eea...
Client certificates were retrieved.

Deleting old configuration file...
Checking local Docker configuration...

Authenticating with registry at host name registry.eu-gb.bluemix.net
Your container was authenticated with the IBM Containers registry.
Your private Bluemix repository is URL: registry.eu-gb.bluemix.net/goros

You can choose from two ways to use the Docker CLI with IBM Containers:

Option 1: This option allows you to use "cf ic" for managing containers on IBM Containers while still using the Docker CLI directly to manage your local Docker host.
    Use this Cloud Foundry IBM Containers plug-in without affecting the local Docker environment:

    Example Usage:
    cf ic ps
    cf ic images

Option 2: Use the Docker CLI directly. In this shell, override the local Docker environment to connect to IBM Containers by setting these variables. Copy and paste the following commands:
    Note: Only Docker commands followed by (Docker) are supported with this option. 

    export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://containers-api.eu-gb.bluemix.net:8443
    export DOCKER_CERT_PATH=/Users/andres/.ice/certs/containers-api.eu-gb.bluemix.net/504cc61c-47e2-4528-914a-3def71277eea
    export DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY=1

    Example Usage:
    docker ps
    docker images

MacBook-Pro-de-Andres:apache-docker andres$ docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/eci_test/chargeback:latest
The push refers to a repository [registry.ng.bluemix.net/eci_test/chargeback] (len: 1)
Sending image list

Please login prior to push:
Username: agorostidi
Email: andres.gorostidi@gmail.com
Error response from daemon: Wrong login/password, please try again

Alex da Silv.. 5

您登录到Bluemix London地区并尝试将图像推送到Bluemix US South区域,这就是为什么docker push命令再次要求您的凭据.

如果您想将图像推送到Bluemix US South地区,您必须先登录该地区.

请使用以下命令将API指向Bluemix US South区域:

$ cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net


$ cf login
$ cf ic login
$ docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/eci_test/chargeback:latest

否则,如果要将图像推送到Bluemix London区域,则必须重新标记图像名称以匹配伦敦地区:

$ docker tag chargeback:latest registry.eu-gb.bluemix.net/eci_test/chargeback:latest

然后,您可以运行docker push指定新标记图像的命令.

1> Alex da Silv..:

您登录到Bluemix London地区并尝试将图像推送到Bluemix US South区域,这就是为什么docker push命令再次要求您的凭据.

如果您想将图像推送到Bluemix US South地区,您必须先登录该地区.

请使用以下命令将API指向Bluemix US South区域:

$ cf api https://api.ng.bluemix.net


$ cf login
$ cf ic login
$ docker push registry.ng.bluemix.net/eci_test/chargeback:latest

否则,如果要将图像推送到Bluemix London区域,则必须重新标记图像名称以匹配伦敦地区:

$ docker tag chargeback:latest registry.eu-gb.bluemix.net/eci_test/chargeback:latest

然后,您可以运行docker push指定新标记图像的命令.

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