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在API <17上运行Android Studio验证错误


我正在将一个应用程序从Eclipse移植到Android Studio,并且在尝试在API小于17的模拟器上运行应用程序时遇到验证错误.我很感激有关如何处理此问题的任何指导.这是在API 8仿真器上的logcat中显示的内容:

12-27 01:48:27.189 431-431/com.zigzagworld.icjl.tanachbible W/dalvikvm: VFY: register1 v10 type 12, wanted 10
12-27 01:48:27.189 431-431/com.zigzagworld.icjl.tanachbible W/dalvikvm: VFY:  rejecting opcode 0x70 at 0x005e
12-27 01:48:27.189 431-431/com.zigzagworld.icjl.tanachbible W/dalvikvm: VFY:  rejected Lcom/zigzagworld/fonts/GlyphMetrics;. (SSS[S)V
12-27 01:48:27.189 431-431/com.zigzagworld.icjl.tanachbible W/dalvikvm: Verifier rejected class Lcom/zigzagworld/fonts/GlyphMetrics;

紧接着就是应用程序崩溃后立即(毫不奇怪)java.lang.VerifyError.相同的.apk文件将在API级别17及更高级别上正常运行.API 17及更高版本有不同的代码路径,但GlyphMetrics无论API级别如何,都会在某些时候使用该类.(如果不同的代码路径可以对类在加载时是否生成验证错误产生影响,有人请告诉我!)


package com.zigzagworld.fonts;

import static com.zigzagworld.fonts.Diacritics.LOWER_DIACRITIC;
import static com.zigzagworld.fonts.Diacritics.UPPER_DIACRITIC;

 * Represents the layout metrics for a glyph.
 * @author Ted Hopp
public final class GlyphMetrics {

    public static final short[] EMPTY_EXCLUSION = new short[0];
    public static final short[][] EMPTY_EXCLUSIONS = { EMPTY_EXCLUSION, EMPTY_EXCLUSION };
    /** The width of the glyph image, in pixels. */
    public short width;
    /** The height of the glyph image, in pixels. */
    public short height;
     * The distance in pixels between the top of the glyph image and the
     * baseline of the line. A positive value means that the top of the glyph
     * should be above the baseline of the line; a negative value means that the
     * top of the glyph should be below the baseline of the line.
    public short baseline;
     * The upper and lower axes for placement of diacriticals. Each axis is the
     * distance from the left of the glyph image at which diacriticals should be
     * centered. (The formatting algorithm for the font may move diacriticals
     * from this position to avoid interference between glyphs.)
    public short[] axes;
     * The upper and lower exclusion zone arrays. If there are n upper
     * (say) zones, the upper array has length length 2*n. The array has
     * the left edge of the first zone, the right edge of the first zone, the
     * left edge of the second zone, etc. The lower zone data are organized in
     * the same way.
    public short[][] zones;

    public GlyphMetrics(short width, short height, short baseline, short[] layoutData) {
        this.width = width;
        this.height = height;
        this.baseline = baseline;
        axes = new short[2];
        width >>= 1; // for the rest of this, we need the half-width
        if (layoutData == null || layoutData.length == 0) {
            axes[UPPER_DIACRITIC] = axes[LOWER_DIACRITIC] = width;
            zones = EMPTY_EXCLUSIONS;
        } else {
            axes[UPPER_DIACRITIC] = layoutData[0];
            if (layoutData.length < 2) {
                axes[LOWER_DIACRITIC] = width;
            } else {
                axes[LOWER_DIACRITIC] = layoutData[1];
            if (layoutData.length < 5) {
                zones = EMPTY_EXCLUSIONS;
            } else {
                int nUpper = layoutData[2] << 1;
                zones = new short[2][];
                zones[UPPER_DIACRITIC] = new short[nUpper];
                System.arraycopy(layoutData, 3, zones[UPPER_DIACRITIC], 0, nUpper);

                int lowerStart = 3 + nUpper;
                if (layoutData.length < 2 + lowerStart) {
                    zones[LOWER_DIACRITIC] = EMPTY_EXCLUSION;
                } else {
                    int nLower = layoutData[lowerStart++] << 1;
                    zones[LOWER_DIACRITIC] = new short[nLower];
                    System.arraycopy(layoutData, lowerStart, zones[LOWER_DIACRITIC], 0, nLower);


我正在使用带有Gradle插件com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.0.0-alpha3和JDK 1.7.0_80的Android Studio 2.0 Preview 4来构建它.这是build.gradle.apk模块的文件:

apply plugin: 'com.android.application'

android {
    compileSdkVersion 23
    buildToolsVersion '23.0.2'
    defaultConfig {
        applicationId "com.zigzagworld.icjl.tanachbible"
        minSdkVersion 8
        targetSdkVersion 23
        versionCode 10800310
        versionName "3.1.0"
        manifestPlaceholders = [
                appName: "App",
                v8TOCActivityName: "BaseTOCActivity",
                v8PurchaseActivityName: "PurchaseActivity",
                v17TOCActivityName: "TOCActivity",
                v17PurchaseActivityName: "PurchaseActivity",
    signingConfigs {
        // redacted for this post
    buildTypes {
        release {
            minifyEnabled true
            proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), 'proguard-rules.pro'
            //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
            signingConfig // redacted
    flavorDimensions "market"
    productFlavors {
        google {
            dimension "market"
            manifestPlaceholders = [
                appName: "App_Google",
                v8TOCActivityName: "TOCActivity_Google",
                v8PurchaseActivityName: "GooglePurchaseActivity",
                v17TOCActivityName: "TOCActivity_Google",
                v17PurchaseActivityName: "GooglePurchaseActivity"
        amazon {
            dimension "market"
            manifestPlaceholders = [
                appName: "App_Amazon",
                v8TOCActivityName: "BaseTOCActivity",
                v8PurchaseActivityName: "PurchaseActivity",
                v17TOCActivityName: "TOCActivity",
                v17PurchaseActivityName: "PurchaseActivity"
        sideLoad {
            dimension "market"
            manifestPlaceholders = [
                    appName: "App_Unlicensed",
                    v8TOCActivityName: "BaseTOCActivity",
                    v8PurchaseActivityName: "PurchaseActivity",
                    v17TOCActivityName: "TOCActivity",
                    v17PurchaseActivityName: "PurchaseActivity"

dependencies {
    compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar'], dir: 'libs')
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'
    compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.1'
    compile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:23.1.1'
    compile project(':Tanach Data')
    googleCompile project(':Google Vending')
    amazonCompile project(':Amazon Vending')


1> Androiderson..:



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