我有一个MySQL表,其中一列中的所有数据都是以大写形式输入的,但是我需要转换为标题大小写,并且识别出类似于Daring Fireball Title Case脚本的"小词" .
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS lowerword; SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE; DELIMITER | CREATE FUNCTION lowerword( str VARCHAR(128), word VARCHAR(5) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(128) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE loc INT; SET loc = LOCATE(CONCAT(word,' '), str, 2); IF loc > 1 THEN WHILE i <= LENGTH (str) AND loc <> 0 DO SET str = INSERT(str,loc,LENGTH(word),LCASE(word)); SET i = loc+LENGTH(word); SET loc = LOCATE(CONCAT(word,' '), str, i); END WHILE; END IF; RETURN str; END; | DELIMITER ;
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS tcase; SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators=TRUE; DELIMITER | CREATE FUNCTION tcase( str VARCHAR(128) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(128) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE c CHAR(1); DECLARE s VARCHAR(128); DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE bool INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE punct CHAR(17) DEFAULT ' ()[]{},.-_!@;:?/'; SET s = LCASE( str ); WHILE i <= LENGTH( str ) DO BEGIN SET c = SUBSTRING( s, i, 1 ); IF LOCATE( c, punct ) > 0 THEN SET bool = 1; ELSEIF bool=1 THEN BEGIN IF c >= 'a' AND c <= 'z' THEN BEGIN SET s = CONCAT(LEFT(s,i-1),UCASE(c),SUBSTRING(s,i+1)); SET bool = 0; END; ELSEIF c >= '0' AND c <= '9' THEN SET bool = 0; END IF; END; END IF; SET i = i+1; END; END WHILE; SET s = lowerword(s, 'A'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'An'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'And'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'As'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'At'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'But'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'By'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'For'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'If'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'In'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'Of'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'On'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'Or'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'The'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'To'); SET s = lowerword(s, 'Via'); RETURN s; END; | DELIMITER ;
SELECT tcase(title) FROM table;
UPDATE table SET title = tcase(title);
资料来源:http://www.artfulsoftware.com/infotree/queries.php?& bw = 1070#122
UPDATE table_name SET `col_name`= CONCAT( UPPER( SUBSTRING( `col_name`, 1, 1 ) ) , LOWER( SUBSTRING( `col_name` FROM 2 ) ) );
DELIMITER | CREATE FUNCTION replaceword( str VARCHAR(128), word VARCHAR(128) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(128) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE loc INT; DECLARE punct CHAR(27) DEFAULT ' ()[]{},.-_!@;:?/''"#$%^&*<>'; DECLARE lowerWord VARCHAR(128); DECLARE lowerStr VARCHAR(128); IF LENGTH(word) = 0 THEN RETURN str; END IF; SET lowerWord = LOWER(word); SET lowerStr = LOWER(str); SET loc = LOCATE(lowerWord, lowerStr, 1); WHILE loc > 0 DO IF loc = 1 OR LOCATE(SUBSTRING(str, loc-1, 1), punct) > 0 THEN IF loc+LENGTH(word) > LENGTH(str) OR LOCATE(SUBSTRING(str, loc+LENGTH(word), 1), punct) > 0 THEN SET str = INSERT(str,loc,LENGTH(word),word); END IF; END IF; SET loc = LOCATE(lowerWord, lowerStr, loc+LENGTH(word)); END WHILE; RETURN str; END; | DELIMITER ; DELIMITER | CREATE FUNCTION tcase( str VARCHAR(128) ) RETURNS VARCHAR(128) DETERMINISTIC BEGIN DECLARE c CHAR(1); DECLARE s VARCHAR(128); DECLARE i INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE bool INT DEFAULT 1; DECLARE punct CHAR(27) DEFAULT ' ()[]{},.-_!@;:?/''"#$%^&*<>'; SET s = LCASE( str ); WHILE i <= LENGTH( str ) DO BEGIN SET c = SUBSTRING( s, i, 1 ); IF LOCATE( c, punct ) > 0 THEN SET bool = 1; ELSEIF bool=1 THEN BEGIN IF c >= 'a' AND c <= 'z' THEN BEGIN SET s = CONCAT(LEFT(s,i-1),UCASE(c),SUBSTRING(s,i+1)); SET bool = 0; END; ELSEIF c >= '0' AND c <= '9' THEN SET bool = 0; END IF; END; END IF; SET i = i+1; END; END WHILE; SET s = replaceword(s, 'a'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'an'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'and'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'as'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'at'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'but'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'by'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'for'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'if'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'in'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'n'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'of'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'on'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'or'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'the'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'to'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'via'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'RSS'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'URL'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'PHP'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'SQL'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'OPML'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'DHTML'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'CSV'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'iCal'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'XML'); SET s = replaceword(s, 'PDF'); SET c = SUBSTRING( s, 1, 1 ); IF c >= 'a' AND c <= 'z' THEN SET s = CONCAT(UCASE(c),SUBSTRING(s,2)); END IF; RETURN s; END; | DELIMITER ;