用Interval := 1
unit main; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, ActnList; type TMainForm = class(TForm) ActionList: TActionList; imgTileset: TImage; imgTilesetCursor: TImage; lblTiles: TLabel; lvwRecords: TListView; MapEditor: TPaintBox; MapViewer: TScrollBox; LeftSidePanel: TPanel; RightSidePanel: TPanel; ProjectManagerSplitter: TSplitter; StatusBar: TStatusBar; ProjectManagerTree: TTreeView; MouseTimer: TTimer; TilesetViewer: TScrollBox; ToolBar1: TToolBar; Image1: TImage; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure imgTilesetMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure imgTilesetMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure imgTilesetMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MapEditorMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MapEditorMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MapEditorMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure MapEditorPaint(Sender: TObject); procedure MouseTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); private procedure DoDrawTile(X, Y: Integer); procedure FinishedDrawing; public { public declarations } end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation uses generalutils, maputils, optionsdlg, systemutils; {$R *.lfm} { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.DoDrawTile(X, Y: Integer); begin if GetKeyPressed(VK_LBUTTON) then begin DeleteTileAtPosition(FMapTilePos.X, FMapTilePos.Y, lvwRecords); with lvwRecords.Items.Add do begin Caption := IntToStr(FMapTilePos.X); SubItems.Add(IntToStr(FMapTilePos.Y)); SubItems.Add(IntToStr(FTilesetPos.X)); SubItems.Add(IntToStr(FTilesetPos.Y)); end; lblTiles.Caption := 'Tiles: ' + IntToStr(lvwRecords.Items.Count); end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.FinishedDrawing; begin CleanObsoleteMapTiles(lvwRecords); lblTiles.Caption := 'Tiles: ' + IntToStr(lvwRecords.Items.Count); FIsDrawing := False; FIsDeleting := False; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin DoubleBuffered := True; TilesetViewer.DoubleBuffered := True; MapViewer.DoubleBuffered := True; MapEditor.Height := FMapHeight; MapEditor.Width := FMapWidth; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.imgTilesetMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if GetKeyPressed(VK_LBUTTON) then begin PositionTilesetCursor(imgTileset, imgTilesetCursor, X, Y); ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, FTilesetPos); end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.imgTilesetMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if GetKeyPressed(VK_LBUTTON) then begin PositionTilesetCursor(imgTileset, imgTilesetCursor, X, Y); ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, FTilesetPos); end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.imgTilesetMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, FTilesetPos); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.MapEditorMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin FIsDrawing := GetKeyPressed(VK_LBUTTON); FIsDeleting := GetKeyPressed(VK_RBUTTON); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.MapEditorMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin FIsDrawing := GetKeyPressed(VK_LBUTTON); FIsDeleting := GetKeyPressed(VK_RBUTTON); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.MapEditorMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin FinishedDrawing(); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.MapEditorPaint(Sender: TObject); var I, J: Integer; TileX, TileY: Integer; MapX, MapY: Integer; begin // draw empty/water tiles << NEEDS OPTIMIZATION >> {for I := 0 to GetMapTilesColumnCount(FMapWidth) do begin for J := 0 to GetMapTilesRowCount(FMapHeight) do begin DrawTileOnMap(Image1, 0, 0, I * FTileWidth, J * FTileHeight, MapEditor.Canvas); end; end;} // draw tiles with lvwRecords do begin for I := 0 to Items.Count -1 do begin MapX := StrToInt(Items[I].Caption); MapY := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[0]); TileX := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[1]); TileY := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[2]); DrawTileOnMap(imgTileset, TileX, TileY, MapX, MapY, MapEditor.Canvas); end; end; PaintGrid(MapEditor.Canvas, FMapWidth, FMapHeight, 32, 1, $00543B1B); end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure TMainForm.MouseTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); var Ctrl: TControl; Pt: TPoint; begin FMapTileColumn := -1; FMapTileRow := -1; StatusBar.Panels[2].Text := ''; // check if the cursor is above the map editor... Ctrl := FindControlAtPosition(Mouse.CursorPos, True); if Ctrl <> nil then begin if (Ctrl = MapEditor) then begin Pt := Mouse.CursorPos; Pt := MapEditor.ScreenToClient(Pt); ConvertToSnapPosition(Pt.X, Pt.Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, FMapTilePos); // assign the tile column and row, then update in statusbar FMapTileColumn := MapTilePositionToColumn(FMapTilePos.X); FMapTileRow := MapTilePositionToRow(FMapTilePos.Y); // check if the mouse is inside the map editor... if (FMapTileColumn > -1) and (FMapTileRow > -1) then begin // check if drawing and draw tile if FIsDrawing then begin DoDrawTile(FMapTilePos.X, FMapTilePos.Y); end; // check if deleting and delete tile if FIsDeleting then begin DeleteTileAtPosition(FMapTilePos.X, FMapTilePos.Y, lvwRecords); end; end; end; end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } end.
