任何人都有一个用C语言编写的非递归填充工作源代码(或者c ++不是太大的OOP而且我可以很容易地解开)?
private static void Floodfill(byte[,] vals, Point q, byte SEED_COLOR, byte COLOR) { int h = vals.GetLength(0); int w = vals.GetLength(1); if (q.Y < 0 || q.Y > h - 1 || q.X < 0 || q.X > w - 1) return; Stackstack = new Stack (); stack.Push(q); while (stack.Count > 0) { Point p = stack.Pop(); int x = p.X; int y = p.Y; if (y < 0 || y > h - 1 || x < 0 || x > w - 1) continue; byte val = vals[y, x]; if (val == SEED_COLOR) { vals[y, x] = COLOR; stack.Push(new Point(x + 1, y)); stack.Push(new Point(x - 1, y)); stack.Push(new Point(x, y + 1)); stack.Push(new Point(x, y - 1)); } } }
connectedRegion(const Point& source, RegionType& region, const Color target) { Color src_color = color_of(source, region); if (region.count(source) == 0 || src_color == target) return; std::queueanalyze_queue; analyze_queue.push(source); while (!analyze_queue.empty()) { if (color_of(analyze_queue.front()) != src_color) { analyze_queue.pop(); continue; } Point leftmost_pt = analyze_queue.front(); leftmost_pt.col -= 1; analyze_queue.pop(); Point rightmost_pt = leftmost_pt; rightmost_pt.col += 2; while (color_of(leftmost_pt, region) == src_color) --leftmost_pt.col; while (color_of(rightmost_pt, region) == src_color) ++rightmost_pt.col; bool check_above = true; bool check_below = true; Point pt = leftmost_pt; ++pt.col; for (; pt.col < rightmost_pt.col; ++pt.col) { set_color(pt, region, target); Point pt_above = pt; --pt_above.row; if (check_above) { if (color_of(pt_above, region) == src_color) { analyze_queue.push(pt_above); check_above = false; } } else // !check_above { check_above = (color_of(pt_above, region) != src_color); } Point pt_below = pt; ++pt_below.row; if (check_below) { if (color_of(pt_below, region) == src_color) { analyze_queue.push(pt_below); check_below = false; } } else // !check_below { check_below = (color_of(pt_below, region) != src_color); } } // for } // while queue not empty return connected; }
一个快速的谷歌搜索引出维基百科有关Flood Fill的文章,其中包括非递归的伪代码实现.下面是一些可以帮助您入门的代码,C中的基本队列实现:
typedef struct queue_ { struct queue_ *next; } queue_t; typedef struct ffnode_ { queue_t node; int x, y; } ffnode_t; /* returns the new head of the queue after adding node to the queue */ queue_t* enqueue(queue_t *queue, queue_t *node) { if (node) { node->next = queue; return node; } return NULL; } /* returns the head of the queue and modifies queue to be the new head */ queue_t* dequeue(queue_t **queue) { if (queue) { queue_t *node = (*queue); (*queue) = node->next; node->next = NULL; return node; } return NULL; } ffnode_t* new_ffnode(int x, int y) { ffnode_t *node = (ffnode_t*)malloc(sizeof(ffnode_t)); node->x = x; node->y = y; node->node.next = NULL; return node; } void flood_fill(image_t *image, int startx, int starty, color_t target, color_t replacement) { queue_t *head = NULL; ffnode_t *node = NULL; if (!is_color(image, startx, starty, target)) return; node = new_ffnode(startx, starty); for ( ; node != NULL; node = (ffnode_t*)dequeue(&head)) { if (is_color(image, node->x, node->y, target)) { ffnode_t *west = node, *east = node; recolor(image, node->x, node->y, replacement); /* 1. move w to the west until the color of the node to the west no longer matches target */ ... } } }
是不是有证据表明所有递归函数都可以通过使用本地数据模拟堆栈来实现为迭代函数?您可以使用std :: vector来创建算法的类似堆栈的行为,而不会破坏堆栈,因为它将使用堆.
编辑:我注意到你正在使用C,所以你可以通过realloc实现类似的行为,而不是std :: vector,因为你需要在你所使用的任何数据结构的本地"堆栈"中添加更多元素.