unit maputils; {$mode objfpc}{$H+} interface uses Classes, SysUtils, Controls, Graphics, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls; procedure PaintGrid(MapCanvas: TCanvas; MapWidth, MapHeight: Integer; CellSize: Integer; LineWidth: Integer; GridColor: TColor); procedure ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y: Integer; SnapX, SnapY: Integer; var APoint: TPoint); procedure PositionTilesetCursor(const Tileset, TilesetCursor: TImage; X, Y: Integer); procedure PositionMapCursor(const Map, MapCursor: TControl; X, Y: Integer); procedure DrawTileOnMap(const Tileset: TImage; TileX, TileY: Integer; MapX, MapY: Integer; OutCanvas: TCanvas); function GetMapTilesColumnCount(MapWidth: Integer): Integer; function GetMapTilesRowCount(MapHeight: Integer): Integer; function MapTilePositionToColumn(MapX: Integer): Integer; function MapTilePositionToRow(MapY: Integer): Integer; function MapTileColumnIndexToPosition(ColumnIndex: Integer): Integer; function MapTileRowIndexToPosition(RowIndex: Integer): Integer; function IsTileAtPosition(MapX, MapY: Integer; const TileRecords: TListView): Boolean; procedure DeleteTileAtPosition(MapX, MapY: Integer; const TileRecords: TListView); procedure CleanObsoleteMapTiles(const TileRecords: TListView); const FTileHeight = 32; // height of each tile FTileWidth = 32; // width of each tile FSnapX = 32; // size of the X Snap FSnapY = 32; // size of the Y Snap FMapHeight = 1280; // height of the map FMapWidth = 1280; // width of the map var FTilesetPos: TPoint; // tile position in tileset FMapTilePos: TPoint; // tile position in map FMapTileColumn: Integer; FMapTileRow: Integer; FIsDrawing: Boolean; // flag to determine if drawing tile on map. FIsDeleting: Boolean; // flag to determine if deleting tile from map. implementation { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure PaintGrid(MapCanvas: TCanvas; MapWidth, MapHeight: Integer; CellSize: Integer; LineWidth: Integer; GridColor: TColor); var ARect: TRect; X, Y: Integer; begin ARect := Rect(0, 0, MapWidth, MapHeight); with MapCanvas do begin Pen.Mode := pmCopy; Pen.Style := psSolid; Pen.Width := LineWidth; // horizontal lines Y := ARect.Top + CellSize; Pen.Color := GridColor; while Y <= ARect.Bottom do begin MoveTo(ARect.Left, Y -1); LineTo(ARect.Right, Y -1); Inc(Y, CellSize); end; // vertical lines X := ARect.Left + CellSize; Pen.Color := GridColor; while X <= ARect.Right do begin MoveTo(X -1, ARect.Top); LineTo(X -1, ARect.Bottom); Inc(X, CellSize); end; // draw left border MoveTo(LineWidth-1, LineWidth-1); LineTo(LineWidth-1, MapHeight); // draw top border MoveTo(LineWidth-1, LineWidth-1); LineTo(MapWidth, LineWidth-1); end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y: Integer; SnapX, SnapY: Integer; var APoint: TPoint); begin if (X > 0) then APoint.X := X div SnapX * SnapY; if (Y > 0) then APoint.Y := Y div SnapY * SnapX; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure PositionTilesetCursor(const Tileset, TilesetCursor: TImage; X, Y: Integer); var Pt: TPoint; begin ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, Pt); if (X > 0) and (X < Tileset.Width) then TilesetCursor.Left := Pt.X; if (Y > 0) and (Y < Tileset.Height) then TilesetCursor.Top := Pt.Y; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure PositionMapCursor(const Map, MapCursor: TControl; X, Y: Integer); var Pt: TPoint; begin ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, Pt); if (X > 0) and (X < Map.Width) then MapCursor.Left := Pt.X; if (Y > 0) and (Y < Map.Height) then MapCursor.Top := Pt.Y; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure DrawTileOnMap(const Tileset: TImage; TileX, TileY: Integer; MapX, MapY: Integer; OutCanvas: TCanvas); var Bitmap: TBitmap; begin Bitmap := TBitmap.Create; try Bitmap.PixelFormat := pf24Bit; Bitmap.SetSize(FTileWidth, FTileHeight); Bitmap.Canvas.CopyRect( Rect(0, 0, FTileWidth, FTileHeight), Tileset.Canvas, Rect(TileX, TileY, TileX + FTileWidth, TileY + FTileHeight)); OutCanvas.Draw(MapX, MapY, Bitmap); finally Bitmap.Free; end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function GetMapTilesColumnCount(MapWidth: Integer): Integer; var LCount: Integer; begin LCount := 0; Result := 0; repeat Inc(LCount, FTileWidth); until LCount = MapWidth; Result := LCount div FTileWidth; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function GetMapTilesRowCount(MapHeight: Integer): Integer; var LCount: Integer; begin LCount := 0; Result := 0; repeat Inc(LCount, FTileHeight); until LCount = MapHeight; Result := LCount div FTileHeight; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function MapTilePositionToColumn(MapX: Integer): Integer; begin Result := MapX div FTileWidth; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function MapTilePositionToRow(MapY: Integer): Integer; begin Result := MapY div FTileHeight; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function MapTileColumnIndexToPosition(ColumnIndex: Integer): Integer; begin Result := ColumnIndex * FTileWidth; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function MapTileRowIndexToPosition(RowIndex: Integer): Integer; begin Result := RowIndex * FTileHeight; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } function IsTileAtPosition(MapX, MapY: Integer; const TileRecords: TListView): Boolean; var I: Integer; LMapX, LMapY: Integer; begin Result := False; with TileRecords do begin for I := 0 to Items.Count -1 do begin LMapX := StrToInt(Items[I].Caption); LMapY := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[0]); if (MapX = LMapX) and (MapY = LMapY) then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure DeleteTileAtPosition(MapX, MapY: Integer; const TileRecords: TListView); var I: Integer; LMapX, LMapY: Integer; begin if IsTileAtPosition(MapX, MapY, TileRecords) then begin with TileRecords do begin for I := Items.Count -1 downto 0 do begin LMapX := StrToInt(Items[I].Caption); LMapY := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[0]); if (MapX = LMapX) and (MapY = LMapY) then begin Items.Delete(I); end; end; end; end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } procedure CleanObsoleteMapTiles(const TileRecords: TListView); var I, J: Integer; begin with TileRecords do begin Items.BeginUpdate; try SortType := stText; for I := Items.Count -1 downto 0 do begin for J := Items.Count -1 downto I + 1 do begin if SameText(Items[I].Caption, Items[J].Caption) and SameText(Items[I].SubItems[0], Items[J].SubItems[0]) and SameText(Items[I].SubItems[1], Items[J].SubItems[1]) and SameText(Items[I].SubItems[2], Items[J].SubItems[2]) then begin Items.Delete(J); end; end; end; TileRecords.SortType := stNone; finally TileRecords.Items.EndUpdate; end; end; end; { ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } end.
当处理X时,Y坐标假设我们捕捉到32x32的网格,例如:如果X = 3,则单元格为96等.
不要使用a TTimer
const FTileHeight = 32; // height of each tile FTileWidth = 32; // width of each tile FSnapX = 32; // size of the X Snap FSnapY = 32; // size of the Y Snap FMapHeight = 1280; // height of the map FMapWidth = 1280; // width of the map var FTilesetPos: TPoint; // tile position in tileset FMapTilePos: TPoint; // tile position in map FMapTileColumn: Integer; FMapTileRow: Integer; FIsDrawing: Boolean; // flag to determine if drawing tile on map. procedure DrawTileOnMap(const Tileset: TImage; TileX, TileY: Integer; MapX, MapY: Integer; OutCanvas: TCanvas); begin OutCanvas.CopyRect( Rect(MapX, MapY, MapX + FTileWidth, MapY + FTileHeight), Tileset.Canvas, Rect(TileX, TileY, TileX + FTileWidth, TileY + FTileHeight)); end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin FTilesetPos := Point(-1, -1); FMapTilePos := Point(-1, -1); FMapTileColumn = -1; FMapTileRow := -1; FIsDrawing := False; end; procedure TMainForm.MapEditorMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbMiddle then Exit; if Button = mbLeft then FIsDrawing := True end else DeleteTileAtPosition(FMapTilePos.X, FMapTilePos.Y, lvwRecords); MapEditor.Invalidate; end; procedure TMainForm.MapEditorMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin ConvertToSnapPosition(X, Y, FSnapX, FSnapY, FMapTilePos); FMapTileColumn := MapTilePositionToColumn(FMapTilePos.X); FMapTileRow := MapTilePositionToRow(FMapTilePos.Y); if (Button = mbLeft) and FDrawing then MapEditor.Invalidate; end; procedure TMainForm.MapEditorMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbLeft then begin FIsDrawing := False MapEditor.Invalidate; end; end; procedure TMainForm.MapEditorPaint(Sender: TObject); var I, J: Integer; TileX, TileY: Integer; MapX, MapY: Integer; begin // draw empty/water tiles << NEEDS OPTIMIZATION AS VERY SLOW >> {for I := 0 to GetMapTilesColumnCount(FMapWidth) do begin for J := 0 to GetMapTilesRowCount(FMapHeight) do begin DrawTileOnMap(Image1, 0, 0, I * FTileWidth, J * FTileHeight, MapEditor.Canvas); end; end;} // draw tiles with lvwRecords do begin for I := 0 to Items.Count -1 do begin MapX := StrToInt(Items[I].Caption); MapY := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[0]); TileX := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[1]); TileY := StrToInt(Items[I].SubItems[2]); DrawTileOnMap(imgTileset, TileX, TileY, MapX, MapY, MapEditor.Canvas); end; end; PaintGrid(MapEditor.Canvas, FMapWidth, FMapHeight, 32, 1, $00543B1B); if (FMapTileColumn > -1) and (FMapTileRow > -1) and FDrawing then DoDrawTile(FMapTilePos.X, FMapTilePos.Y); end;